Absolutely unequivocally without a doubt DROPPED FOREVER

Absolutely unequivocally without a doubt DROPPED FOREVER

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oh so that's why there have been multiple Cameron threads today

My family and I have always been conservatives. The first president I voted for was Bush (would have preferred McCain) and we all think Trump is insane too. You don't have to be a libtard to understand how bad he is going to be for the country. He's not equipped to do the job and many of his ideas are asinine or simply juvenile

I am conservative to the day I die. There is no way in hell I think Trump is a good president. If that lunatic blows up NAFTA my state of Texas will be the first one to feel the pain of it. We will go right back to being a backwater oil field that nobody cares about.

They are insane.

>waaah waaah i can't handle people's opinions

Not Jew enough for you good goy?

Cameron is smart. He' s going to take the Jew money to make cinema great again. But He doesn't actually hate Trump

The greatest irony is that Sup Forums's candidate is truly a Jewish puppet. Not in a zionist conspiracy way, but literally the Israeli government. Great job Sup Forums. You really showed those SJWs.

Better Jews than mudslims


You're surprised by this? Trump and his administration are insane, Hollywood is blatantly anti-Trump, and Cameron directed fucking Avatar.


>Not in a zionist conspiracy way, but literally the Israeli government

It's literally the same thing, dummy.

>call Trump Anti-Semitic for not mentioning Jews in the Holocaust
>but somehow he's a Jewish puppet because Netanyahu supports his wall

Choose one.

>Born in Kapuskasing, Ontario, Canada.

Cameron is the most successful movie maker in history and a real self-made man.

This proves he is smart and knows what he says

how can one man be so based?

Wow someone from Hollywood who is a raging Liberal

More at 6


Fuck off your some jerk off coal miner form Ohio. Sorry all your jobs came here to Texas. It's not my fault your economy couldnt modernize.

Old canadian boomer, ofc he's a liberal faggot

Who called Trump Anti-Semitic? That's retarded

Melania's gonna FREAK

>thinking an idiot is an idiot makes you a liberal

Trump is a fucking idiot. He has managed to fuck up everything he has touched since he was elected.

You need to go back.

>literally plagurerized terminator from a womans story and has to pay her monies for every terminaotr movie and product sold forever

Sorry Trump, I like you but I can't choose you over Based Jimbo, sorry.

>if trump dares trash Terminator or Aliens, impeachment will begin

>A fucking leaf talking shit.


Based Jim

>oy vey goy, you must show your support for the anti-trump movement!
>trump is insane or whatever
>good goy, have some shekels

>He has managed to fuck up everything he has touched since he was elected.

Yes, how dare he do exactly as he promised.


I hope Trump gets impeached. He's genuinely a joke. Mike Pence would be a much better president. He at least knows what he's doing, even if you disagree with him.

>tfw I was listening to this

It's more Bannon than Trump.

I almost feel bad for Donald. Sold what was left of his soul and is now getting buttfucked by Putin and a white supremicist.


Hollywood Jews are different than Israeli Jews.

>Yfw the next president will be a MoCap character made by Weta and played by Andy Serkis

Yes, how dare he hire Bannon as part of his cabinet instead of the Republicans or Democrats that campaigned against him or the CIA that was blatantly against him.

He should cater to them obviously not to the people that helped out his campaign. Perfect logic.

I hate Trump as much as anyone with a brain but the only reason I don't want to see him impeached is because of the possibility of Pence becoming President. As a REAL God-fearing ideologue, he's much worse than Trump, who's a mere opportunist.

Insane is a two syllable word for any idea too big for your little mind.

I'm pretty sure that Muslims were nowhere near Obama's administration. You just got suckered because you're a moron.

>getting this mad

t. Shitskin from Sup Forums


You have to be insanely deluded to not believe it is insane. I didn't believe the liberal bullshit but look at the mess he's making. The travel ban is one of the most insanely stupid things the president has ever done.

No they're not. Enough with the cognitive dissonance, your memes have no power anymore. Trump ruined them.

Why can't these people just shut the fuck up and make entertainment? Getting sick of their shit.

I wonder if you say the same thing about Ted Nugent.

Obama is literally a muslim

Yes, we all know how effective celebrity endorsements are in this election cycle.


He was baited into political questions by libcuck journalists. He doesn't actually say anything about Trump on his own, because he doesn't really care

I have no idea who that is.

>people don't like me
>i should hire someone completely unqualified and put him on the security council

The shit Trump is doing goes against everything he's said for 40 years of his public life. It's not his agenda at play here.

No one changes that much, friend.

>24D Chess


None of this is correct. Impressive.

I would.

I don't want to hear musicians and actors spewing rhetoric.

lol hahaha fucking celebrities
more jews & negros & liberals telling republicans what to do

>I'm a leftist and I protect the rights of minorities!
>You support Trump? You nigger/shitskin/kike/mudslime piece of shit!

I too am a lifelong Conservative with a capital 'C'. Heck, some may say I'm a Conservaholic. But my family and I (we are all Navy Seals) think Trump is dangerous and batshit INSANE. A president has no say in who crosses our boders. It is downright un American and against basic human rights



On the plus side if he crashes and burns people might shut up about how businessmen would make for good politicians

Who said I was leftist shitskin?

Is Harlan Ellison a woman now?

he's gonna MAGA and you liberals will burn your whole party to the ground trying to obstruct him




>completely unqualified
>don't like me

So I'm guessing you unironically believe that the only reason "Drumpf" won was because Russia "hacked" the vote according to anonymous sources from the Pentagon and it was her turn?

Yes, Trump should definitely put Clinton in Bannon's place to appease the left. Of course.

Pretty much a pussy for not suing all the way, yeah.

>literally plagurerized terminator from a womans story


>conspiracy theories

>These people are insane

The same thing Linda Hamilton said about Cameron and his family.

Calling someone insane for having different politics than you is really petty. Just admit that you lost politically and stop crying about it 24/7. Trump has never done anything illegal and won't do anything worth getting impeached over, but if you want to waste your time monitoring every little thing in washington, go ahead and waste your life.

Oh, so you're anti-Trump and a racist?

>he's not with Hollywood Jews!!


you're still doing this?

1. Terminator 2: Judgment Day
2. Aliens
3. The Terminator
4. Titanic
5. The Abyss
6. True Lies
7. Avatar
8. Piranha 2: The Spawning

He's not normal. He's literally Hitler. I'm literally shaking REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

You really can't stump the Trump.

Only the thousands, if not millions of willfully ignorant liberals who call him LITERALLY HITLER and everyone who voted for him/doesn't constantly shit on everything he does and try to actively sabotage it Nazis.

Good goy

>A celebrity says something bad about Donald Trump

Get in line. See:

Consider him stumped.


Literally not going to do anything and it's still going on.

Just stop watching movies and television altogether because everyone in the industry dislikes Trump, as they should

So you are saying everyone should just conform with things that go against their ideals? It's called having conviction, you hivemind cuck.

Holy crap someone held a different opinion than you? That's a rough break, I hope you will be okay. Hang in there buddy.

Why are Trumplrinas so easily triggered?

I am conservative too and i think that trump in any moment would start the WW3

Takei is an old queer that should be taken out to the woods and shot

>liberals are now anti-Semitic
>the anti-Semitic that thought Trump was white supremacist is now anti-Trump

This timeline tho.

Punching people in the streets and disrupting business with protests isn't conviction when trump hasn't done anything criminal yet and you're just bitching because you lost.


ITT: Far-leftist "conservatives" that are concern trolling.

The next 8 years are going to be great.

Banning Muslims is unconstitutional.


lmao Trump called people insane all the time during his rallies or used other insults

I guess he is the only one allowed to be petty

Neo-cons and cuckservatives are pure cancer.