Seriously, I thought that Scotland was the most based part of the United Kingdom, only to find out that they are the biggest cucks and refugee takers in the whole country.
Was anyone else's delusion shattered?
Seriously, I thought that Scotland was the most based part of the United Kingdom, only to find out that they are the biggest cucks and refugee takers in the whole country.
Was anyone else's delusion shattered?
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Jocks are cunts. Foreigners don't realise this.
They are unpleasant to be around and the whole place doesn't pay for perscriptions or degrees, the country is physically beautiful but the people are nothing but a black hole for money and methadone.
Foreigners holiday in Scotland, English people go to Wales with good reason.
Why did you consider Scots to be based in the first place? I've never known them to be anything but cross-dressing shits.
>muh braveheart
>muh freedom
>muh mel gibson
I know plenty of good Scots! They're some of my best friends!
All 6 of them fled Scotland for Canada and New Zealand. Scotland sucks so fucking hard that 'good' scots people get to know are not in Scotland for a damn good reason.
Why do they hate us?
They hate everything, second only to each other.
the scot of Sup Forums can be based, i really feel for them trapped with the government they have.
any attempt to bluepill their own countrymen usually ends with him being called deluded bigots. it's a damn shame.
i've also noticed you posting about the jocks multiple times now finnbro. not much you can do apart from try and understand the enlightened ones position better.
Same here.. But my perceptions were changed hearing that SJW nicola sturgeon talk and recent Scottish voting patterns.
Did Scots turn like this because they've just become too reliant on England for funding?
Was first post about them tho.
Must be other Finns who had the same toughts.
The Scots were based, once upon a time. Nowadays a lot of them are spineless faggots crying about the big Westminster oppressors (despite the fact that the Scottish have democratic mandate within that parliament...) who insist on independence every single time something new comes up.
I fucking hate the Scottish nationalists and the SNP. They are utter fucking scum. And don't believe any lies about Scotland being the whitest part of the UK. It's not. I've been to Edinburgh and Glasgow, both of the places have a ton of muslims and the British flag is nowhere to be seen. In fact, I saw Iraqi flags more than I saw the Union Jack in Edinburgh, and the most common was the Scottish one.
Don't be fooled. The Scottish "nationalists" are progressives in disguise.
That film is full of historical bullshit and inaccuracy.
I fucking love the non-nationalist Scots. They are mostly proud to be British and proud of the great history and relevance of Scotland within the UK.
Am Scottish, can confirm.
It's so easy to make a living here, tho, as 80% are lazy cunts. I know I sound like an edgy cunt, but my utter disdain for some of the people I have to "work" with drives me.
Both of my brothers and my sister all live in England. They could handle the bitterness.
Thank fuck I was born to my Mum and Dad. God bless them both for how they raised us all.
>Did Scots turn like this because they've just become too reliant on England for funding?
They've been like this ever since the Thatcher government made them permanently butthurt.
I honestly thought Scots were 'manly' up until this year.
They're not, they're not at all - your average Scot wants Muhammed to come to your country and blow you up. He'll insist it's a good thing. And then he'll say "well, that's just modern life, and they're necessary for the economy"
fuck scots
You should come here and open munch box food truck/restaurant
Apologies.. many people here had a romanticized depiction of Scotland in their head. We'll never fall for the Scotcucks again.
Nationalist Scots are delusional. Scotch liberals like to think of our history as one without nastiness like slavery; the truth is that they just couldn't hack it, their colonies failed and they had to join England, bankrupt, just to not starve. It really was a wonderful thing, becoming subjects.
They are necessary for the role they play in the economy, which is making kebab.
If it comes down to "Lockerbie vs. Kebab and chips", I didn't know those people.
That's a Paki's job.
"There's only one thing wrong with Scotland, it's full of Scots"
One of the only things Braveheart got right
We need to burn the Scottish parliament to the ground.
All the intelligent, hard working and innovative Scots emigrated to America generations ago. Half the founding fathers were of Scottish origins, and only English settlers can share equal credit for the founding of the US.
That being said, Scotland itself was left with a greatly diminished gene pool which is why anything worth seeing in Scotland was created long ago. Hell, they aren't even good fighters anymore.
I wanna lick that asshole clean.
I love my free prescription and free degree
This is a modern issue 10 years ago Scotland was one of the most anti-refugee places in the World it was so bad a refugee successfully sued the British government for putting him and his family in such a bad place but i dont know how weve became so cucked recently and its very recently Scots werent like this in the early to mid 2000s its the 2010s weve became like this.
Trump will rebuild Hadrian wall!
> Tfw one of the 2 million voters against the Indy referendum and one of the 1.1 million leave voters
Everyone hates me, the English and the scots!
feels good dont it bro
No, I visited Ireland and Scotland last year and both were full of cucks. Seriously, I used to think British were awful but they were hands down the most welcoming and friendly people in the uk.
Irish were the worst though. I'd take American niggers over the Irish anyday.
Scots have unironically contributed a great deal to mankind.
wee nikla will ruin scotland. shes calling on poorfag europeans to flock here to scotland for one obvious reason, immigrants will vote for the snp when they get the right to vote, increasing the chance of winning indyref2 if it ever happens. but the cucked scottish media will never talk about that. fuck the snp, destroyers of friendships, families and a once glorious nation.
>welcoming and friendly
>to filthy fucking foreigners
Cucked, you say?
Both disappointed me when I first came to this site.
The English are starting to do better but They still have some work to do and I'm glad that the Welsh turned out to not be cucks.
There is a difference between tourism and immigration you fucking retard lmao.
This is why the American education meme exists. Good job bro.
Same, I always imagined Scottish men as badass people. Turns out they are mostly nu-males, selfhating cucks, chavs or junkies.
Mostly junkies and numales
same thingsaid for Sinn Féin, Irish Nationalism is fucked with them at the lead and the most recent party to crop up, 'Identity Ireland', was shot down with cries of racism as most attempts at actual Nationalism are nowadays
breddy funny how something can go for wanting foreigners to fuck off to inviting them by the millions
Good to see you take the Tartan Pill.
>I thought that Scotland was the most based part of the United Kingdom
American heritagefags have painted that picture around here for a very long time, they could only keep it up for so long. You got memed HARD friend.
>only to find out that they are the biggest cucks and refugee takers in the whole country.
Wait, what? I thought Sweden was best.
They wear skirts and blow pipes.
my people are cunts pretty much.
voted leave tho
Swedes would be one of the best groups of white people if you weren't cucked. Same with Norwegians.
just stop. we are genetically degraded thanks to radiation. so those kind of scots no longer exist.
This. I blame Braveheart. Seeing Mel Gibson yell freedom in a scottish accent will pull on any red-blooded American's heart strings, but it's all a delusion. The Scots became marxist back in the 60's and 70's. Used to be about protecting the working class, but as leftist politics became more insane and culturally suicidal, they became true cucks.
Isn't Braveheart like 99% Hollywood embellishment anyways?
mate, if youre white british and mention immigration, youre racist. theres no 2ways about it. ive had too many arguments with the cucks about the CONTROL of immigration and im still branded a racist xenophobe. im pro immigration for fucks sake
Yeah, we all used to think Europe was awesome, the Scots were gigantic claymore wielding rebels with badass music, Scandinavians were bloodthirsty vikings, etc. When you learn that every good man in Europe either died seventy years ago or moved to America though...
Fuck off m8. There's plenty of nice, rational people here.
good thing I'm not British
dude, braveheart is a disgrace to historic accuracy. its a pile of shite.
Brits kept telling us that Scotland was full of cucks, you should have paid attention.
Yeah it's pretty much bullshit on a laughable level.
guiness family still funding the UVF?
you must be humble brother. we must accept them as our superiors.
Only 38% of you. More of London voted to leave the EU than you did, and London is ~60% immigrant.
I hate my country. I am moving to England. I renounce my Scottish nationality.
Op your memes don't work here. Fuck you and your indoctrination.
I'm Scottlish. My family is Scottish and most of my friends are Scottish. And we all live in Scotland. And with the exception of about three people on FB, I've yet to meet a Scot that actually voted to fucking Remain.
Where are these members of the 62% hiding?
but what about our one million leave votes.
remain could have cancelled brexit with such a close lead if we didnt vote
I laughed when the scotcucks talked about how they're like us and that they'll get more closer relations with us while our newspapers' headlines about the referendum were about how we might get the Shetlands back.
>In total due to low turnout 30% of the Scot's population voted to remain
I have a few scottish friends that visited just a few weeks ago. I have to wonder just how many of them, like one of said friends, preferred keeping up the status quo, as opposed to being pro-muslim/immigrant shelterers.
It's true. We've been taken over by the regressive left, and Nicola Sturgeon likes to pretend her opinion covers the entirety of Scotland.
I've just graduated and was offered a choice of a job in Glasgow or London. I stupidly took the Glasgow job. Now I can't wait to get the fuck out of here, the place is an embarrassment now, a regressive's paradise.
Scottish people hate guns, smoking, liberty, freedom, financial independence, empires, and everything else fun in the world. 'Fun' for a Scot is getting drunk, eating shitty food and doing heroin.
You REALLY need to re-take control of Cuckland, the SNPcucks are really ruining you.
>over 50% of Scots voted SNP in last election
>not cucked
Don't take it so personally. We KNOW there are good Scots the problem is you're the minority right now. i would prefer if you were the majority.
i vote for scottish conservatives. since they have a chance to steal SNP seats
The only thing that's remotely true about that film is that England and Scotland fought wars against each other.
I'd have taken the Glasgow job desu, sure Glasgow is still a shithole but at least it isn't London.
>I would prefer if you were the majority
I went to a festival a couple of weeks ago, and met a bunch of other Scottish people there. They were brilliant, didn't really give two shits about the referendum, and we had a massive camp with people from Ireland and England as well and had a fantastic time, making jokes and taking the piss all weekend.
Come back home and realise 95% of the other people I know are SNP loving, nationalistic faggots.
I wish normal Scots were the majority, but more and more of us are becoming permanently offended constantly and want to chase this dream of being so "progressive." I don't see it changing any time soon.
Not for much longer my friend. Hello new greece.
Good point desu. Never lived in London before, only visited once. Neither are ideal, I'm just glad
the company is a multinational so I can hopefully fuck off to a decent country at some point in the future.
Scotland is literally pro-EU because not enough brown and black migrants, too white to understand, but you will get it.
I feel like I'm being betrayed.
I didn't vote to split up the uk by voting to leave the EU, I'm sure there must be scots who voted to stay that also didn't want to split up the uk.
Where is our voice?
Can anything be done short if another shitty petition?
>William Wallace fights for freedom
>Dies for it in fact
>Nicola Sturgeon is the 21st century William Wallace
>She wants her countrymen to be free from the evil English
>So she can beg Brussels to dictate to them
It's cringy. Their life revolves around "beating" the English, while most of the time we forget they even exist. They're contrarian in the same way lefties are, something works and because they're too useless/pathetic/degenerate to be part of what works they think the entire system is wrong because it's excluding them. It's delusions of grandeur like you've never seen.
Scotland was ok till the SNP ran it into the ground.
>can anything be done?
This is it. The best peoples of Scotland ended up in America and Australia.
I had the same feeling. I always thought quite highly of Scotland before last week. Now I don't know what to make of that lot
If you are going on vacation in the UK, go to wales.
Live well, strive to be better and make your Kingdom great again.
Get on with life now.
>Did Scots turn like this because they've just become too reliant on England for funding?
Wales is arguably more reliant, Scotland has whisky to export and is a well known country.
Wales has les and is less known, yet Wales were mostly leave.
Actually, they did have the Scottish Enlightenment. Once they learned English.
>Was anyone else's delusion shattered?
Not really, i got redpilled about the eternal ginger when they voted to remain in the UK.
I went to university in London for three years and lived on the outskirts for two.
If the pay's the same, you dodged a bullet going to Glasgow.
If London had paid more, then I'd have got a place in the south somewhere (Orpington, Biggin Hill, Bromley, etc) or rented somewhere in the Home Counties and commuted in.
Can't get on when my Scottish government is trying to subvert democracy!
I don't know how you wouldn't think this before.
They were the ones who begged England to be in a union together, they were colonised by us as well as England and they voted against freedom. Hell even the word Scot means "someone from Ireland", they're so cucked their own name is from a different country.
Honestly the only they weren't cucks was when they were the only non-Roman part of Britain.
Sean Connery.
Pays an extra £4,000 a year for living in London, which I didn't really think was worth it considering my friend who lived in London had to share a 5 bedroom flat that cost £900 each per month. I've just moved into my own place costing £700 a month, right in the city centre, and it's actually a nice flat, whereas my mates was probably slightly under average, but absolutely shocking when you consider the price.
This may mean nothing coming from a Scot, but the majority are fucking bell-ends, the ones that are sound tend to be pretty fucking based, but they are becoming fewer and farther between every day.