ITT: essential horror kino
ITT: essential horror kino
Other urls found in this thread:
I thought Noroi was boring as shit until that ending
way to brighten up the thread
> The Excorcist
> The Excorcist Part 3
> Suspiria
> Texas Chainsaw Massicare
> Wicker man
> The Fly (80s)
> The Shining
> Poltergiest
> The Thing
> The Others
> The Sixth Sense
> Shaun of the dead
> Let the right one in
Friday 13th
Silence of the lambs
Invasion of the body snatchers
Night of the living dead
Drag me to hell
The Exorcist III is one of the most underrated horror films ever made. I could not believe how good it was. I thought it was another shitty sequel money cash grab. Just as scary and powerful as first one. Has the greatest jumpscare scene in horror.
>Quarantine (original spanish language version)
And some of my home country of Germany (and one austrian movie)
>Funny Games (original austrian version, though it's more a horror/thriller)
>Rammbock (2010)
>Melancholie der Engel
just watched starry eyes based on a Sup Forums rec and it sucked ass, only redeeming quality was the gore scenes
You should watch Melancholie der Engel if you like gore. People downvoted it to oblivion because apparently it's too disturbing for americans.
>mfw the whole purpose of that movie was to make you as uncomfortable as possible
The Shining
i heard about that one, ill check it out
I remember that scene....
Noroi was compelling as the seemingly unrelated plot threads were in the process of converging, but as soon as the basic mystery was pieced together, it just became a fucking melodramatic mess.
Let's see
The Shining
The Evil Dead (2 as well)
Jacob's Ladder
The Thing
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
The Dead Zone
The Amityville Horror
The Brood
The Fly
Black Christmas
The Return of the Living Dead
Night of the Living Dead
An American Werewolf in London
28 Days Later
Peeping Tom
Rosemary's Baby
The Omen
Pet Sematary
Near Dark
The Changeling
Killer Klowns From Outer Space
House on Haunted Hill (original)
jesus camp
It's the scariest thing I've seen. It's up there with the dog suit scene in The Shining. It's the fast zoom in and surreal-ness that gets me.
Sleepaway Camp. It's the Sixth Sense of slasher movies.
Well, the scene worked: haven't seen it since release, yet I still remembered exactly what you were talking about.
And, let's face it: George C. Scott is fucking brilliant.
>CTRL + F "Devil's Advocate"
>no results
Seriously? Fucking primo horrorkino
Watched coherence a few days ago. Don't know if it's kino, but as far as psychological horror goes it's pretty damn good. I haven't seen a good psychological horror film in years though so I might be overreacting.
>George C. Scott is fucking brilliant
Indeed! He's also in the Changeling (another horror icon), and he delivers a brilliant performance. Usually in the horror films they have a cute actress for all the fearful scenes: she screams, we understand something scary is happening. The Changeling really uses only George C. Scott - he has to deliver the emotions to the audience all on his own. And he delivers.
I have a question. I think I watched an exorcist movie back in the day, one that was garbage but I now think it wasn't part of the exorcist trilogy. It was in some country like egypt or India where they discovered some tomb I think, it was so shit, but I always thought it was one of the 2 exorcist sequels. I watched it a decade ago so I don't remember much. The thing is that scene reminds me of the movie for some reason, that's why I'm asking.
Suspiria, Babadook, VVITCH, Eraserhead
opinion discarded
you don't get to speak, pleb.
hmmm....that's not ringing any bells - give us moar, and I am sure some horroranon will be able to help - actors, scenes, critters, anything you remember.
opinion discarded
you don't get to speak, pleb.
Barely a horror movie
this shit comes so fucking out of nowhere.
I almost threw my laptop into the wall the first time I saw it.
Watching this in a few weeks for a horror class I'm taking at uni. My professor only shows us pure kino
What is it supposed to be? The statue without a head, a ghost, the devil? I haven't seen the film but have seen this scene a lot. Scary shit. I hate the way it walks.
kek, it WAS good, wasn't it....
I hate to say it, but ya gotta watch the film - any spoilers would just wreck everything.
The statue without the head is just a visual clue of what happens to the nurse.
The story is fuzzy, the rest of the movie is meh, I've heard the fan edit (Legion: An Exorcist III Fanedit) makes it a solid 7/10 and trims away some of the hammy acting, but I havent seen it.
Not sure if mentioned, but these are my favorites
>Peeping Tom
>Beauty and The Beast
>Mr Arashis Amazing Freak Show
>The Saragossa Manuscript
>The Hourglass Sanatorium
>Rosemary's Baby
>The Gremlins
Shutter is objectively the best Horror kino ever made
it's called build up, modern horror has forgotten this.
the whole forest scene and the ending feels so earned and so horrifying in Noroi.
but watch it out of context and is cheap and kind of stupid
Noroi was a master class of horror
Never heard of The Changeling. Starting it now. Thanks guys I was looking for something good to watch. I'll be back with my opinion I guess.
>drag me to hell
What is this meme? Legitimately terrible, flick at best.
it was fun
Horror fans are so cringe.
Fun is just a buzzword for when you can't think of why you enjoyed the crappy flick you just sat through. Completely nonobjective, find something GOOD about it.
Kill List is pretty good but its a slow burn and doesn't go full horror until the end
I hope you live in a big spooky house...
No fun allowed here! Serious patricians only, amirite?
Come on, at least tell me something you liked about the movie other than "fun".
Some great modern stuff:
The Witch
You're Next
Kill List (probably the best of the 21st century)
The Mist
My top 5 all time
1. Possession (1981)
2. Repulsion (Polanski)
3. Blue Velvet
4. The Devils (Ken Russell)
5. The Brood
There's also an Exorcist prequel, starring Stelan Skarsgard iirc.
Watched Green Room a few days ago. Was legit. Had no idea it was by the same guy as Blue Ruin
All above are excellent, especially Noroi.
1408 theatrical cut is pretty good. Director's cut ending takes away the gutwrenching original ending.
need I say more?
pleb detected, ignore on sight
Oh, I ain't him: I am merely ridiculing your nasty aversion to fun.
Sorry, pleb: patricians don't spell 'W' with two 'V's. That's pleb-tier desperation for attention.
Have fun with your pleb flick.
Coincidentally, Noroi might actually be a huge fluke.
Cause this, while similar and by the same guy, has probably the most laughable ending I've ever seen in Japanese horror.
I love your top 5 so I'm going to recommend something. You should watch Blind Beast (1969).
Having fun is fine, what I dislike is when you say something is "Kino" but you can't back it up, just saying it's fun. You should say you enjoy the atmosphere, the acting work, the music, the effects, or ANYTHING objective, instead of just saying "It's fun!"
Hows the Japanese version of Pulse
Makes for a good marathon
Best gory scene in any film ever (the one with the lawnmower).
Thanks user, I'll try to check it track it down.
'kino' is a meme, user. It is utterly meaningless. Saying a movie is 'fun' is saying something; saying it is 'kino' is trolling. Don't be that guy; don't be a troll.
I know kino is a meme, but it has evolved into having the meaning of a quality movie. You can't just say "drag me to hell is kino" without backing it up with some opinion other than fun. What does "fun" mean? What about it did you actually enjoy? When you just say "it was fun", you aren't actually saying anything other than you enjoyed it. You can't refute someone saying it shouldn't be on your list by saying "I enjoyed the movie", you should give some detail on what you like.
It's pretty bizarre, even for Japanese cinema of its time. Hey let me know if you find a torrent. I don't have a copy anymore.
would have been better if it was half an hour shorter
the fake "snuff" films in sinister are fun little horror short films in their own right, a couple of them are genuinely disturbing
the rest of the movie is meh
The Grifter
freaked me out as a kid
Ju on
well the first half at least. i dunno the second half just didnt do it for me but i thought the first was excellent
i dunno senpai but this pic really makes you think
The Shining
Pet Semetary
The Others
Devil's advocate is better than Rosemary's baby desu
a nightmare on elm street
>Pet Semetary
Fucking good call, can't believe I forgotten about it
Fucking scared me, man. I'd say that fucking qualifies.
>Dawn of the Dead (original) - I've owned it on every home video format.
Make sure you check out other Miike films. It doesn't represent his entire body of work.
Needs a fucking blu-ray release.
>dat baptism scene...
It's weird af.
Parts of it are pretty cheesy but then again it has the scariest scene ever in my opinion.
I didn't even know it had a remake, I wonder how accurate it was since the original has this very weird tone to it.
What was the scary scene? didn't do anything for me.
>Killer Klowns From Outer Space
The spooky ghost woman running towards the camera. It's the only horror scene that actually haunts me, no idea why
I've always taken a lot of abuse for liking the American version more.
>dat Kristen Bell
Think that sequel will ever happen??
Is this worth checking out?
what's Sup Forums's opinion on this?
All The Colors Of The Dark
I thought so. It's the only Korean film I've seen so maybe that accounts for something. There was nothing terrifying or that really stays with you but I liked all the twists and there are some very intense and original scenes like the dualing exorcisms. Sup Forums doesn't seem to like it, maybe it's because under scrutiny the plot gets a little muddy or unexplainable? Honestly it's not hard to follow and if little details don't add up I didn't notice at all. It looked great and had a nice sense of humor, but was dark and interesting for the whole run time imo
Not horror and boring af.
Near Dark
anything in particular you would rec?