Thoughts on Prager University? Is it redpilled? Just today they released a video calling out the hypocrisy of feminists who refuse to acknowledge the oppression of Muslim women.
Thoughts on Prager University? Is it redpilled...
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they're realists.
they know how to put the conservative message out
Prager is a jew so all their stuff is heavy pro israel
theres lots of shilling going on and its basically a b8 youtube channel but they have good videos here and there
IIRC they did an Israel Shill and climate change denial thing, otherwise they're okay.
They exist to show only the Conservative perspective and some life tip shit. Watch it with that in mind.
You call this redpilled?
It's neat but far from redpilled
>not siding with muslim killing israel
>climate change denial thing
the weather changes all the time bro, its also called weather
>the weather changes all the time bro, its also called weather
Oh go away. They also shill for fossil fuel in general.
>believing the climatejew
They are Jewish
Do not be fooled
Still useful for convincing normies of various things
This. Truly our greatest ally
Prager University is basically neocon stuff
Great overall, but Prager himself is a huge holohoax victim monger.
> Christian conservative anti blm anti cultural Marxist channel dedicated to unbrainwashing people using short 5 minute easy to watch videos
No. They're pretty blue pilled. It's so obvious
waaaaa their views dont align with my nazi ideology waaaaaaaaah, i bet they are a part of jewish consipracy waaaah
Jews are behind Prager, so that's a major red flag
Anything from Mike Rowe is redpilled.
even if they are kinda jewish, it's nice to hear of a uni that isn't buying into the social justice feelathon that other universities are turning higher education into
paid fossil industry shills on climate change,
excellent on islam and feminism
>It's a decent country.
what the fuck does that even mean
no they are literally jewish you fucking anglo god anglos are so fucking shit i hope you all die
>believing the climate change lie
For Prager U I take the approach that while I hate (((Neo-Cons))), I HATE the left-wing dominated media space even more.
And if having at least one entry level red pill site with some recognition and following on Jew Tube means having to put up with Prager U's shit.
Then I would rather put up with Prager U's shit than having the John Olivers' of this world being the only people with political views on arguably one of, if not the biggest media source on Earth.
tl'dr lesser of two evils
Its not an actual university.
Literally just an online vlog for Neo-Cons.