Is Infowars kino?
Is Infowars kino?
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I'm far left and even I love Jones. Kino for sure.
oh yes
i weep for those that believe everything he says though
I'm a sane person and I love Alex Jones
Controlled Oppokino
no thats you
name somebody more woke
pro tip: you can't
If you're over 12 and take Info Wars seriously you should consider suicide.
>le generic insult
only worth watching this filter salesman ironically
>if you take carefully cited news articles seriously you are dumb
Stop shitposting, Podesta.
>le cuck comeback
Disinformation. Controlled opposition
not anymore
>carefully cited sources
even Jones himself said their sources are youtube and internet.
Years ago, before anyone knew who he was I remember watching a youtube video of his about the Bilderberg group getting together and worshiping a stone statue of Moloch in the woods. It was pretty funny. There was even fake camcorder footage of them sneaking through the woods to watch the ceremony. But they never got close enough to see anything. He's an interesting guy
lots of people knew him then though.
ok then, it seems like he's much more famous now
No, sorry, it's anime.
oh yeah he is, but his radio show was big years and years ago, as a conspiracy guy. especially after 9/11. he's been in a bunch of movies too.
By poltard standards, yes
Wanna take helicopter ride?
and anime is trash
You know what's funny?
In 2006 he was in the movie A Scanner Darkly. He portrayed a character that used a megaphone to talk about the government in the street. In the scene he's arrested by some mysterious agency.
And then, in 2007
>he was arrested while protesting at 6th Avenue and 48th Street in New York City. He was charged with operating a megaphone without a permit.
Makes me think.
Anime promotes great conservative values
That no one wants to hear his word salad being shouted in the middle of the city?
Yes. Even if you believe none of what he is saying his wild energy makes the show supremely kino.
>Makes me think
Oh I wouldn't worry about that.
Waking Life is Kino, and Jones is in it.