Ramadan greetings in Bologna.
Ramadan greetings in Bologna.
This makes me angry. Fucking shitskin scum. Every last one of them needs to be fucking killed.
Smells fishy, 40% sure it might be false flag
Why would it be written with Latin alphabet and not Sandrunes? Isn't the correct version Allahu Akbar?
This. Too easy.
italian youngsters love mocking arab culture, especially their allahuakhbar shite
it's absolutely meaningless it's just banter, literally
allahu akbar repent swines
I smell false flag. Only ISIS tier Muslims hate Christian shit like that.
>basically not christian
no thank you
Islamics dont do meaningless banter like European nations and their descendants do
Nobody knows but I'm quite sure it wasn't an islamic guy, they want to be as invisible as possible, especially if they're planning some doidgy shit. Islam is really the butt of many jokes here in Italy
No, Achmed, I know too much about Islam to buy your lies.
All Muslims hate Christians like that. All of them. Now fuck off and die.
lmao get fuggd
Fucking cucked spaghetti
I think Italians may have performed far more sleazier things in the general vicinity of that statue desu. A little grafitti never hurt anybody
Rome is the goal, it's the only European city specifically mentioned in early Islamic texts, and, because of its history, capturing or destroying Rome means symbolically capturing Europe.
I suppose you'd use POO to write LOO on it, eh?
But defecating on statues is singularly an Indian phenomenon.
italy joins the cause.
Don't worry dagos, the pope is going to give a blowjob to the next muzzie he sees and make this right
is this merkels private account?
kill yourself or just join the muslims you fucking cuck you dont deserve to breath german air.
I bet it was a commie trying to make his muslim friends feel more at home
lol this is so true
you know nothing about catholicism m8 stfu, our pope is based af telling turkey to fuck off and challenging SJWs with their whole "you should feel guilty for your country's history" meme
Get out there and do it then, you soft cunt.