How do we initiate the pedo genocide?

How do we initiate the pedo genocide?

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Did Ahmed touch you, user?

Heavily encourage all men to marry at an early age. Cast a suspicious eye on those who aren't and are not presently courting. That's a start.

Hello newfag

Sorry to here that your a closet pedo.

Give it a few years and the cunts will have pride parades. That should make it easier for you.

Make it an execute-able offense, and bring back public hangings

>implying you or OP wouldnt her even if shes under 18
nigga come on

I never ever implied I wouldn't ;^)


Well lots of British MPs are suicidal right now so Brexit is a start

How old is she ? She looks like 16 but if you posted her it's that i'm wrong

Dunno the age in the pics I've posted. I'd say under 14.

She has deceptively big breasts in some pics though. Like this. Not sure age in this pic, older though I'm sure.

With the current progressive trend they will soon out themself.
When this will happen open a list and share it, stick leaflets in their town, you will find a lot of fathers around happy to give you a hand trust when it will be about curbstomping these pieces of trashes.

She is clearly younger ( would say 12,5 ), or even not the same person in this pic'
But well boobs cannot be used anymore to determine age, some girls began their breast developpement at 8 years, that's mad what hormonally enriched food or other environmental factors can do in current year

I don't know age in boob pic, but I'm pretty sure it's still Val.

>wanting to kill someone just because they have a different sexuality than you christian conservative pricks.

We'd lose like 3/4 of the posters on Sup Forums if we did that. Might actually be a good thing.

Kill ukranians and russians of course

OY VEY, clearly we must infect the goylets with AIDS so the pedophiles won't want them! I happen to have a cousin with such a condition, I'm sure he could lend his services to your children for a small fee of 6 gorillion shekels


I don't want to sound reddit but don't confuse child offenders/ "true" cp consumers and non-dangerous pedoweabooautists.

That's exactly the same behaviour as saying we should kill ciz scum cuz some of them are rapists.

By most peoples definition pedo's are child molesters or 'potential' child molesters (thought crime much?). When the fact is the majority just fap in basements.
BTW most child molesters are made by standard rapists who rape women too..

We just start a genocide and keep going until there's one man left, then the animals can live in peace.

>defending pedos
>trying to pass me as the muslims

If you are aroused by children, even in drawing you are a fucking degenerate who should be sterilized or removed.
You better hide yourself because if I catch one of you I would make a personnal affair to make everybody know around you how a disgusting creature you are.

you start with Sup Forums

Please go back to Ribblit thought crime loving piece of cancerous anti shit

>frenchie being an Internet badass


Kill turks

>t. sad lonely beta male looking for a reason to live

You faggot, molesting and masturbating to children is not that get the fuck out Sup Forums and fap to your loli and eat glass and drink bleach, fucking retard

>newfaggot anti scum is this triggered

Maybe you should retreat back to lebbit

I am not a pedo, i'm really sexually attracted by 16 or more. 14/15 can be confusing sometimes if they look older or very beautiful but I would not even in mind fap to them because it would make feel really bad, either in term of ethics and the fact that even if some parts of them can look sexy their childish part would repulse me, therefore I would not have pleasure in my fapping 'cause of that.

Non-pubertal or even some early pubertal but very childish do not sexually arouse me.

I'm just not a weak minded like you and don't care about what people are attracted about or what are the drawings that they fap too.

Tbh your the one that I will with pleasure teach you the word Respect, si tu vois ce que je veux dire.

But i'm okay with the bullet in the head for child rapists.

Child fucker. You'd be in better company at Sup Forums not here

You waste of oxygen, the only fucking reason your attracted to children is becuase it is the only people you can manage to lure without actually doing it, end your life before somebody does it, and I'd be willing to fucking do the job.

>modern Sup Forums

lmao nice joke kiddo

Haha bet I'm better looking than you fucking impotent raging nerd

Nerd? What the hell is that kind of insult child fucker, are you actually not only a child fucker but an autistic retard too?

That's a moronic suggestion, pedos are attracted to kids not adults. Your hatred of people with different sexualities is pathogical, you're simply hiding psychopathic tendencies by hating people its socially acceptable to hate.

Fucking send pics of your degenerate face instead of children you would like to fuck

You sound like the autistic retard, maybe even a nigger, such savagery over someone who likes what you don't.

What if I am a psychopath? I don't care becuase thanks to your child fucking idiocy you not only disgusted people but scarred children.

Me on the right

Lol, too pussy to show your face, "like something that you don't" fucking kill yourself and send pics of your suicide you fucking waste of oxygen.

I just showed you retard

>babies first encounter with a pedo on Sup Forums

Did you just get here last year?

You look like a faggot who failed art school and works as Craigslist hooker.

I'm using Mobile you failed abortion

name one person who suffers when somebody masturbates to children

He looks like a rich guy who gets lots pf young poon

For you

Jesus cries everytime

Hahhaha what a fucking idiot this faggot is

Your dignity that you barely had and the parent if he/she saw and or knew about it

Lmao you wouldn't say that to my face bitch. I'm a bigger guy than you think.

The pedo rises!

You're a big guy

was getting caught part of your plan?

Well... It's not like they're not on lists or anything...
Just find one and go all pedo-jihad on them.

I don't fucking care about your goddamn size you asshole, you still look like a college artschool dropout. Did you gain muscle from masturbating to children lol

A lot of anal pain for a basement dweller.

Good luck I'm behind 7 proxies on my private plane. You'll never catch me.


Line them up with the Russians and shoot them.

Aimed at me? Or the pedophilic degenerate?

For you

also don't buy the " every pedo is a time bomb waiting to go off" shit they try to feed everyone

Learn of facial recognition? Or are you too busy using the internet to masturbate to children?


I made the image grainier good luck getting farag out of that nerd

Woaw what the fuck is your problem honestly, who the fuck cares about what people fantasize to when they fap ?
I mean, it's not like that sexual orientation can be chosen. But behavior yes, and fapping in your bed never harmed anyone

And what will be the reaction of his parents ? Any good dad will say "well idk if you don't harm anyone or use cp including real children."


Lol faggot he is the basement dweller, especially if he fails to children.

He'll be a good sacrifice, they expect one of us in the wreckage, brother.

why exactly do people in this thread defend pedophilia?
16 is the earliest age imaginable, normal is 18-22 mariage is goo untill a women is 25. After that it becomes harder for her.

why you wanna kill all muslims OP

I love Sup Forums threads on pol

Settle down there, Mohammad

you can't possibly be this retarded. this has to be b8.

It's almost like not everyone thinks like you do.

Shocking right?

what do you mean by this?

I hope this is bait but honestly I can't tell anymore

Now memes aside, I really think is variable, some girls are developed by 14, other until 17 or even later.

I think the criteria should be despite age:
-If she had menarchy
-If she had abundant bush down there
-Developed tits and hips.

It's already happening in this retarded feminist SJW age. Now you just need government mandated total thought control to weed out all those pesky pedos that might look at children wrongly.

Hello Aidan gillen!

Why in gods name would you want them only post bush?

Lol his name is here

can anyone kill this guy? Or at least report him to police?

You got me kid

Now what's the next step in your master plan?

non offending pedos are fine r-right guys?

Because without bush they are kids.

Screenshotting this conversation and posting it in your media

okay? And?

Also you don't need a bush to not be a kid

Its not bait, I am honestly speachless right now.
You are asuming that a girls body and her brain develops at the same rate.
What is fucking wrong with people?
I want pedos dead almost as bad as the jews.

you found him?
It may be hard to proof, thoough.
Its possible it not him at all.

Well, faces can also be very confusing. Sometimes a 14 years old girl has a face looking like 18 but with analyze and seeing the rest of the body you can tell that there is something that tell you she is 14.

But the legal age should be stuck at 15 to forbid potential slippery slopes to lower it too too much.

pedos keep the normies out. i don't mind them.

Seriously thought this was bait the whole time but holy shit you two might actually be legitimately retarded.

Can't even tell anymore.

>implying women ever develop brain

>How do we initiate the pedo genocide?
Rude! Peadophobia should be outlawed on Sup Forums.

Lol you are trying to cover it up

>have mental illness
>say its normal
>call other people retarded

>keep the normies out

you cant be serious, no way.
I just dont believe that right now.

Do normalfags really not understand the consequences of their actions or is it all feels > reals?

What happens now:
>Pedophilia is not a thought crime but trying to get help for it puts you at a serious risk because of bloodthristy mouthbreathers
>Few pedos will seek help

Or if edgy Sup Forumstards and SJW's get what they want
>Make pedophilia a thought crime punishable by death
>Now literally none of them seek mental health treatment, child molestation rates go up

Daily reminder that "racists" are always the second to go after pedos on any website that bans them.

Woaw we're not talking about dating but being sexually attracted too.
But why 16 ? And not 15 ? Or not 17 ?
That's just because YOU want 16 hotties sometimes, but some may think your the pedo and the age should be 18