When did you realize it wasn't the jews... and it wasn't the anglos...
WHEN did you realize that it was the Eternal Kraut all along?
When did you realize it wasn't the jews... and it wasn't the anglos...
WHEN did you realize that it was the Eternal Kraut all along?
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Fuck Off with your divide and conquer thread.
Also, Angela Merkel is a Jew.
When I realized I'm not a divide-and-conquer kike shill who buys into these jewish memes and the reality is that the elites are against the white race in all western countries not just germany or england in particular
No Junior. It's the Vatican and the Jesuits.
she is so fucking ugly it's disgusting
nigger spotted
t. proud 1/8 Germanic heritage
So Jews and Nazis?
sometimes i get lost in how good Germans are at fucking up the world
i mean look at this faggot. he actually thinks
looks good.
I think we should mate!
d-delete this!!
She's a polish kike
>Germans kill the Roman Empire
>Germans kill the unity of Western Christendom
>Germans help kill the Napoleonic Empire
>Germans help kill monarchism and empire within Europe
>Germans kill the European colonial empires
>Germans kill the European Union
This must be the fault of the Jews.
Did nazi that coming.
Oh wow, look at that. Turkroach got himself a new proxy!
>WHEN did you realize that it was the Eternal Kraut all along?
What are you talking about?
We're good boys, we dindu nuffin. We love learning and stuff.
watcha gonna do about it, cryboy?
Gonna cry about it infront of iranian TV cameras? is little crybaby gonna cry?
But user Angela is a jew
Poland can have the east, we'll split up the west of Germany just like we did before.
You people can't be trusted on your own, and for the masses you all long for someone more powerful to tell you what to do anyway.
How come most jews have german names?
>German military inferior to Poland
you can't make this shit up
Yeah, that'll be the day... germany gets beaten mexico.
Dude, I dont worry about the United States of Mexico, but Poland.... they have invisible tanks, you know.
Why is she still the furher? Don't you nazi faggots ever have elections?
They only have elections every 12 years or something retarded like that
every 4years.
Next election in 2017 which she will win again by a wide margin.
Right now is her third term.
> fear
> lost every conflict since the Franco-Prussian War
Because americans just lose battles agains AK wieldung savages... and their girdles.
I love Germany!
ur wrong it was always the eternal prussian
>not the Jews
Jew detected
you are uncovered, trudeau!
England and Germany are rightful allies. Anyone who says otherwise is a shill trying to divide and conquer. Saged.
germany should make a union with sweden and canada.
>implying the Joos don't control everything
the nazis were actually jews. nazis came from their name: ashkeNAZI
Oh je, die Kanadier wissen es. Fahrt die Aktivitäten herunter.
>rekt by Romans
>""""holy"""" """""roman""""" empire explodes
>loses WWI
>loses WWII
>salty tears over Brexit
all makes sense now lel
Germany was the last rekt by Romans country that had contact with romans.
You did not get rekt by Romans because we stopped them.
Loses both world wars, has best K/D ratio, still strongest economy in Europe, our destiny is tied to yours, norge cuck.
This jewish poison of division between the white nations needs to stop.
>You did not get rekt by Romans because we stopped them.
You mean backstabbed them while they were teaching you how to be civilized. Nice.
yes :-) And then we vandalized their capital
man i dont remember any of this
Hitler would have saved the white race...but the anglocucks rejected him
she is a clone of hitler and was created to mock his legacy
Damn op, you might be on to something.
What is up with the fact that there is a ton of propaganda online saying that she is the daughter of Hitler?
Its fucking weird. Any basis on that? It would be amazing if she actually let the rapefugees in to help create the conditions in which nationalism could rise. A sort of double agent. Sadly, I don't think we can be so lucky.
this actually makes sense
germans are shapeshifting into jews!
Erdogan's bottom surfaces again .
Turks have the smallest cocks, I doubt he has the reach for those saggy hang tits
I and the EU will be ok!
is this why we, as a nation, have become so suicidal?
The old instincts kick in.
Merkel is a loxist and zionist and potentially even a crypto-jewess. She's a fan of the loxist good goy Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, the man who invented the race-mixing ideology in the 1920s; he is the founding father of the EU. He was of mixed race himself and considered people of mixed race to be 'superior' to 'inbred' people. Wolfgang Schäuble's recent comments on 'incest' are related to this too.
Merkel's favourite book is called Vision 2050. Her government paid the writers of the book. It contains her entire political ideology in the form of 'visions' for the year 2050.
One of the 'visions' is that by 2050, all racism will have disappeared in Germany because all people will be of mixed race.
To make this happen, the government would have to ENFORCE race-mixing (e.g. through state-sanctioned mass rapes, see Cologne NYE), because most german women traditionally hate shitskins with a passion.