What's her endgame?

What's her endgame?

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She's Xenu in disguise.

to stay in the limelight

I want her soft lips wrapped tightly around the base of my cock

Sexy shoes and outfits will destroy Xenu

It's this, isn't it? She saw the writing on the wall and said hey, this is a show.

To protect the world from devastation.

If I would guess...

To get her career back

it's pretty obvious
>no one wants her for a sitcom anymore because she got old and fat
>does what old and fat celebrities do and gets on a "the view" style show
>gets fired because she's crazy and stupid
>does what a crazy and stupid celebrity does and gets a reality show
>gets canceled because no one wants to watch a crazy stupid old fat washed up actress
>does what a crazy stupid old fat washed up actress does and writes a book about how scientology is crazy
she's a pioneer tbqh

Keeping my back from getting weary.

it's pretty obvious she was made jealous of tom cruise

the power of female jealously proved to be stronger than scientology brainwashing

Stopping Scientology.

Being a top teir mommy

>all this SIDF itt
kys desu

I like her show. If she can help people and be somewhat relevant why not.

Imagine thinking you're doing the best thing for mankind your entire life and then you end up finding out you were working for absolute evil sociopaths and doing nothing but wasting money and time in stupid sailor outfits for some manlet and a dead drunk. She probably feels bad about the all the lives ruined by something she thought she supported and wants to make up for it, if only for her own consolation.
Wait do people on here like scientology now or some shit?

She's playing 5D chess and getting people to join Scientology.

To wrap her soft lips around BBC while white bois masturbate to it


mommies need to be blacked in front of their sons

Dont mix your cuck fetish with my mommy fetish

you mad picturing your mommy getting railed by big black cock while you watch, unable to stop mommy

How did this never become a meme?

she was made to serve black men

she struck gold because scientology is genuinely shit and destructive. she found a trend and hopped on it.

she isn't wrong, though. if the religion preaches equality among its adherents (with respect to their O.T. levels) then it's fucked up how tom cruise gets so much attention. he's being groomed for the leadership and he never even served on the sea org. i'd be pissed, too.

except tom probably contributes a shitload more than all of them combined.

financially, maybe. but he's just their goodwill ambassador and spokesman. do you think he's ever slaved away for another scientologist like so many of them do? he hit the fucking jackpot and will be their next pope.

she doesn't even look like the same person

>financially, maybe. but he's just their goodwill ambassador and spokesman.
like I said, he's probably contributed more tahn all of them combine

>do you think he's ever slaved away for another scientologist like so many of them do?
lol, kys

do you think miscavige is a a Sup Forumstard?

She's trying to crush all the manlets

>>does what a crazy stupid old fat washed up actress does and writes a book about how scientology is crazy
This is a common thing?

>in time some of those guys will be talking about getting bitchslapped by Pope Miscavige

Are you a Scientologist?

Too bad everyone is on Trump now.

All jokes aside, that guy is really scary. It doesn't surprise me that he's so violent, he must have a gigantic (no pun intended) napoleon complex.

scientology is like a slow burn. every year more and more people get interested in it. all it'll take is for a bigger name celebrity to come clean. or for undercover video footage to leak

She looked so bloated and fat on Conan.

I'd still lick her ass tho

How's her foot game? I'm on mobile and for some reason i can't connect to wikifeet

Except for the voice actress of Lisa Simpson. She is their biggest financial backer

Recruit more Scientologists, real cucks.

listening to the JRE episode now

she soooo wants to fuck Rogan

she definitely fucked Kevin James

confirmed Italian/Jew

Very sad!

>who is Keyser Soze?

Xenu is just some dead president.

>dad's Italian
>mom's Austrian
>baptized Catholic

Jew is not a race, dumbfuck. Her mother's ancestry is not from Israel, just her religion.

Interesting. Apparently Kevin is a devout Christian who couldn't resist that Scientologist pussy.

They have their own language and shitposting styles, they have been calling the media perverts and degenerates suppressives since before Sup Forums was a thing.

its a race, religion and anything they want it to be

she literally says shes Jewish on her mothers side


start at 2:40

>also Sicilian =/= Italian

means shes at least 1/4 Jew and 1/8 Nigger

You think her and joe fucked after?

I can't be the only one who wants to see Scientologists btfo the kikes right?

Probably. Do you think Joe ate her ass?

I got about 30 mins left, but I think they probably did something or are going to do something.

she's being real sweet on him in some parts, as well as being sort of motherly in a typical jew-guilt type of way(the nails thing, refers to it well after it happened meaning she took it personal, lots of "baby"-ing and "honey"-ing)

sort of annoying to listen to when they try to talk at the same time, but ay they a couple o' mooks, FUGGEHTABOUTIT

I'ma say maybe they just reeally liked flirting with each other or something. right at the end she mentions sweating and that she needs to go(in a negative way) and then not so casually refers to actually liking sweat(but only naked, nasty. sexy sweat)*laffing* and they end on mentioning that they were talking about sex/intimate smells before the interview started

>1/4 Jew and 1/8 Nigger
So she's Greek.

>todays greeks

nothing post worthy since the T H I C C ening

Watch her Rogan episode right now. She's completely batshit. My penis is erect.

Of course Sup Forums is contrarian enough to attack a critic of scientology.

quick, name a similar looking milfy pornstar who has done rough bbc gangbangs

>rough bbc gangbangs
why on earth would anyone know this?


She's hotter than demon piss.

someone please answer him

tvland sitcom

>are you a slapper *smiles*
this is killing me

>she soooo wants to fuck Rogan
this, also I want to fuck her stinky butt

I really need to watch her show.

>she will never claw her sexy nails deep in your ass as you pound her hard and slap her face

they rag on Jaime pretty good for wearing Yeezy's also

she says something like "gave me an innie"

still sort of confused as she says it under her breathe as Joe is talking

she kept talking about pissing too, shes such a lewd milf. she wants to try smoking weed and have a hot young stud piss in her mouth I just know it

>gave me an innie
you talkin about that coversation they both enjoyed pre podcast?

no, about half way through, joe mentions jaime in some way, then the yeezys, then she calls him(jaime) a douche and as joe segways she says it

why are women going through a midlife crisis such a turn on? like kate beckinsale

Joe is a homo though

It always has to be a hidden agenda with your sperglords, nobody can ever do anything because they believe in something or have some level of passion or want. Is it because you all lack actual ambition yourselves so it seems unfathomable that some people out there aren't autistic? Or in a conspiracy? Or in s plot?

Fucking christ, it is iterally everything

Absolutely THIS

I thought about it and this is actually a really good idea

maybe when chicks are turned off their pussy sucks in?

For lack of mine... Suck as many cocks as she can #johnfruscianteslifegoal#leiaribidibi