How did he fall from Hannibal to fucking capeshit?

How did he fall from Hannibal to fucking capeshit?

Can he even look himself in a mirror anymore?

Not just capeshit, but Star Wars shit in the same year.

And, in the same year, he's going to be in a fucking video game.

How do you go from James Bond to this?

I wasn't asking you.

>Star Wars

meme actors gonna meme

Because money.

One of the worst James bond films ever. He was always a meme actor and Hannibal is a meme show. Death Stranding will be the most kino work of his career

Casino Royale is one of the best bond films ever.

could do worse.

>How did he fall from being the protagonist in a Refn kino to Hannibal on tv and later capeshit.

>i don't want to make millions of dollars in one of the biggest money trains in the world right now

He's European. They know they can muck around in the gutter, hamming it up with a twinkle in their eye, and still have their pick of movie scripts waiting come May.

Didn't he do it because of his son?

His son has Down's?

If his son were a downey, he would have waited to be in Iron Man.

because of money you fucking retard why are you surprise?

Heh. I get it.

Because Iron Man is dumber.

Haha ya

This, artistic integrity is for cucks anyway

Not only can he look himself in the mirror, he can look at himself in any of the dozens of mirrors he has all over the giant fucking mansion he bought with the money he got from the shit ass ton of movies he's been in recently.

Are mirrors a luxury item now?

There are only so many mirrors you can fit in a shitty ass apartment.

they are for europoors