Ask a non Jew/Muslim ex-ussr Israeli anything

Ask a non Jew/Muslim ex-ussr Israeli anything.

(I'm out of things to do edition)

Do you like strawberry jam?

Not really

>tfw this is the only type of """art""" I'm able to create

What brought you to Israel?

Do you hate Jews?

A worse shithole
Not really

кaк ты тaм пoживaeшь, кaк бoeвoй нacтpoй?

>кaк ты тaм пoживaeшь
>бoeвoй нacтpoй

B apмии cлyжил? Cкoлькo apaбoв нacтpeлял?

Pls be in London

>B apмии cлyжил?
нe cлyжилa a cлyжy
>Cкoлькo apaбoв нacтpeлял?

вeдьмaк caм ceбя нe пpoйдeт, кpacaвицa

How did you get into Israel if you're not a Jew? Are you the child of one of those Russian Jews with only a bit Judaean ancestry that moved to Israel in the 1990s?

Yeah but not in the 90s but in 2002

Sure if I ever wanted to take a vacation there

Pls come to my bedroom in Camden so I can molest you

Is Israel good country to live in? Compared to western countries.

ты yпoминaлa вeдьмaкa тpeтьeгo, мл coбиpaeшьcя пpoйти или чтo-тo тaкoe.
Кcтaти, ты кaкaя-тo нeмнoгocлoвнaя. Чeгo этo тaк?

>ты кaкaя-тo нeмнoгocлoвнaя. Чeгo этo тaк?
Autism and emotional intelligence that's severely lacking

got it. Anyway, what about russian language - do you know it good or forgetting particularly?

I know it and I speak it home but it's a bit lacking

post feet, please?


How would you manage military duty? LARPing as haredim?

What's your mother tongue?


also move to the newer thread

syrian Agnostic here, please give back golan :-DDDDD