it got fucking heated last night
It got fucking heated last night
I bet nobody watched it, was game of plebs on?
Season Finale I believe.
Good, I hope they destroy each other.
13% of the population of the USA
you know damn well the finale was on last night and you watched it because you're a redditor
That's a nice Welsh surname you got there. Lovely blue eyes too. You should be thanking whites for breeding with you ugly monkies.
And not a single person cared. The BET awards have been nothing but black people whining and blaming whitey for years now. I actually used to watch it but I quit when it got too whiney. We kill ourselves 5 times more than whites kill us.
t. Uncle tom since I don't blame whitey for my problems.
They are 13% of the population(or about 11% if you just count those who look black).
Yet the blacks I see on TV/Ads/Film are more than 1 out of 10.
>Push interracial relations in movies for years
When do you think the hews will become redpilled to the cancer that is black people?
Uhhhh, have there not been a shit ton of movies about black people the last few years, and also, you know, a bunch of famous black actors in movies in general?
Ohhhhh wait, 100% of movies don't havea 100% black cast and crew. So therefore: oppression.
Have they forgotten they're 14% of the population?
Care to red pill me on this since i dont watch Btv
They just profit off them. I would too. Most blacks are fucking retarded and easy to manipulate.
And about a third of that total is in prison.
My people just whine about whitey since it's easier to do than fix the problems of our race. Like gangs.
Exactly.. even they know it themselves
Anything that doesn't have dick swinging moe girls is pleb according to your autistic sensibilities.
That was the number fucking years ago. You know it's a fuckton higher than that. I'd go as far as to say 30%. And that's sandbagging.
Thing is he blames whites, but not the blacks who agree to be ghetto.
>Jamie Foxx clapping
At least the somewhat smart and successful of them know.
it´s cringy how he thinks he´s some kinda hero who´s gonna spoil the truth nobody else knows about. All Hollywood is this season = forcing minority acceptance hell they even change characters to blacks so guys like him would stfu.
All this spoiler is gonna do is kill his career. He tried to backstab his only employer
Cause they can't afford HBO / too dumb to pirate
he's half white
Yeah and nobody watches BET, that's why they put that shirt on multiple networks
Even in their nigger safe space, the nigger won't name the jew. Pitiful.
>EBT awards
That's how I read that.
I bet nothing hates a nigger more than a decent black guy.
Cause ghetto niggas pay for his album. Can't just come out and say his customers are the real problem. And most whites who watch BET are too cucked to argue that fact.
Found the redditor
>the demographic with the highest number of abortions has doubled their population in a generation.
You're retarded.
It'll be down to 12 and 11 in the next 30 years. And that's assuming the spic wave doesn't kill them any faster than blacks already kill themselves off.
It pisses me they're pissed off at the Jews for using them like whores all these years in the entertainment industry. Black artists go along with it, purchased and listened to by the black communities. They exploit themselves and they let the Jew labels plunder them. What pisses me off is they bring "whiteness" into it, like the 40% of the country had anything to do with it. Fuck that. They need to wake the fuck up
Are you retarded? Black population is barely going up as a percentage because they're all killing each other.
Literally 10 seconds on Google
I chuckled modestly.
I was raised by a woman who genuinely believes blacks should not have any rights and are solely a detriment to the nation.
How would you phrase your agreement with her?
Because they can't afford a TV, and the government hasn't started giving out free TVs yet.
>Not literally just going to any city anywhere and seeing those walking abortions
More like pity these guys. Most of them will die to gang violence while still living like shit. I said fuck that after my high school got shot up because dumb fuck niggas would bring their gang related shit to school. Got the fuck out and now working as a machinist apprentice. Of course this means I'm an uncle tom but at least I'll live beyond 30. They're embarassing.
Makes sense
>Double as rich
Twice as rich, but I'm gonna give you a pass on that grammar for speaking out against god's chosen
what the actual fuck, im in tears
>those responses
Wouldn't expect these cucks to call out a black guy.
You have google. Use it.
Lol, no matter how much hollyjew wants it, boons are bad for ratings.
It always the mullatos that are the most militant. Ironic that niggers get them just as much as white people and don't consider them black enough.
>yeah yeah fuck em ghettoizing us
>inserts 3 6 mafia cd
I wish that were true, I'm sick of seeing magical niggers put in every fucking movie that defy reality.
I also have sense to see where we're headed.
Did Rihannas "Work" win anything?
Seriously, if you never left your house and just watched TV, you'd think they were 50% of the population
Fuck now one day I'm going to slip and say ebt not bet, I'm fucked.
But a complete jackass.
When your people are fucking retarded most the time? Yeah but that'd be like me saying whites shouldn't go to school since they like to shoot it up and take out randoms as well. I don't agree with that nonsense. I believe the typical ghetto nigga should sit in prison during their teens because these dumbfucks need an education and willingly throw it away like it ain't shit.
>decent black guy.
Are those like Mexican intellectuals?
>shove black guy in star wars lead
>make BF1 and watchdogs, mafria 3 with black characters as main character
>shove blacks non stop in all forms of media
RARE.. show me where you live Ngbontu
that would be due to the fact that hes south african
damn makes you think huh
you would know.
Best Collaboration
>the police keep killing us without justification
>here's a list of black people killed under justified circumstances and one suicide
He was fucking awful in that, and I actually loved him in community. Also annoying that they Blacked the mission commander that was Indian in the book.
Do any of those resource-extraction countries refine any of it?
Who does that blue eyed cracka think he is.
Not using Duck^2G
I don't ever go to lebbit, yet I watch Game of Normies. What does that say about me?
It's not racist if it's anti-white
Being racist to a black guy who is calling out the kikes isn't racism at all.
>How is a fact racist
Niggers know what's up, proving once again our one and true only enemy is the kikes.
Just ignore it m8. Sup Forums fucking loved GOT until it got mainstream. They are no better than hipsters in that respect. I will admit that the show went to shit after season 4 though.
>Just black people
>Black specific awards show
Nice diversity BET
Wow! a real life self depreciating nigger!
1.) How do you feel about the concept of all blacks going back to africa to create their own nation?
2.) why is it so hard for a majority of blacks (even educated ones) to admit that black culture is shit and the reason for their problems, and not whitey
3.Do you think it's kind of embarrassing that blacks were surpressed for centuries and fought so hard for their rights only to make a mockery of their own race and coincidentally have the lowest voter turn out?
Damn i hate blacks, you seem cool but FUCK any black that propagates that fucking murderous subculture where they think getting an education and maintaining a stable family and doing honest work and being civil is for pussies and is "Acting white"
fuck those niggers who ruin our english language and generally lower the level of public dialouge (now globally instead of just nationally thanks to globalization)
with such genius phrases as "bae" "fr" "on god" and general ebonics.
Factually incorrect. The black population has only risen 2~3% in the past 30 years. They have the highest abortion rate and murder rate (perpetrator and victim) among any demographic in the country.
The demographic you are thinking of is the latino population, which has ballooned by 25 to 30% in the same time frame.
Who cares?
Yeah up through Season 3 was good IMO. Incidentally that's about when they started letting D&D write more fan fiction.
Last night was pretty good though, family.
I'm just watching to get closure to the story since gurrm can't write anymore apparently.
>Little Orphan Annie
>Nick Fury
>"muh whitewashing"
>work with 6 Kenyans
>they all hate American blacks as much as they hate whites
They still hate whites for being white but they do at least realize how awful the local black population is
Niggers will always be too dumb to realize who really runs Hollywood
> Trevor Noah
>dont put black people in movies
>put black people in movies
not going to lie this fucking triggers me.
Not only are niggers over represented in media, but 90% of the time they are given roles which the average nigger would never in a 1000 years achieve. Take for example spics, which in my opinion get cucked the hardest by hollywood. 99% of the time beaners are either shitty cops or gangbangers.
True. Last night was the first time it felt like I was watching GOT and not fan fiction since season 4. They should have that guy direct every episode.
>using the +10 intelligence boost from being half white to just to shit on white people
Yup. Snoop Dogg posted a video to his facebook about how the new remake of Roots is just more blaxploitation and race-baiting. He said something along the lines of "It's always a movie of black people getting dogged by white people, never about any of the progress we've made".... And of course how many black people would go see a movie like that? No, for black people it's either Barbershop 4 or some "Whitey be evil" flick.
>BET complains about white people exploiting black people
>BET exploits and promotes every negative stereotype about black people you can imagine
Sometimes I wonder if the majority of Sup Forums didn't learn about black people from BET.
Same with Asians, they are either in the yakuza or run a dry cleaner/nail salon.
that intro scene was pure kino
Who owns BET anyway?
swedish mother, shocking i know