Your favorite film's main character is now played by Terry Crews
Is it still good?
Your favorite film's main character is now played by Terry Crews
Is it still good?
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It's still a BLACKED movie so yea
lol, i was gonna say the same thing
Lol was gonna say the same thing
lol i was gonna say the same thing
LOL i was gonna say the same thing
fucking cuck
There's several main characters in Snatch
starship troopers
works out because he looks argentinian
kek i was gonna say the same thing
Lulz I was gonna say the same thing.
>the shining
if you consider jack nicholson the main character, then yeah, its still good. he's one of the few actors who could pull off that over the top shit. also some added drama to the movie since danny would obviously not be his biological son, making his hatred of danny even more believable
was gonna say the same thing
lel, was gonna say the same thing
this is a meme thread dumbshit
get the fuck out
The Social Network, so yes.
>Cool Hand Luke
Arrested for removing the heads from parking meters in the 1950s in rural Florida? It's now a short film as he's hanged within the first ten minutes of the movie.
Well, Irreversible's a lot funnier now
They are all Terry.
ROFLMAO I was gonna say the same thing
awkies XD
So Terry is either Ripley or the xenomorph...
Better yet, both.
Lol I was going to same thing!
haha mate i was gonna say the same thing
LOL, but my favorite movie is Watching My Mom Go Black, so same concept
lmfao was gonna say the same thing too
Heh, dude you never would of had guessed it but i would of posted the same thing!
no wayyy
was gonna say the same thing lol
fuck niggers, fuck muslims, fuck faggots, fuck kikes, fuck feminists, fuck soros, fuck hillary, fuck ctr, fuck obama, fuck his monkey wife
but i was gonna say the same thing desu
transporter is objectively the main character of snatch
literally me
Conan the Barbarian. It would work.
>mean girls
Terry Crews would be amazing as Regina George
Lost in Translation.
Would be terrible if 18 year old ScarJo didn't actually get blacked.
Retarded thread
Le me was gonna say le say thing
XDDD 11!1!!1 so 4chanz XDD
lol, mad white boi
*heh, I was gonna say the same thing*
The same thing lol I was gonna say
dubs confirm, ScarJo at 18 was blacked
kek, little dicked alt-righter is mad black men are superior
Why is Terry Crews so charismatic?
L O L, I was gonna cuck the same thing :DD
BBC. White men literally can't compete.
>Terry crews as John Wick
It's even better, Bob. Who doesn't love Terry?
Mite b cool
um... this? duh?? i have literally fucked black guys before just becuase my racist dad stanley smith is a racist piece of shit. does anybody have an evangelion torrent link?
lol i came here to post this
>Bob Harris in Lost and Translation
I could see it working. Wud b laff.
literally this
jej, came to this thread to post this exact thing XD XD XD
I don't think it would be as good overall, but how awesome would it be to see him doing the "Let It Go" song.
>Instead with a couple of handguns he uses a AA12
I thought you could not improve, but I was wrong.
Terry Crews as Dirk Diggler.
Its both perfect and absolutely ridiculous
haha was gonna say the same thing
>Asuka from EoE played by Terry Crews
Yes, I think he can act the "MAMA!" and the violent shouts quite well.
fuck off i enjoyed his post more than any of the shit that came before it you faggot
>t. angry white boi
what a coincidence! I too was going to say the same thing
>terry crews in edge of tomorrow
Terry Crews in Love, Actually
>64 replies from 44 posters
Try harder, lad.
bruh I was just about to post but.. pfft kek I was gonna say the exact same thing lmaoo
it would be still a blacked movie
haha beat me to it
Did you edit this yourself? what did you use?
toastin in ebin bread
include me in the screecap xD
Terry Crews can speak German?
Well I could imagine Terry Crews chasing chinks around the streets, trying to find a murderer.
Would be kino tbqhfam
Why is he always so naked & greasy? I feel like I have to shower when I see him.
This is a reddit thread
you are a reddit thread
Ad homs, nice
Didn't you watch Gayniggers from Outer Space?
>Die Hard with Terry Crews replacing Bruce Willis
No because whilst my favourite film is amazing in nearly every conceivable way, it would not be able to make up for the impossibly huge gravity sink of talent caused by that ugly nigger
oh man I was so close XD
Include me in the screencap