How did it come to be that men now seek hedonism and degeneracy rather than self actualization, family, and self improvement?
Is it possible for the culture to change back?
How did it come to be that men now seek hedonism and degeneracy rather than self actualization, family, and self improvement?
Is it possible for the culture to change back?
because of feminism
This. Women give up the poon too easy. Men can have kids at 60. Why waste your life?
Stopped giving a fuck when we became the face of everything evil in the world.
>self actualization, family, and self improvement
Because those 3 mean shit. Self actualization? There are thousands of chinks that are better than you in any field you would try to compete. Family? You really want a woman to backstab you and take all your money? Self improvement? You only need to find a way to get on top of the system. Self improvement for the sake of self improvement is retarded.
You are just mad you are not fucking hot bitches all day.
Honestly I blame Tinder.
Literally every girl you have been with or want is advertising herself for someone else good time.
I'm having a blast with tinderenas "not looking for hookups", but left me feel depressed for the prospect of a decent woman.
Lol Dan's legs are smaller each time I see them
it's that simple.
Take away the Internet and stop letting tech industry jobs be aspired to as "successful" and you will see changes overnight
>Self actualization
This one is easily the most important. If someone is left unfulfilled they will live a terrible, miserable life for the most part.
Since the dawn of man the family has been the central unit of our species. Caring for our family/clan is an innate biological drive, and is so for good reason.
>self improvement
Not only does self improvement increase your own pride, income, etc, but it also helps others, since you have more to offer.
Holy fucking rare
only if you take out all the backbones of the internet fight club style
Also becasue young , permanently monogamous marriage stopped being the norm. And promiscuous "chad" men are just as much to blame as women or nu-males for this. Give me a break if you think that just because you're muscular you're a "real man" and fucking tons of sluts is "manly"
Women's liberation, that's how.
Only way to change it back is to start controlling women again, but I don't have my hopes up.
>Take away the Internet and stop letting tech industry jobs be aspired to as "successful" and you will see changes overnight
Holy shit you're a moron, how has tech enabled the desire for Hedonism? Were there iPhones and the Internet at Woodstock?
Go fuck yourself.
it's sexual liberation, not just " women's "
Men are the ones who agreed to "Freeing" women because they want free sex, like your parent's generation the boomers
It hasn't enabled the DESIRE, but makes it too easy to do .
A good woman will help a man achieve more than he ever could on his own.
Plus who the fuck wants to raise kids at 60? I would like to see grandkids. To coach my kids baseball team. I would like to show him how to be strong. I want to be around as long as I can in his life.
You are degenerate
I'd rather fuck a new woman every weekend than the same bitch for the rest of my life. Why the fuck would you want to spend the rest of your life with one woman when you can fuck and impregnate multiple women?
As a Lolbertarian, do you guys seriously think Women's libertion was the issue, or letting women off the hook with their shitty decisions was the issue?
I think it's a fine idea for people to fuck whoever, but they should be able to live with the consequences such as broken hearts, STDs, having a child out of wedlock, raising a kid on your own dime, etc.
You are basing your arguments on a reality that does not exist anymore. Technology has made the culture change.
I don't doubt it, but when it comes to which gender fell further down the hole and faster, it's women.
Because love you filthy degenerate.
t. abdul
Call me an r9k loser but this IS true. The majority of men never went out of their way to self-improve solely out of some higher moral conviction (yes many did but it was never the majority). They did so because it was REQUIRED for social acceptance and stability, and having a family was directly necessary for their future survival
>How did it come to be that men now seek hedonism and degeneracy rather than self actualization, family, and self improvement?
Because women prefer hedonistic, degenerate men, and men want to fuck so they comply.
>Is it possible for the culture to change back?
Only after it collapses, and even then it might not, depending on how brown things get in the future. We'll probably just turn into Brazil.
Women aren't capable of love, you idiot.
t. low test beta faggot
Actually "love" isn't the main reason, it's about completing yourself and reproducing.
romantic love is a recent degenerate ideal from the mid 1800's. Arranged marriages were just fine.
Now love is real, but real love comes from decades of sacrifice, not at first sight. "soul mates" are bullshit, you have to grow old together and deal with fights to love one another
Because people are finally realizing that family is a fucking meme in this day and age.
The new world's values will be shit, but it honestly wasn't that great in the past either.
it makes anything easy to do fucktard.
You can reproduce without dedicating your life to one woman.
this rare is off the charts
You're mad jelly at that guy OP
I didn't read any of the replies because I reckoned the male posters would be blaming everyone but themselves.
Degeneracy is "funner" and exacts little consequence. Family means being sober, extended interaction with others and leaving all time-wasting activities like gaming unattended. Most of us tell ourselves that it's too much to ask.
Blame Hollywood and their skewed portrait of the burger way of life.
>Since the dawn of man the family has been the central unit of our species. Caring for our family/clan is an innate biological drive, and is so for good reason.
Scientifically and biologically inaccurate.
Humans are not monogamous by nature. Humans were not meant to separate into small monogamous family units that were meant to last through an individual's life time.
It's more or less likely that humans got together in pairs, fucked for a few years while the magic faded off, weened the kid until they were 3-5, broke up to search for another partner and then let the rest of the tribe have a hand in raising the said kid from there on out.
Admire your idealism, but this isn't the reality we live in. Conservative institutions exist to reinforce these values, but we live in a very different world, that is leftward leaning.
It may be very well that a liberal society is our best course, and is certainly the most sexually rewarding for men, but also works against these ideas.
Don't loose your idealism, even after your wife takes you for all your worth, and bestow them into your children in the hopes they live in a more stable and decent time
yea but because of the state subsidizing Children and Welfare, wouldn't the removal of these programs help stem sexual hedonism and degeneracy since people would have SEVERE consequences by having children out of wedlock, doing drugs 24/7, havng an STD, etc.?
Female sexual liberation has worked wonders for me desu.
It has never been easier to get laid.
Holy roid gut jesus. Didn't he already have a heart attack? Maybe it's a good time to stop using gear.
They are, they just get over you EXTREMELY fast
if you ever have a family you need to give up browsing Sup Forums completely and grow out of it.
I thought the question was regarding why people are preferencing to be hedonistic instead of choosing family life. Money doesn't seem to be the issue with the childless posters on Sup Forums but instead it's committing to a life where you look people in the eye and make conversation.
To be cont.
Nice looking flag. Shame about the continent.
Men always sought out hedonism
You need strong leaders and government to push them in other direction. The alphas need to lead the way
I don't see why people have to give up certain activities or past times as long as they're competent in raising their family though.
Many people here (me included) are actually diagnosed autistic. I would never be fit to have a family, my brain completely lacks the normal functions to do so. I know very well the divorce rate for Asperger's fathers. They're simply not fit for it
Having a family is a waste of money
nah it's just a "waste" of your precious Sup Forums browsing time
>"Don't loose your idealism, even after your wife takes you for all your worth, and bestow them into your children in the hopes they live in a more stable and decent time"
>IWN have a loving wife which I will love and cherish until the day I die
>IWN have my own kids: my brood, my pride, my greatest joy
>mfw Idealism is wanting to have a nuclear family, and the norm has now become a life of hedonism
>mfw despite being a nice existance for some time, it will never be as fulfilling.
I guess it is true what they say: That only the dead know peace from this suffering.
That increases the liklihood of creating psychpaths and murderers.
Monogamy came about because humans take a long time to develop and they devolop better if they have both parents in the picture. It's not like some religious asshole just one day ruined everything for everyone.
If you spend all your time shacking up and creating kids with no intention of staying through their formative years you get niggers.
Sex is as sex does but are you getting past the age where you should be starting a family?
Nicola Tesla
>Self improvement for the sake of self improvement is retarded.
That might just be one of the single stupidest fucking statements I've ever seen someone make on this website, and that's saying a shitload.
That's a lie.
But they probably are incapable of loving you.
Pretty straightforward
>Men don't want to settle down with a woman who's had more cocks than John Wayne's gun (just like how you wouldn't pay the original price for a jalopy with 500k miles on it)
>Men aren't going to put the work in for that when they can just go to a club and find some slut
>Ugly men just stay at home and look for porn on the internet
>Women know they hold all the cards and still seem to get confused with the difference between "slut" and "stud" just like they get confused between "degrading" and "empowering"
Odd (or pure coincidence) that it's only whites who are pushed into living this kind of lifestyle.
tl;dr men have started to act the same way Jews have told women to act purely because it's easier.
That's what I'm saying though. Celibacy is acceptable too, it's just not for the majority
The grass is always greener on the tier side, so they say.
Life is about chasing for the next false promise or feel-good moment either way. Don't worry about it, all of us will die with some kind of regret I. The long run; it's just how things are.
Nice proxy, bro. Nice and
>self actualization, family, and self improvement?
these things are worthless in society. Especially since divisiveness has reduced community and the sense that working for it was purposeful to nothing.
You all talk about black men/white women but how many of the single men on here are out and about where white women can spot them? How many (especially American men) are home most nights?
I don't blame blacks and women, I accept that I'm genetically defective and not fit for marriage and family.
>Self improvement for the sake of self improvement is retarded.
please post on reddit or somewhere else in the future, this is the dumbest thing I have ever read on this board
The dissolution of the family through no fault divorce, welfare, and feminism. Ultimately, this is the inevitable outcome when women are allowed to vote.
> Is it possible for the culture to change back?
Not until the government runs out of money and can't support welfare programs that encourage the growth of single mothers.
Single mothers are the worst form of child abuse. It's better to be born as a child sex in a third world country than as a child of a single mother in America.
You seriously want to be dead when your kids are in their 20s? That's ridiculous.
Only if certain members of the family keep bitching at you for it. If you have a nag wife she will want you to spend a lot of attention towards her and will keep nagging and nagging.
Would you rather grow up with a loving father and mother, a family who support you through your life or a single mother who doesn't give a fuck and dates random guys like you all the time
You're a fucking retard, literally >b-but muh dick
How would you even know the kids are yours when you're fucking sluts?
After you've fucked enough women they become a nuisance to be around. This guy is just attention whoring and wasting his time at this point. He's actually turning feminine with his instagram obsession.
got dayum rare as shit
If anything I would say the opposite. The institution of families has severely the human gene pool by giving everyone (males especially) the chance to reproduce and pass on inferior or unwanted genes.
Also psychopaths and sociopaths are basically biological products of shitty and outdated animalistic genes, not so much their environment. Though depending on how the said sociopath or psychopath was raised, it could lessen or repress their innate and budding biological drives.
Hitler wasn't an alpha and look what he achieved
Holy fuck I'm a rare and didn't even know it! I had no idea my ISP was there until I just posted.
i blame women because none smile back or say hello
You're a bunch of faggots how bout that?
Don't you have a warlord you should be fighting for right now?
Then who will raise the child you God damn inbred
I only started reading Sup Forums after my divorce, it helps me understand what the red-pilled zeitgeist is saying.
All these 'anti-women' threads just reinforce the notion that gen x was clueless that women are sexual beings, even more so then us men, and they will act on it any chance they get.
Had I read Sup Forums prior to getting married, the shock of seeing my ex in bikini pictures on Tinder a week after the divorce wouldn't have been a big deal.
So here are I am, just hopefully imparting some potential advice to basement-dwelling beta-males.
Last week I'd have agreed with most of the posters so far. There was no future, in effect.
This week, our kids have a decent shot.
We stumbled somewhere in the past four decades, socially. We let people with vested interests in destroying the family, stability and virtue run amok, mainly because they did so covertly at first, and then openly with the full backing of the establishment.
We've just told that establishment to fuck off, and the bullies in the media and the universities have taken a bloodied nose and run to teacher to recieve no sympathy.
Things are turning around, finally.
Some men and women have always sought hedonism and degeneracy. The difference is that in times past society frowned down upon such behavior. Now it has become acceptable even glorified.
Like in Rome the late republican period was people competing over who can throw the most lavish of orgies. Then Augustan political, social and moral reforms sought to destroy such depravity only to see it re-emerge again with Galigula and later with Nero.
Morality and depravity are in a constant fight over the populus by large depending on the partriarch class and the plebs will always try to imitate of their betters.
To get rid of this degeneracy you must get the upper classes to have some sort of moral spine. Rid the media of Miley Cyruses, Cardashians and their ilk.
The woman.
No joke, feminism wants to supplant the man with the state.
If they can swing it, fine by me nowadays. fuck it. Let them breed and having children I'll never see.
>generation x
>clueless about female sexuality
Very much the opposite really. If anything it's the age when female sexuality was seen in a non-conservative or taboo light.
Suffering is an unavoidable part of life. There is no lasting satisfaction to be found in the world of the senses. Everything shall meet its end. As such there is no eternal happiness to be found in marriage or in women. Even if you could turn back time on the sexual culture there is no peace to be found there. The only issue is with how you internalize what we currently live in.
Si what?, ravens are monogamous, and so are countless other species.
The thing with raising humans is that we have brains that take a lot of time to develop. That's why you need partners for longer periods of time.
The times I see flags like that, I want to just assume it's a proxy.
But not everyone's that smart.
Bruv, aloha from Sandy eggo commifornia! Wherever you actually ((are))
Also, I don't mind if its an Armenian degenerate like Bilzerian doing it
ayy lmao
sorry, meant for
>Is it possible for the culture to change back?
No, move to Italy if you want to live with mommy in 30s
Happiness is a fleeting emotion.
A wife, a good career, kids and such will never guarantee permanent happiness or satisfaction, just moments of it.
Humanity is always off the search for that next big dopamine fix... You will continue this search until you die...
Get clover via fdroid
Also not charging my phone
its more fun
possible but not probable
Central African Republic, Ameribro