Anyone else regretting voting leave yet? I can't believe I fell for the lies...

Anyone else regretting voting leave yet? I can't believe I fell for the lies. We're literally going to destroy our country because of this.

It feels like that part in The Producers when they realize Springtime for Hitler is a hit.

I do. I'm not even British, didn't even vote. But I regret it.


No regrets now, no time. Now is time to laugh or cry, and I'd rather laugh.

This is the future we chose.

How retarded are you cucks? You're not even officially out yet, did you expect shit to change overnight?

It will be a big enjoyment, to see your dirty judeo-anglo country going down.


Why do people think UK can be unfucked in a couple of days after 20 years of being fucked?

Same here poobro. Have you signed the petition yet? Just use some British postcode you don't even have to change your name to make it believable.

>"Haha! Your pathetic nation is going to get screwed by jews!" the German yelled, from inside his crumbling EU regulated cuckshed
>"You'll never make it on your own!" he cried to a nation that already had

One post by this ID.

Revolution and change is always painful. You can't expect to wave your wand, Harry Potter, and have things perfect over night. Most things you're seeing are happy merchant tricks to make you doubt yourself.


Now if we could only get rid of our own continental overlords...

We've wiped billions of corporations accounts. What's there to regret ?

You gave us Israel, now, youve to suffer. Feels good man.

Go back to being cuck by your Muslim masters

>muh destroyed country
poor countries raise strong children. You would have languished in an inescapable paradise completely derived of all culture or identity. You would be forced to carry out the will of people miles away from your state for reasons unknown to you. If you want that shit, move to Europe.

>1 post by this ID

>"haha! revenge!" he screamed at the worker between jobs
>"now you'll know suffering!" he screamed from his soggy card board box in his alleyway

I worry about Germany, it's like a vision from the future. A vision that's mocking us in perpetuity for continuing to walk down the path towards it.

I think someone would have taken out merkel in any country with testicles

