Should the lottery be banned?
Is it just a tax on the poor?
Should the lottery be banned?
Is it just a tax on the poor?
No, it's more tax on the stupid.
Nobody's forcing them to buy the tickets anyway, so it's nothing like a tax anyway.
even if this guy was wrong, & hes right, why on earth would we ban a voluntary tax like the lottery
like i have no idea what you mean to accomplish here
meh people say its a tax on the stupid but my dad won $20m 6/49 in 2001 and now my grand kids won't even have to work we live off investment properties
It sucks cause I have a couple friends who seem to have amazing luck with lottery tickets
One of them won 50,000$ on a 10$ scratcher about a month ago.
I will spend 50$ on scratchers, and get like 15$ of it back.
Bullshit. I'm jelly.
You don't have to gamble into the lottery. Plus, a lot of the money (at least here in my state) goes to funding the education system.
No. It should be critically and constantly assessed to assure the state government isn't just buying extra margarita machines with the proceeds.
Otherwise it's easy tax dollars off of stupid poor people. Whatever paves the roads faster.
Niggers will nig. Even if they win the lotto. I post this everytime some liberal or kike asshole says "you got a leg up rich white person".
Yes.. One person is accumulating the wealth of millions for no reason other than the fact that humans are gullible animals.
Nobody forces you to do most of the stuff that you already do. You've been taught by parents, education, social media. I mean, are you going to tell me, that you chose to wear European clothing, and not kimonos, sombreros or turbans?
The art of sales is WHY humans are so gullible. Choice isn't involved; there's no freedom of choice. Your support of "libertarian" values is proof of that. You're just as dimwitted as the rest of them.
Who cares if it's a tax on the poor, the money goes back into the economy so it can never be a bad thing.
So you fund your education on the other's ignorance?
>money goes back into the economy
>No, it's more tax on the stupid.
Isn't being stupid like having a mental illness. You can't help being stupid...
>money goes back into the (((economy)))
Who cares if stupid people want to piss away their money on lottery tickets?
It sounds nice the way you put it. If only it really worked like that.
No, that money is appropriation money for break-room amenities and bonuses
if the winning chance is printed as a ratio the buyers have transparent information. In this case it's ok, they know what they will get
I've heard tons of stories about niggers totally blowing their lotto winnings. Hard to find these stories now for some reason...there was one in particular where this black guy won and blew all his money on racing pigeons
In 2016 no one is "stupid" anymore.
> it's more tax on the stupid.
Just like Netflix or iTunes.
If you outlaw the lottery, there will still be lotteries. They'll just be underground, thus untaxed and corrupt. That's the reason state run lotteries created in the first place.
There absolutely is freedom of choice. If I can recognize that I'm being targeted for the sell and am able to say "no", then I have just made a choice. Also, people will often choose to wear clothing that helps them fit in with the people around them. They support society. Just because everyone doesn't sport dreadlocks and scowl at a dollar bill doesn't mean they're inferior.
>hurr durr wake up sheeple
>(a leaf)
It funds public works, at least here in the UK. I've seen "Funded by the UK Lottery" placards in some places, I assume a part of the profits fo into that.
But yeah, don't fucking buy lottery tickets. It's a tax on the stupid.
It's not a tax, but it should be banned.
No form of organised gambling should ever be legal. People are too stupid and are duped into losses for corporate gains.
The idea of having a state run lottery is that if you don't provide a legal mechanism for lotteries to occur that illicit lotteries without the oversight that the stated odds are true and no rigging occurs, then it will be done illicitly anyways.
Besides, the money for the state is wayyyyy too sweet to give up now.
You should see some states in the midwest, they have Keno games every 2 minutes with multipliers that play through video terminals. It's insanity.
Dat street name tho
this is what muslims in my country says
I don't know about your country but the national lottery has funded many things here in the UK.
Bed people can still be right on occasion.
But I should add that personal gambling - between friends, betting pools at the workplace, they should all be perfectly legal.