England, YOU ARE THE LAUGHING STOCK OF EUROPE. The rest of Europe thinks you're a bunch of fucktards after the Brexit...

England, YOU ARE THE LAUGHING STOCK OF EUROPE. The rest of Europe thinks you're a bunch of fucktards after the Brexit, and now you're losing to Iceland. TO FUCKING ICELAND! HAHAHAHAHAH

Wales here, loving that Iceland is destroying England.

Love Dafydd

They may not even lose on PKs this time! TOP KEK


Wew, just noticed how similar the iceland flag is to the union jack

UEFA brexit when?

Fuck England. It's become a ritual to see them crash and burn every Euro/WC.

I just realized it must be a pain in the ass for kids to draw your flag in school, isn't it?

Why the fuck are the so many pro-eu shills on Sup Forums as of late? Is it the other chans coming over to voice their opinions?

They are paid to be here for disinfo.

Sup Forums is full of neets.
UK is pulling out of the EU leaving a huge hole in its budget.

They think we threaten their neetbux.

it's almost as if the insincere contrarian banter during the run-up to the referendum is less appealing to many english shitposters now

Its a pain in the ass to draw it still

Don't try your luck mate I've got a plastic fork.

If we beat Iceland, they win.

Who is the laughing stock now ?

>Small Britain getting fucked by Vikings

Not surpised

SB is really the meme of the world right now


I've heard they genuinely believed to be among the top teams in the euro. A tad delusional, our british friends.

I'm surprised we even scored the penalty.

>Watching football

belgium gonna destroy you in quarters

Losing to Belgium is understandable. Losing to Iceland is not.

What's worse is not being in the Euros at all after being eliminated in part by Iceland, Dutchboy.

I dunno, while Belgium is a great side so are we.
It's gonna be close

He's talking about Wales,not England

its their first ek so yeah its pretty impressive!

I know. This is more of a celebration for Wales since they have no expectations, so losing to a very strong Belgium squad is understandable.

Being eliminated by Iceland however would be an utter disaster. Probably the worst in English football history.

Fuck of faggot. Brexit is orchestrated by the kikes

Go Iceland! Destroy the retards!

Don't worry England, I still like you.

t. butthurt benefit seeker

Iceniggers fucking kicking ass as fuck

They master race will win!

Yeah it has always been my dream to move to some muslim shithole

This referee just lets anything pass

If Iceland beats England then they'll be so crushed,It'll be great to watch.

I wouldn't mind Wales losing to Belgium that much, as you said they're a very strong squad ; but we've improved a lot recently so we might have a chance.

I remember in one of the more early years in my primary school, there was literally a competition to see who could best draw our flag.

Isn't all Iceland population on stadim now?

Everyone is losing to glorious Iceland

you can't root for iceland and be pro brexit?

8%, according to ESPN.

Crazy to think about, which makes this an upset on an enormous scale.

This is Sup Forums how? lad.

england er einn samkynhneigðra

>le laughing stock of le world
You must be 18 or older to post on 4chin

I know 3 Slovaks so it would not surprise me.

Fuck me!
Time slipped, workout late. it's on!


Icelanders have a language that is basically what Vikings spoke, and they have the strongest men in the world in their country.


2016 is the year England fails at everything.
Praise KEK

og svartur

seriously the only western team that is actually that country on the flag

>The rest of Europe thinks you're a bunch of fucktards after the Brexit
The rest of Europe is begging for our cum right now.

no the sheep niggers are here quite often

English football team is fucking shit and overrated, always has been. We haven't won a major competition for years.

We were lucky to beat Wales.

og múslímar

fuck almost 1 more God damnit!
Iceland on a roll
England rekt

they actually do love and play soccer

The viking spirits are within the Icelanders. The Anglies are losing because they let themselves get raped by French fucks in 1006 or something.

if i am correct french fucked a bit more arround then just 1006.



Norway had an invasion just a couple of days before the french came... I wonder what could have happened if Norway had waited a few days until after the French guys had taken some major losses

Normans were just Danes anyway lad.

Polak here; In other news, I hope that Poland destroy Portugal on the 30th.

William probably would have lost, part of why the Anglo-Saxon army lost was that they had to rush down from the North of England and were tired and had already taken casualties fighting the Norwegians.

doubt it, but polish like to fight so i give em that.

Hey we never got this far in recent history so give us some credit :)

I'm loving the diverse range of Remain proxies! Keep it up, you're nearly as diverse as my browsing history.

i did, poland wont go down without a proper fight.

Iceland has US military bases on it. England can't fuck with those.

>you're losing to Iceland.

You mean the group of niggers that plays football for us.

I'm Norwegian though... just trying to have some savage fun.
I actually absolutely love England and the UK though

I'm not here often

Not anymore... I think. It was shut down a few years ago. Still a NATO base though (currently Norwegian F16s are patrolling Iceland).

>Rooney, Hart, Kane, Lallana, Wilshire, Cahill, Vardy

Don't act like you don't care, Nigel. You're crying right now.


iceland-africa still 2-1
fucking do this!

I see a lot of other Nordic countries rooting for Iceland.

Nordic Union when?

kek get fucked by Poland on thursday

Iceland: pure Norwegian genes
England: not pure Norwegian genes

Who do we support?


Iceland is actually a mixed population between Norwegians and Irish people.

Maybe it's a bit like supporting Leicester in the premier league if you know what I mean? Do you know what I mean?

And? Rooney himself is a potato nigger.

Yeah, mostly Norwegians though

Just saying they are not pure Norwegians.

Yet another index fag loser who lost his shirt. Shouldn't trade derivatives you dirty jew pleb.

England was going to choke being part of the EU or not.

No one believes that though. The media push it because they don't actually fact check anything, Britanons play into the meme so dopey EU members will lap it up without realising they're being rused. As usual, everyone else is the butt of the joke, but are too stupid to understand or too desperate to "get one over" they do the same thing the media does.

It will choke harder on kremlin far right and far left propaganda and money to extremists.

True Moscow has been fucking around in the EU for a while with some damage but they just fucked the UK completely.


You have no right to insult other teams, Paco.

Wait, why is Iceland so good in association football? Why does Iceland have such a high GDP per capita, and high human development Index?

Aren't countries with less genetic diversity supposed to be bad at shit?

>Germany is making fun of us again

5 minutes left!


You too.

i know im not in the best position to say this but... what the fuck anglo-cucks?

I have 250€ on 3-1 to iceland at 26:1, please god make it happen

There will be non-brexit head lines in UK media tomorrow HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH


>population: 320.000

United Cuckdom
>population: 64.100.000

I can just pretend to be Welsh until Wales lose.

haha, faggots.

you must be on the edge of your seat.

Norwegian genes...

>The rest of Europe thinks you're a bunch of fucktards after the Brexit,

The rest of the world thinks you're a bunch of fucktards after electing a nigger president twice.

So we'll be over here spending billions of pounds we've saved by leaving while you're over there being a cuck.

Iceland deserve this
Well played

>Norway with a population of lester are doing a lester.

this will crash the sterling. i'm not talking about the nog.