What does it mean?
"You're the Worst" creator/producer Twitter
Can people get a grip
>I'm shook.
A good portion of those aren't even what Fascism is.
They literally can't even.
Literally shaking....
>lies at the Holocaust museum
You don't say!
Liberals do over half those things though
I am shocked that there is a globalist jew that produces a bm/wf cuckold TV show and thinks Trump is Hitler.
Surely a coincidence.
>"using violence to suppress opposing thought" not listed
Really gives my noggin a floggin'
>not listed
Jew here. Please explain to me why there are eleven missing names on my family tree, roughly around the same time as the holocaust. Better yet, please explain where my grandfather's cousin's Polish family went out of the blue in '43.
>the creator of a show that is at its core very liberal is a liberal
>Someone working in Hollywood is liberal
Got anymore hot takes for us OP?
Tell me where did the millions of people who were sent to the camps go? cause they sure as hell weren't still around at the end of the war.
w-what do you think became of them, user? Surely they moved to Israel and lived happily ever after?
Hold on here guys. Is Hollywood against the president or something? What's going on?
What are some scenes that will never lose their potency?
Pic related and also Normandy raid from SPR
it's only bad when they aren't the ones doing it.
when they are the ones out in the cold.
uuuh sexist much?
Fuck I love movies with cuck scenes. Superior black men fucking white women in front of us white bois
>not that long ago
>tell a liberal they're being racist against whites
>they deny it or mock you for suggesting such a thing
>present day
>tell a liberal they're being racist against whites
>"Yeah, I am but whites deserve it because *insert nonsensical rationale*"
I liked liberals more when they chose to believe they weren't retarded versus now when they readily acknowledge that they are retarded.
>black men fucking white women
What movies have more of this?