Most of the world today and through history makes a distinction between us fags and men who simply like dumping their nut in anything both pretty and willing (occasionally not willing).
The japs call it shumi, or a hobby. Latin America has machismo, which is the same notion. The violation is moral like using a whore, not gender. Only males who take cock are the outsider. Greeks had various models that were age related but encouraged cessation at manhood, 25, and required family. Muslims have probably the most traditional model.
Usually its not a problem if there is institutional context. Our problem is that ass hat liberals have decided that that institution is some upside down family model as if we are straights, and basically rely on science fiction to imply some alien genetic mutation so they can play the handicap role. Its all identity wrangling horse shit.
Because we have egalitarianism written into our national charter, humans as property has been dissolved. Fags are a sort of gamma male, not masculine but loyal and useful, so historically classed alongside slaves and whores, but it was at least a social role
Now men cant own others, so we are adrift with no social, scattered and misguided & deluded into thinking we are equal to breeding males. Its quite insane.
Its not that society is exactly producing more homos. Its that the standards of manhood have been deliberately attacked, as well as marriage. Heterosexuality as a concept has abandoned all the values that made it the social premium.
Heteros now dont breed, dont marry, devolve into asexual porn addicts, and do everything possible to prevent or stop family & pregnancy. This is what happens when you let a gender naturally selected to be irrational thus compassionate start making social policy decisions.
My role is to serve mankind & be loyal to men. I have no illusions about what that may entail.