the last couple of days I've seen about a 3x increase in butthurt anons who keep trying to bait and shill for shillary. Anyone know what's up? I'd assume it's because of brexit but it seemed to happen before that as well. This thread is for the discussion of the current state of the board and what's going on
>Pic related
Pol seems different
>1 post by this ID
>2 dubs by this ID
Yeah, I dunno what the fuck is going on.
Summer and a Reddit raid.
>I have no proof, I just feel like people are for Hillary and I don't like it.
Thanks for playing.
Well at least we have a new meme I guess
Dis. Only time it stops is around 2-4 in the morning, then in resumes at around 5.
CTR, plebbit, summerfags, JIDF
God I love the tears though. Will be even better when Trump wins.
Correct The Record.
Divide and conquere. They think if they can constantly spam threads people will be disenfranchised and splinter and anons will go to different sites and won't congregate meme machines while the GE heats up. Remember the power Sup Forums had during the primaries? That's what they're trying to stop.
Gee, it's called feeling our oats. Great polling data, gump imploding in slow-motion, Brits looking everywhere for a way out of their self-imposed exile, feels good mang.
Winning is like that.
Here's an example. She's asking for evidence of something that's ridiculous of anyone having. (Just look through any thread and you'll see some examples) another thing, pol is a pretty trollish site, could all these shills simply be rusemen who are just having fun? Do people simply like (you)'s?
Shills are real and we know that Hillary has spent a lot of money on them.
This is their enemy's turf so they have to attack.
Make sure you disregard their attempts at demoralization.
I honestly think it's because they *know* they're losing.
It's like this on other boards too now. Fucking salt from lefties seeing right wingers celebrating I guess.
>Brexit passes
L..look guys, we're winning!
Also the drop in the pound was expected, trade deals were cut. It's a bit unstable but will get back on track when the dust settles
Honest question: what are summerfags? I am a newfag who joined in winter.
Underage folks that swarm the site during their summer vacation. Sup Forums has the oldest average user base so it's really noticeable here.
Hillary hired a team of millennials to troll in the internet. Its a diverse team ofc, its the current year after all.
Shills, it's always shills.
You can tell because they try to fit in by using our language memes but they don't get them quite right, when ever someone calls it out they try to discredit that person by implying they are paranoid or using ad homins.
Reddit has been organizing shillary raids for awhile now but they have picked up since Bernie dropped out of the race, you can find them talking about organizing raids if you look through the right sub reddits for a bit and screen caps of such discussions are posted on Sup Forums pretty often.
I see absolutely no difference. A third to half of the threads here at any given time are some sort of bait and it's been this way for years. Sure there are some peaks every once in a while but there's always a fuck ton of shills and trolls.
It's easy to do and that's that's the price you pay for chan culture and anonymity. Still better than being on a forum with heavy moderation and mainstream cultural influence where we wouldn't be able to express Sup Forums ideas at all.
Yea I agree, just seems as if there's been a recent spike
High increase of Hillary shills and high increase of anti brexit shills. Yep.
People hear about big bad Sup Forums from somewhere and think "well I'm a liberal so I'm way smarter than those racists, I'll debate them all" and then just end up bothering us and embarrassing themselves
Shills be real. Today there was also a fuck ton of obvious sliding going on, more than the usual dose.
I wish janitors would gut bait threads faster, but I guess that's too much to ask.
Use my filter, kills kikes as dead as a gas chamber.
its because trumpcucks are annoying and easy to get butthurt
i doubt those people are actually going to vote for her though
They have reddit under control with CTR because they got mods in several subreddits affiliated with them, so they've moved on to shill here and break up support with shitposting.
>the last couple of days I've seen about a 3x increase in butthurt anons who keep trying to bait and shill for shillary. Anyone know what's up?
Shillary literally has paid-for shills come to Sup Forums to try to destabilize Trump's support.
She's known for crooked tactics, and she's not dumb like Palin.
You can tell a paid-for Shillary Clinton thread because it was a lot like the Ted Cruz anti-Trump threads.
Keep this in mind when skimming through threads, for all those who want honest political conversation.
It's only going to get worse user. I unironically think the normies have caught on to the power of our OC may mays and their effect on the mass of plebs.
I don't think it's just Brexit. Shilling in general has increased vastly on Sup Forums in the past couple of weeks, or maybe a month.
God I fucking hate Hillary. Just fuckig MAGA already
>3x increase in butthurt anons
scientific data there
I feel much less energized on the whole alt-right thing after Brexit. Now that it's been validated in the mainstream I kind of don't care anymore.