
Sup Forums is a board of peace

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piss off newfag

i know. i love reading about all the threads becasue i can use the ideas in all my stories.

i might be new but i love it here.

ps nice "dubs"

Don't make a website so insecure or don't hire shit developers.
Online voting is a shit idea.

Git gud.

Online petitions are a joke, unless they ask for your ID number, literally everything can be exploited. How was this petition even remotely considered reliable? are all remainers so much tech-illiterates?

If a bunch of degenerates on Sup Forums were able to manipulate results who is to say someone no so degenerate could not do the same?
In either direction.


At least you got the facts right. Good job, nice article. Keep up the good work.

low quality bait. try harder

Why is anything more advanced than simply turning a computer on considered hacking?

Good job, keep it up.

Congratulations on your independence by the way.

thanks M8.

and a big thanks to everyone on Sup Forums for ruining the lefties best excuse for a second referendum.

they look so dumb now.


People need to stop spreading this nonsense about Sup Forums being a right-winged board, we are a bunch of friendly progressives just pretending.

my bosses like right wingers but we have to pretend to be neutral.

Have you watched Alex Jones' reaction to Orlando (the fire ant metaphor), and how aware are professional mainstream journalists that Islamic terrorism is going to dramatically increase in the near future as a result of the "refugee" situation, and that this was planned as a way of justifying the EU superstate?

i dont know about that m8. i mostly just cut and paste off forums and chat boards.

i am trying to read up on other stuff.

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Have you received cultural sensitivity guidance from supervisors that comes down to trying not to anger Muslims?

definitely. it truly is the religion of peace, may peace be upon them.

but now we all brexit. so who knows.

Sup Forums is 100% satire. No need to worry. We won't take over the world in global armed insurrection any time soon haha.

Include me in your article

>tfw Dailymail posts your terminal

you are famous now.

Sup Forums is a board of peace. Thats all you need to know.

so guys. i need some other cool stuff for articles.

any ideas?

Discuss the EU superstate plans.

Hi Matt,

I'm Senior Moderator of Sup Forums's Sup Forums board, how may I help with your inquiries?

Tell them Big Jimbo did the hacking.

Hi Matt,

I'm Queen Elizabeth II of England, how may I help with your inquiries?

In the few mentions of Sup Forums on the article, there's one that writes it:
> 4.chan.org
Don't know why but that's funny. Also the fact that they are unaware the one posted is pretending to be Syrian, and that they mix between translating "god willing" and actually quoting the islamic version from the post.

Normie news tries so hard, but in the end it doesn't even matter.

anyone know if there's a new script? gov.uk won't accept tempmail domains anymore.

the real agenda:
#ruby btfo

They did. The article also references twitter posts from remainers who are asking foreigners to vote in the petition, and they gate out their postal code so they could sign up and vote. There's also a section showing that there's no law against fucking with the petition since it's just some useless internet petition.

I think the script came from cripple chan. You could try checking their Sup Forums.

>I think the script came from cripple chan.
it came from me proving a point to three people on a /pol thead. never expected it to go this far.

i would have optimised the code if i knew it would end up on the fucking washington post.

We weren't supposed to say anything, but you seem like a nice guy...

This is a picture of the person who organized the whole thing. Not sure who wen't along with it, but she seems to have a strange power over everyone.

It's mentioned on more media outlets? Christ.

Damage is done regardless, medias are biting down on the reminder to not take petitions done on the internet so seriously (with this one, at least). I'm sure they'll forget in five minutes when its convenient.

go get it sorted then, polack, i've got a democracy to abuse

Instead of trying to turn /pol into the bad guy, I would ask who inside of your government (whoever has inside access to your server), added an extra 2 million "votes" from within the UK over the course of 20 minutes.

>It's mentioned on more media outlets?
journaldugeek.com/2016/06/27/petition-anti-brexit-hoax-Sup Forums/

i'm done with it at this point. there are other temporary mail sites with APIs if anyone really cares.

at was already suspicious as fuck, that was the whole point. they just report it as "fraud" or "a prank" at suits their agenda. they're still not even checking facts if they think you need a fake IP to vote from abroad.

Damn! Thank you for all the links, it's fun to read this kind of stuff.

Of course it was. I wasn't participating in the shenanigans, but I was following the thread as it happened.

This hooliganism in regards to the Vatican vote was actually done to force them into recognizing the even greater fraud that was happening from inside their government.

The vatican votes, by my reading, was actually a REACTION to the 2 million votes that were slipped in.

they still have SW1 postcodes from Argentina in there, so that's how good of a job they've done of removing the fakes.

testing if I'm shadowbanned? Can anyone see

well done m8

They're unionized workers, give them a year or two and they'll sort out a third of the fakes.

you fine

>image deleted.

this ain't reddit m8, no sneaky ass shadowbanning here, if you're banned you'll know it

Nice try fag

getting called amoral by The Sun is a good laugh anyway. it's like Hitler telling you that you're a bit racist.

We dont have nearly the traffic needed to rig that shit. Why would we anyway? We are primarily a leave board

r uu ddosig me?

>every single link mentions Sup Forums and Sup Forums

Well done faggots. Like it wasn't summer enough here already.

Thanks I didn't know this. Nobody was responding so I thought about it. Not from reddit though, don't insult me like that

If your real, fucking cool mate. Next time point out the sudden spike in the petition before we got involved to fix y'alls shit.

He did it again! When will they stop him?

is talking about this

Summerfags don't even come close to the amount of shitposts from paid shills lately.

Topless pictures of Taylor Swift or a collapse in Etherium and nothing will get done around here for a week.

I'd wear those insults as a badge of honour, honestly.