Last Thursday WB drafted final shortlist for directors to replace Ben Affleck.
> David Fincher
> Denis Villeneuve
> Guy Ritchie
Favouirite is Fincher but they will settle for Villeneuve if he declines.
Last Thursday WB drafted final shortlist for directors to replace Ben Affleck.
> David Fincher
> Denis Villeneuve
> Guy Ritchie
Favouirite is Fincher but they will settle for Villeneuve if he declines.
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Mark Steven Johnson
What about Affleck?
Is this any true? I mean, the only thing that would make me happy about this movie now is either Fincher or Villeneuve directing it.
Even more hyped than Affleck directing it.
>Favouirite is Fincher
Good, we need a movie that costs $600 million and doesn't break even for 5 years so studios know never to fucking trust him again
he doesn't want to both act in it and direct it so he decided to step down and have someone else direct it
>Affleck drops out for a better director
Based Affleck taking the hit from the DC-hate obsessed media to make true batkino
>capeshit directed by fincher
soooo more grimdark edgelord tripe from dc?
Only Guy Ritchie might do it. The other the two wouldn't direct capeshit trash.
i don't think he expected there to be so much red tape and bullshit from the studios. i'm surprised he hung in as long as he did
>DCucks unironically think any of these directors other than Ritchie will actually agree to work on their burning ship
I doubt DC is even considering them.
Would Villeneuve even want to do a Superhero film?
Shame if he went mainstream though.
Still, I'm cautiously optimistic for Blade Runner 2049.
He was even saying they would have to make another costume because directing and acting would be extremely hard in the current costume.
I guess we'll only know if this is good or not when we know the actual director.
Fincher with Reznor soundtrack would be perfect btw.
I found the perfect director.
>Fincher with Reznor soundtrack would be perfect btw.
hes been with WB for like a decade
dude is already involved in a remake and a sequel
doing capeshit isn't much of a stretch
It does feel like every movie he wants to make is a slightly shrouded Batman movie.
He could make it work.
Fincher Batman would be nice. Batman in a Digital Frame.
You know If fincher took the project id jizz my pants, last thing id give a shit about is how much money it makes or costs
Fincher will almost certainly decline. A Finer Batman would be überkino tho
>will settle for Villeneuve
HAHA SETTLE FOR VILLENUEVE. He is the best working director right now
I just hope he leaves after Justice League.
Honestly if the script is solid and simple Snyder could direct the fuck out of it. All the basic Batman shit in BvS was the best part
> David Fincher
> Denis Villeneuve
> Guy Ritchie
Oh boy I can't wait for Guy Ritchie's Batman!
Sure, if you're only familiar with IMDBcore directors.
Only guy ritchie is realistic.
>VILLENUEVE. He is the best working director right now
>"people" in this board actually believe this
>only white men can direct Batman
they need to let a Trans of Color have a chance
Give Aronofsky another shot at Batkino.
How retarded is WB for letting this new go on without even choosing the new director?
It will just show how incompetent WB is regarding the DCEU
Fincher maybe but Villeneuve and Ritchie both have shit in the pipeline.
Villeneuve is doing Dune next and Ritchie is doing Aladdin.
they're gonna crowdsource the direction via social media
>they will settle for Villeneuve if he declines
I watched an interview with him where he said he was overworked and wanted to take a long break after Blade Runner. Guess they'll have to settle for Ritchie.
>if he went mainstream
hes always been mainstream you stupid Sup Forumseddit cuck. Ever since intendies
Villeneuve, anglocucks.
Let's keep Batman edgy and go fincher pls
Producers of Batman saw Live By Night or whatever it's called and decided that because it didn't do very well they decided to leave it to someone else
Much better if they separate the DCEU to Whomever directs their superheroes next. They've done it on DCAU so why not on live action?
I just wish he didn't arrive in the first place
George Miller.
They probably spent $600 million just advertising BvS and that movie sucks a fuck. I would rather they break the bank on a fantastic Fincher Batman that doesn't make a ton of money than get another BvS-quality stinker.
do you mean keep him edgy by having him still kill people?
Nigga. Fincher is subtle as fuck. Go watch 'Zodiac' and stop being a dumb nigger.
Id like to picture Villeneuve cause he's been on a hot streak for like 4 years, but I doubt the studio would let him just do his thing. Fincher may be doing World War Z 2 so I don't know about him, but it would be nice since he collabed with Ben on Gone Girl. Guy Ritchie is an in house director at WB (did Sherlock, UNCLE, & King Arthur) so pick a name out of a hat, it will be in Guy Ritchie's favor.
Fincher is interesting but he's pretty overrated desu
Of the three Ritchie is probably the most likely, and I don't think that would be a good fit
>Fincher may be doing World War Z 2
That cannot be true. I refuse to believe it.
As long as he's nowhere near the writing room, yeah he's perfect.
Yep. And dark.
>Fincher can't make edgy-esque films
Have you seen se7en? He's very versatile is what i meant bitch
My shortlist for Batman:
George Miller
Pete Travis
Robert Rodriguez
David Fincher
Alfonso Cuarón
Alejandro G. Inarritu
Guillermo Del Toro
Mel Gibson (never happen, but it'd be awesome)
Ridley Scott (same as above)
Doesn't mean it's gonna happen.
Why would you want edgy? Snyder made Batman edgy and now he's all quippy in Justice League to compensate.
>Mel Gibson (never happen, but it'd be awesome)
>Ridley Scott (same as above)
Terrible choices. Hacksaw Ridge was terrible and Wigley Scott hasn't made a good movie in like 12 or 13 years.
I want Fincher just so we can get the GOAT Batman movie
Pic related is the only legitimate candidate
Based Mel would nail the action scenes and narrative flow, whilst Ridley's ability to build up tension and create striking aesthetics is unmatched.
my hateboner for fincher notwithstanding, you make an excellent point
Just my personal preference
>Based Mel would nail the action scenes
But the action scenes in Hacksaw Ridge sucked BAD.
underrated reply
Still better than 90% of action scenes filmed in the past decade.
fincher and denis are above superhero movies
Villenueve>Prime Ritchie>Fincher>Not Prime Ritchie
i'd see any superhero movie he makes
>villenueve and fincher batman
fucking kino
You have really shitty standards. The Expendables movies had better and more believable action scenes than fucking Hacksaw Ridge.
The Pacific's were so much fucking better it's not even funny
I always felt Mel's hilariously over-the-top approach to action would fit rather well in capeshit...
Damn straight. I assume he would go straight crazy with the whole "modern mythology" idea, and Batman would be perfect with really dark twisted aesthetics.
WB is settling a deal with Uwe Boll
Snyder will step down and Boll will assume DCEU
Didn't Joss Whedon wanted to make a Batbat film?
Batm*n: The Dawn of Social Justice
He's pretty much fucked himself out of big budget flicks for the foreseeable future after shitting all over Marvel for not letting him do every stupid thing he wanted to do on World of Ultron.
i would watch this
Who gives a fuck
What about Jeremy Saulnier
Can we meme magic this into happening? I mean the film will suck any way so we might as well have some fun with a genius at the helm1
I want to see Batman turned into some kind of tarrot chimera, and Jodorowsky make a cameo where he psychogenologies Bruce into dealing with his parent's deaths.
Maaaaaaaaan... all the excessive violence, brutalizing of children, and random nudity from all genres and limbs all done with a multi million dollar Hollywood gloss.
I don't want good directors wasting their time with capeshit in general let alone this shitty edgelord Batman. Guy Ritchie would be fine.
this iteration of Batman is the only interesting one that any good director should waste their time with, it can be a legit great film and not capeshit.
What if Sinbad directs it?
Just bring back Snyder you fucking babies. Deathstroke is the villain in case you've all forgotten. Snyder's Batman decimated Nolan's, it would be poetic for Snyder to show us what a real masked mercenary looks like.
Dubs command it
what makes them think any of these guys would even agree to a meeting?
they are in Brett Ratner/McG territory at this point. just end this already and go back to making only batman movies and the occasional superman reboot every decade.
exactly how does one "suck a fuck"
>>David Fincher
>>Denis Villeneuve
>>Guy Ritchie
seems like a fit for Batman.
that might be interesting
fuck fincher and ritchie tho
fuck you, cunt
Its gonna have to be a big name for them to recover from this.
God don't waste Fincher of Villenueve's with this. I guess have Guy Ritchie do it.
>so desperate for a well reviewed movie they have to get directors who couldn't possibly fuck it up
Ritchie not withstanding though.
but muh le awesome fight club (rule number 1 lol get it?) and snatch
no, fuck you
the worst part is that guy "im too hardcore m8" ritchie will end up doing it
It's called improv Jake don't fucking lampshade it you unprofessional shit
I want Carruth to direct Batman. You reading this Carruth? Please make this movie.
kill yourself buddy.
agree with her?