Any films about women raping men?

Any films about women raping men?

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hard candy

What a homo.

She must be blitzed


On drugs?

Is she trying to make a point about manspreading?

This is why we have a thing called bitch slap. Gotta put these hoes in check

no dummy, she's just an expansionist, the guy knew he was being filmed and didn't want none of that shit


you mean exhibitionist

no, man, he's watching la la land on his phone and can't be disturbed

Never ever react to someone on the subway. If you feel uncomfortable, just move cars.
This ain't even the weirdest thing he's seen this week.

now I'm the dummy!

>Is she trying to make a point about manspreading
No, retard.
She's clearly on drugs (possibly molly) and rubbing one out.

*grabs and sniffs hand*

What because he doesn't make a move on some insane bitch he doesn't know on the subway?

Wedding Crashers. disgusting movie, too. it's played for laughs.


Why is this man smiling? He is being sexually harassed and publicly humiliated.

He's shitposting on Sup Forums

There's a great line in that movie that goes something like "Sexual harassment isn't about sex, it's about power."

Mamet couldn't have written a better turn of phrase.

Checked, brother

Hi, Carl Teen Machine.


>Wedding Crashers

All I got

>Be American
>Get shot
>Get shot again

40 Days and 40 Nights