Are you paying attention?

I'm probably the only person who noticed these two deaths today.

Neither are sponsored on major news outlets.

Both are extremely interesting factors to the upcoming presidential election.

First the UN rep who was to testify against Clinton.

Now the only serious contender for a libertarian presidency.

Are you paying attention?

An experienced weight lifter knows how to leave the clips off the barbell so the weights fall of when tilted. If this man was president of a UN general assembly, he was clearly smart enough to know how to use the weight set he purchased. It could be a legitimate accident, but why would such an intelligent person not think to allow himself room for error? When I lift I tilt the bar to drop the plates when it gets too heavy. There is no way I'm lifting more than this guy, so how could I know better than him?

That's Agent 47 style, in the rehab clinic.

Another one to add to Killary's list.

They used the Brexit carnage to silently push a new mass surveillance law through german parliament too.



The weightlifting one is not a coincidence. Sounds like Clinton work to me. The other one though, who are we suspecting killed him? Johnson or Clinton? And what incentive would Clinton have to kill him if so? Johnson is the only Libertarian that anyone has talked about.

The Brexit panic also strengthened our most EU-loyal party just as elections were taking place. Not that they refused my country any good chance to kick them out, but certainly made their lives easier pushing us around for the next few years.

Go back to /x/
Its probably the illuminati. You guys should focus on the illuminati and the muslims, theyre the biggest threat to the world, not jews (just saying).
Nazis are really really bad

I think it's important to note that Donald Trump is her distraction. I don't know why the majority o Sup Forums is ignoring the fact that he's clearly throwing the election at this point.

Shillary is about to walk into the white house, unopposed and the NWO/shadow government is literally shaping the world around us as we watch helplessly.

Brexit is only going to create more chaos in Europe, and what is it that they do? Order out of chaos. Create a problem so you can provide a solution, and if anyone comes along to say anything, just call them crazy.

We're all doomed. Doomed.

Here's a wacky picture to take some of the edge off.

He died of a heart attack

Just google John Ashe mang

Sober up a little on ego, friend.

can we have a smug thread instead?

Bumping for Trump

commenceing the trump dump of clinton funk





>Now the only serious contender for a libertarian presidency.

Thank God. Glad to see a useful idiot of the establishment met his end.





Because WE let them.

Remember when b used to find people and connect them to crimes? All it takes is for us Sup Forumslacks to do some digging and connect the dots. I'm hoping that by posting this, someone smarter than me will do such a thing.




No, dude. These are both people standing in the way of Clinton being president.
This is false. Ashe was declared dead by severe trauma from asphyxiation.

I wonder who could be behind this post....

>Remember when b used to find people and connect them to crimes? All it takes is for us Sup Forumslacks to do some digging and connect the dots.

>I'm hoping that by posting this, someone smarter than me will do such a thing.
Nah, somebody else do it.

Are you fucking serious?

Wow this is getting slided hard. Bump.

It's easy to escape justice when everyone who's supposed to look for you has been paid off.

Isn't that pretty much what we do here all day long??

>the only serious contender for a libertarian presidency
There are no contenders. Garry Johnson already won, and Feldman never had a chance.


They have filled pol with nonsense threads to distract from this. If we want any possible progress, this thread must be replicated and posted by anons other than myself. I am asking you and anyone else capable of caring to repost this thread so that multiple discussion amongst those who may miss it can occur. One other user other than me has already posted something.

Wow... The slide is real anons.
>Mfw page 5

((( )))
oyyyyy veyyy shut it down

am i doing this right?

what do you think about benis

I don't have the capacity to do the investigating myself because I don't know what to look for dude. If everyone here tries to find SOMETHING like I have done by simply posting, then we can get somewhere.

On that shit guy.
I won't let you down buddy.
What I'm sayin is, you can count on me friend.

Summer solstice sacrifice anton from the star trek movies just joined club 27 too.

Every fucking time

He is pretty deep undercover

Set up and maintain a thread series like /sg/ or that new one /zhg/. Then after some time, people will catch on to what you're trying to achieve and get with it. You could call it /cc/ for criminal connections.

bump for great justice

oh shiiii