Increase of gay people

Ok, so I have this weird theory, maybe it's been said before somewhere, let me know Sup Forums

The reasons why there are more gay turnouts in society is because it's a preventative measure against a species that has become overpopulated and hedonistic or a mix of the two.
If you can't stop idiots from multiplying, mother nature takes its course to slow it down by turning some of them gay. This gay breeds of human are for the majority much smarter than their hetero counter parts, so they become self aware of keeping population stable, while heterosexuals continue to breed when it's not necessary.

By this logic, Muslims must have a massive gay population in the closet, that is much higher in proportion to the rest of the world.

Prove me wrong, Sup Forums.

I don't have any better pic to use.

Other urls found in this thread:

perception is everything

there was always gay people in small percentages of the population but now they aren't demonized they come out of hiding

which would explain why China and India are completely overun with demographics like 90% faggots.

>year 2100
>every man on earth except me has turned gay
>still no woman want to sex me

This is true, I agree.
I'm saying that besides the one that have been closeted, the total count would still be gradually rising.

But there's no way of actually counting that, so that kind of goes out the window.

This tbqhf.

There are no more gays - only more who feel secure enough to openly admit it.

could be true, notice how theres shitloads of gay niggers

I can agree, but that doesn't tell me if the actual numbers grow compared to those who come out.

Why is it that when a family has more kids, the likely hood of each kid being gay increases with each passing kid?
Like, the more kids a society has in a shorter time span would just increase a number of gay people there are.

Or maybe this is false?

I suspect being gay is epigenetic. Susceptible individuals are triggered by exposure to other gays. To that extent, it is contagious. When society represses gays, susceptible individuals are not exposed and hence the numbers remain low.

Most of the world today and through history makes a distinction between us fags and men who simply like dumping their nut in anything both pretty and willing (occasionally not willing).

The japs call it shumi, or a hobby. Latin America has machismo, which is the same notion. The violation is moral like using a whore, not gender. Only males who take cock are the outsider. Greeks had various models that were age related but encouraged cessation at manhood, 25, and required family. Muslims have probably the most traditional model.

Usually its not a problem if there is institutional context. Our problem is that ass hat liberals have decided that that institution is some upside down family model as if we are straights, and basically rely on science fiction to imply some alien genetic mutation so they can play the handicap role. Its all identity wrangling horse shit.

Because we have egalitarianism written into our national charter, humans as property has been dissolved. Fags are a sort of gamma male, not masculine but loyal and useful, so historically classed alongside slaves and whores, but it was at least a social role

Now men cant own others, so we are adrift with no social, scattered and misguided & deluded into thinking we are equal to breeding males. Its quite insane.

Its not that society is exactly producing more homos. Its that the standards of manhood have been deliberately attacked, as well as marriage. Heterosexuality as a concept has abandoned all the values that made it the social premium.

Heteros now dont breed, dont marry, devolve into asexual porn addicts, and do everything possible to prevent or stop family & pregnancy. This is what happens when you let a gender naturally selected to be irrational thus compassionate start making social policy decisions.

My role is to serve mankind & be loyal to men. I have no illusions about what that may entail.

This is an interesting take

Nah, it's all the xenoestrogens in the water and in all the food.

It's literally making fish and amphibians hermaphroditic. Why no one is realizing the effect on humans is anyone's guess.

There are tons of documentaries about it. Pbs even did one.

>Nah, it's all the xenoestrogens in the water and in all the food.

Wouldn't these cause physically detectable changes?

China and India fucked their balance of men to women with autism about female babies.

Well, I knew the late 20th century Western model was heading towards insanity and completely out of phase with the rest of humanity's treatment of it. So I looked into and saw patterns that intersected. Eventually, I realized egalitarianism isn't a natural system for humans, and representative democracy has some built in flaws too, if it has no guard rails. Its more of a placebo for the governed; letting lawyers tear it apart for literal interpretation hastens its decline.

Its all very unfortunate. There will a terrible backlash at some point and people who only lived they way they thought they were supposed under liberal ideas will suffer. Because everyone by default drinks this egalitarian poison, neither group can be mentally prepared to think of any other way. They dont see the intersection because service to community in its natural if extreme form is inconceivable. People simply cant see there is a natural system for humans as property.

I am not condoning abuse, but the exploitation of humans by humans is eternal. It isn't necessarily sex, but without the framework, the sex naturally seems misplaced. When we criminalize human ownership, there is no regulation and it gets dangerous and abusive. By contrast, Rome had very good slave law.

Whether its female service, religious service and eventually military service, submission of the self to the society has become gauche because we are ruled by an egalitarian ego.

People think having an inferior but useful role is something shameful. Therefore women think it is demeaning to be a good wife and mother. The faithful are mocked. And fags are walking around with nothing but service jobs that have no commitment, and have been taught they have the same social merit as breeding males.

Even worse, when fags do realize this, they are shunned by the community and told their sexuality is fetishized when all we are doing is embracing the power dynamic nature has built into all human interaction.

Interesting take.

I think people focusing on the fags are ignoring the problem that is at least 10x greater. MGTOW, or permavirgins who will never reproduce despite loving women.

... Its natural for the more powerful gender to have some measure of contempt for the weak they have to defend. The irrationality in slower mental maturity in females also gives society a vanguard for human virtues such as compassion, mercy, generosity, kindness and loyalty.

This doesnt just hold family couples together, but male hierarchies as well, both being crucial.

It is, however, not natural for the vanguard gender to try to imitate and hold rank with their opposite, and while it is natural for men to have contempt for lesser males, it isnt natural for them to have raging hostility towards the humans that care for men above all other to the point of submitting even their bodies for the occasional relief of the power class.

I dont claim it is moral. What I am saying is that every society has institutionalized relief points for moral stress, and while our society has an excess of them, the social model is self destructive, and in the process, drives a natural segment of the population into exile because it doesnt recognize the utility of gamma male loyalty and services. Its not just sex, its just that the sexual aspect is what this particular society focuses on because of several underlying gender paradoxes.

Isn't the rise in homosex detectable?
I suspect what OP suspects, when overpopulation reduces resources to the point serious competition kicks in, 8 billion monkeys or whatever, latent homosex genes activate. Could be amplified by chemicals in the food and water too, who knows. One thing is certain, exponential growth of the clever ape cannot continue for much longer, first there will be a drastic drop in quality of life, already happening for most, next will be the die off. This all manifests in many symptoms first, NEETS, downies and what not. Natures rejects.

I think they detected a massive rise in homosex in the St. Mathews Island reindeer herd before their crash.

I think the elites know this and why the climate change fraud is on in a huge way, really just preemptive fossil fuel reduction before serious depletion and a completely uncontrolled crash where they lose control - we eat oil now. Interdasting times.

I know, its very sad.

Its hard being a fag and getting blamed for the drop in procreation that will eventually evaporate the culture. Breeding males are essential because they assure that the society culture one is born in will be the one they die in. It perpetuates values and uniting social themes.

There are 1.4 million abortions in just the US per year, 500,000 vasectomies and 700,000 tubal ligations annually here. Birth control is ubiquitous, and even with that aside, family building itself is seen as antiquated and done more in spite of the culture than because of it.

To add, it is financially hard to make a family, and moreover harder when men are cowed by PC and gender norms for females are now the same as males.

A "free" man works 3 months of the year for the government, and this we celebrate as 'freedom'.

And as all this is going on, it is we ~3% of the population who get animus for not breeding, when the breeding 97% have simply stopped.

This is brilliant stuff. This needs to be saved and passed around.

I do have to say, this has been very compelling.

Thats not even remotely accurate anymore though. Sure, historically, what you're stating is a noticeable trend; but that was in large part because gender roles needed to exist and be enforced since families were often multiple generations living in the same house or land.

As soon as science eliminated all of the duties to justify having gender roles--including breeding; since we can now clone or make sperm and egg in the lab etc etc--traditional models no longer become applicable.

No aetheric philosophy or political ideologue is to blame. Technology is to blame.

Muzzies do a bunch of gay shit with each other, they just make it socially normal and not flamboyant. My boss did a few tours as IED removal in Iraq. He was telling me these guys had a very active homosexual culture, just kept it hidden away and normalized where possible.

Gene theories do not account for the quietly dismissed number of identical twin studies where only one is homosexual. Naturally, they dont do those studies anymore.

It is true that there is a spike in homosex in several groups of social mammals when there is social upheavel. The homosex is the result, not the cause. Basically. more males simply abandon typical male behavior in an attempt to find what their role in the group is; sexual submission or assertion is simply the most primal manifestation, as well as internal violence as they seek to settle on an order. Most males will simply want peace rather than live in endless violence.

So its no surprise that when there is a dearth of receptive females, the order breaks apart and passive males help define the new hierarchy by irrationally submitting to other males for the swift recovery of social order rather than all of them suffering endless internecine violence.

The real problem user is the (((agenda))) that is anti gender and anti role model. I 27 oberve it all the time around me. Boys looking like girls and girls looking like boys. No wonder why everybody is getting confused.

You say that, but if the same lines of thought were to be applied today (not necessarily measures) it would be helpful with many of the problems parts of the west faces today. It's extremely well formulated and enlightening in terms of having some form of (in a lack of better words) "reference" when observing these movements' unfolding development now a days.

homosexuality has existed long before any civilisation was overpopulated.
you're an idiot

Thats kind. But they are not popular views. If I get too close to certain truths saying this on lgbt, I can expect a ban there.

As long as this egalitarian enforcement through law persists, we are never going to recover. We have too many chiefs and everyone thinks its a personal insult to be just an indian. You simply cant maintain a society where every member insists the self is the primary value.

There is some truth to that. I often hear about future visions where normal sexual reproduction isnt needed and even a liability.

The problem with that is that it is technology dependent. If everything is done in test tubes and labs and the culture gets used to it, then a catastrophe leaves that society very vulnerable while more primitive societies would thrive in the power vacuum.

One thing we know about evolution and nature is that it doesnt give a flying crap about technology. We are a type of ape that naturally places a premium on intelligence and thoughtful decisions, never realizing nature doesnt give a crap about it. In the end, speed and strangth still reign supreme, which is why primitive societies seem criminal to us; they are still using older, time tested and proven methods to out breed and over power the gentle, plodding West.

As I always say, "Never forget that humanity is concept invented by primates."

Is there a way I can save all this? Do I just use or something, cause I wanna come back to this over and over for a bit.

To sum it up: It's all just rank. Period.
Many if not most operate like they already know this, especially women. Their "feelings" are mostly a sensor for high rank, but easily tricked by primitive types of dominance. This is why patriarchy beats matriarchy generally, because of "feelings" letting the matriarchy get hijacked by sexual manipulation.

>The problem with that is that it is technology dependent. If everything is done in test tubes and labs and the culture gets used to it, then a catastrophe leaves that society very vulnerable while more primitive societies would thrive in the power vacuum.

This is just an opinion, but I think genetics does more to limit the lower bound than help the upper potential of a population based on observation.. To use familiar terms I reckon r select society gets crushed by Ks even with eugenics.

True. We give it a name now as though it were a type of person and some sort of life plan. Its really just males falling into the same hierarchies as usual. Only we now we look at the sexual aspect as its own independent pattern for some reason, as a product of 19th psychology posed as social science.

In many societies, the behavior doesn't imply as much so what a male does over a lifetime is more transient unless he deliberately makes a pattern of it. Usually, the bigger moral crime was simply not having a family.

Vikings, like many others, followed pretty much the same trend. It was not impossible to understand why a male would fuck something submissive and pretty, but it was a crime to seek to submit to it, at least regularly, because of the breach of gender norm where manhood was needed desperately for combat.

It was not uncommon to rape young enemy males to mentally break them from their own social identity to condition them to be loyal to whomever in the victorious society they ended up belonging to, in societies that had such war methods. If you stop being a man in your society, its easier to accept anything for a role in the new one.

In those cases, attraction wasnt a factor. It was just the extreme end of male dominance over another.

rampant man boobs, increases in male children with undescended testicles, females reaching puberty ealier and males later, all the homo sex. Isnt that detectable changes?

BBC on white gay sex is everywhere.

Sorry trips, but it's
>homosexual tendencies have existed

Well, thats because black male masculinity isn't under attack so their natural masculinity is still intact. Its not that they are more masculine so much as white males have been culturally emasculated.

So the reality follows perception. When prisons were mostly white and white males were still allowed to be masculine, prison rapes were no less common.

But now white males entering prison come from a culture of submission to various PC idols, while blacks do are not forced to entertain such values. So the greater masculine instinct simply emerges in the population thats the least socially conditioned, thus the biased, imbalanced racial nature of prison rape now.

Varg said rapes in Norwegian prisons are unheard of and said this was just niggerculture.

Gays and trannies are encouraged in the west because they want western men to become absolutely worthless and incapable to reproduce.

Then, they can bring in the muzzies, shitskins and what have you and totally outbreed us. They need no nations and no identities - just faceless mutts with no country and no allegiance.

>It was not uncommon to rape young enemy males to mentally break them from their own social identity to condition them to be loyal to whomever in the victorious society they ended up belonging to, in societies that had such war methods. If you stop being a man in your society, its easier to accept anything for a role in the new one.

This is extremely relevant to pro-muslim cucks in europe today. The muzzies are big into trying to sexually intimidate/dominate the native male population when they enrich new areas from what I have seen.

True, I doubt we'll ever know how many "faggots" are just impressionable retards trying to cheat at life.

dubs of truth
>inb4 samefagging

That was a pretty shameful samefag though.

Well, when you consider what Norwegians consider 'prison'

Let me see if I can find a link or something.

Here we go. This page goes (very) in depth into research about homosex in the Viking era:

Not surprising, since the ISIS phenomenon is a roiling intersection of numerous middle-Eastern male cultural forces, some of which have laid dormant in social impotency for a while now in several regions, not the least of which is modern Iraq.

This webm is Pakistani, however.

i know i feel bad but what is done is done

Fuck you shill.

I never mentioned vikings.

all of this guys post signal that the only way out for the west is through vanguard communism or fascism. Either way the state will have to take the reigns (hopefully a sovereign state and not some nwo rothchild bastard state.). Liberal capitalism is about to be the biggest failure in human history.

Okay, the huge fundamental problem with your argument is you are anthropomorphising a natural process. Nature has plans no more than the moon, or light has plans.

>Nature keeps a delicate balance!
It doesn't. Virtually every living thing that has ever lived has gone extinct. We're anomalies by not being extinct.
>Homosexuality is natural!
Homosexuality isn't a thing in nature. The concept is a human abstraction; before sexual identity became merged with what you fucked, it really did not exist in any human concept. Applying this to an unknowing natural process is asinine.
>Overpopulation is a thing!
Over population is, once more, a human concept applied to a natural process. For instance, if rabbits get infected with a disease in Australia, wild dogs will become overpopulated because they can no longer obtain food in sufficient amounts to sustain their population. Completely unrelated factors are effecting eachother, and nature really does not "catch up."
>Human sexuality and nature
Sexuality in general is weird. Raising animals in isolation from others of their kind, especially in animals that carry to term results in odd sex.

For instance, if you had a tribe that was completely isolated where men had sex with men until the moment of climax where they had a woman to receive seed alongside their butt fucking or whatever, and this was taught to children and observed, it would be the cultural norm of that culture. If you had complete isolation of humans from their parents/peers, I'd guarantee you'd have tons of weird sex popping up. In this way of thinking, homosexuality is not a thing conceptually as much as it is a cultural hold over.

>Homosexuality is a result of over population, and more homosexuals exist now
I would say homosexuals really did not exist before the modern political crisis concerning them. They were simply men that had a fetish for men.

The reason we are seeing so many people come out as non-heterosexual is because it is simply cool now. It is trendy, hence why you see so many young people and/or women doing it.

They are artificially placed at the top of our social hierarchy, and thus stupid people try and emulate them in order to gain social capitol. Even John Waters lamented how "it's not enough to just be gay anymore".

Impressionable people always want to feel like they are rebelling against tyranny as well as be total pretentious hipsters about shit, and in this case the establishment pushes LGBT acceptance so that people can either get gold medals in the Oppression Olympics or at least virtue signal how much better they are than plebs.

Race-mixing isn't frowned upon the the gay community because they are already genetic dead-ends.

>a preventative measure against a species that has become overpopulated and hedonistic

"People will be given permission to be homosexual," that's the way it was stated. They won't have to hide it. In addition, elderly people will be encouraged to continue to have active sex lives into the very old ages, just as long as they can. Everyone will be given permission to have sex, to enjoy however they want. Anything goes. This is the way it was put. In addition, I remember thinking, "How arrogant for this individual, or whoever he represents, to feel that they can give or withhold permission for people to do things!"

There are many possibilities but it's very presumptions to assume one is smarter than the other.

No, I meant to link it earlier and when you mentioned Norwegians, I remembered and found it.

As for Norwegian correction practices, I have no information other than observing the small luxury suite given to Breivik after mass murder. For all I know, they may have conjugal visits. I think you might have confused my point about race in the US with culture in what was once a racially homogenous society.

Well, I wouldn't know what the politics are but at some point, emergency conditions are likely to force regression back to the more natural and historically sustained authoritarian executive.

We seem to think we are too clever for monarchies and all the trans-generation church-like cultural transmission and social identity it brought, so we apparently will have to settle for some ad hoc totalitarianism. The problem being that with out an irrational unifying idol like a god or king, all you have is the political body which is a bit too fluid to be useful over time, and you end up with something like modern post-Mao China, where its always authoritarian but there is frankly little to justify its authority other than a lack of competing ideas. No one is uniting to celebrate the PM as they once did Mao. Unless they find some idol to rally around as a symbol, I dont think it will last terribly much longer.

Oh, you were talking to someone else.

Or it's all the estrogen in the drinking water:

i don't see any signs of ccp in china losing power.

ban birth control when? it makes sense all these women pissing estrogen pills into the sewage system would fuck things up hormonally.

I think you mean... Homo-analy.



All in all, thanks for everything you put out man. Definitely alot better read than the weird conspiracies people put out now these days. Very insightful.

Thank you for the kind words, I appreciate them.

Have a great week.

>tfw will never be a whore-boi

You can find that webm series here. I didnt want to post it here because it might be more than these nice people care to see.