The Final Chapter - "I am forbidden from attacking any Umbrella employees"
First movie - Red Queen murders every Umbrella employee in the hive.
The Final Chapter - "I am forbidden from attacking any Umbrella employees"
First movie - Red Queen murders every Umbrella employee in the hive.
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Probably they changed her programming, precisely cos she killed everybody.
This movie is a mess...
The second movie showed us that the reason that the T-Virus existed because the lead geneticist's daughter couldn't walk and that the T-Virus helped her to walk (The team with Alice rescued her from the school).
But NOPE..This movie showed us that the T-Virus was to help an older 'Alice' since she was born with a disease that accelerated her aging. The 'Alice' that we've been following is a clone of the older version.
The T-Virus? We saw in the first movie that it was 'released' with the intention of bringing down Umbrella. NOPE!..It was ACTUALLY released intentionally to destroy the world.
Red Queen? originally based on the daughter that made the T-Virus. NOPE...The Red Queen is ACTUALLY based on Alice when she was a child.
Red Queen switches from being homicidal in the first movie, to controlling all of Umbrella in the 3rd, to trying to kill Alice in the 5th movie, to helping her in the 6th?...
Dr Issacs? Now he's a clone too!
The Hive under Raccoon City? Apparently holds all of the board members of Umbrella plus anyone else rich enough to survive the Apocalyse scenario.......not to mention that Umbrella fired a nuke at Raccoon City RIGHT over the heads of the board members AND their other clients. The radiation from the blast would not have dissipated in those years, and I doubt that the Hive was made of everyone should have been dead!
Yeah, I genuinely enjoy these movies, but this one was easily the worst of the series.
They could have at least handwaved the discrepancy of who discovered the virus by saying that Marcus' involvement was covered up after his death, and his earlier research was given to Ashford so he could "Discover" it.
The Red Queen stuff doesn't bother me too much, since she is a computer program and could conceivably be reprogrammed to some degree.
And Isaacs being a clone wasn't that shocking, specially since Retribution showed how easily Umbrella can clone people.
And the Hive being home to those cryotubes could be explained by those tubes and shit being put in AFTER the nuking of Raccoon City. Plus nukes tend to not leave that much radiation around.
My biggest issue with the movie was the editing. The fight scenes were incomprehensible with all the jump cuts.
the best part of this movie franchise is the ending shot of the first film
>RE 1/2: Red Queen is based off of Dr. Ashford's daughter; Red Queen wants to contain the T-Virus at all costs, even if it's killing all of the Hive staff
>RE Extinction: The Red Queen has been replaced by the good natured White Queen
>RE Retribution: the Red Queen is back but now wants to take over the world for some reason and controls all of Umbrella's staff which are actually clones
>RE TFC: Lol kidding, Wesker's actually working with her but she's willing to double-cross Umbrella to help Alice set things right because the Red Queen is actually based off of Dr. Marcus' daughter Alicia, whom Alice is a clone of
All of this.
Why was the first movie so good senpai?
Because it was corny and didn't take itself so seriously.
2 went serious and is why it declined.
Anderson couldn't decide if the movies were meant to be silly or serious and combining both the way he did fucked it.
I dunno about 2 being that serious.
It did have LJ in it.
> GTA Motherfucker!
I think the first movie actually took itself far more seriously than the sequels.
Also, the action in the first one was so over-the-top, and it kept some horror and suspense. Plus it actually had some characterization.
I liked it. The tower defense was cool. The scenes after Alice was captured and the CEO's and Alice was satisfying. Complaints. The D.C. scenes where too short and boring for how much it was hyped at the end of the last movie. It felt like I missed one in between. The interactions between Alice and Redfield felt really forced and awkward. What was with the sudden religion stuff? The dispersing of the antidote would have made more sense if it was spread towards the zombies by the explosion, then whiffed back to Alice from the blow back. Instead of magically going in all directions at rapid speed when there was clearly no wind.
Paul WS Anderson is fucking retarded.
He gave up caring after the 4th movie.
He truly does not give a fuck about continuity and he just makes things he thinks look cool.
These movies are just his way to film random shit he thinks is cool
So I guess I didn't miss a movie. Why did they skip the D.C. battle? I really wanted to see it. It just starts out with the White House bombed out and abandoned. What happened?
de ja vu
i thought that was another alice clone?
and another alice clone trying to save the last humanity (D. C Batte)
>3/4 of the movie is shaky cam
The biggest crime of this movie was sending Wesker out like a bitch.
Wesker's death in the movie made his death in RE5 look like fucking kino
I don't remember. I guess Ada Wong died in D.C.?
The first two are the best and only ones worth caring about.
Sienna Guillory has never looked hotter than she did in 2.
how many times did they rehash the laser room?
>I should have killed you in Washington
>or just left you under the ocean instead of rescuing you
The entire fucking movie they kept talking about Washington like they didn't spend an entire movie trying to break her out of the lab at the bottom of the ocean
let see..
the movie started when battle of dc started, about 4000 people in dc, and it will be wiped out in 48 hours,
another alice clone somewhere in the world (hint less power than the previous alice in dc) trying to save them
No the Alice we follow at the beginning of the movie is in D.C. She visits a make shift fortress on the reflecting pool.
Plot Holes
>Virus was first released by a worker that planned on selling it off in the black market
>Nah it was all part of the plan from the beginning
>First movie it said the Alice was really a Spy trying to take down Umbrella
>Nah shes a clone and has no memories of anything before the shower scene in RE1
>Red Queen kills everyone in the Hive to prevent the virus from spreading
>Also kills more staff via laser room, and won't less Alice out unless she kills Rain
>Nah, she can't harm Umbrella staff though
>Umbrella sends their staff to see what happen in the hive to get them killed
>Alice and Matt getting caught and one of the scientist saying they need to reopen the hive to figure out what happen there.
>Even though apparently they are the ones that released the virus
>Beginning of RE2, they open the Hive and unleash the virus, so then they start evacuating their scientist and researchers out of the city
>Nah, all of them were all really underground waiting for everything to blow over.
>Also Alice probably killed kids and spouses that probably had nothing to do with it
>They origins for the T-virus was that it was needed to help a scientist get their daughter to walk again. Also the inspiration of the Red Queen
>Nah, a different scientist made it for their rapidly aging daughter. Also the Red Queen is modeled after her. And Alice is really a clone of her.
>Clones in general
>The entirety of the fifth movie
>The entire opening narration of TFC
>Battle of DC
>Bible babel and end of days shit
>Where the fuck is Chris, Jill, Leon, and Ada
Holy shit, has there every been a movie to retconned so much shit at once.
I just saw this for the first time with the production company that did all the post production.
The movie gave me a fucking head ache. TOO many cuts this thing is un watchable. I have no idea why anyone would see this in 3D. Its complete shit.
there is over 2000 shots done in post for this movie. thats more then episode 1 phantom menace. But all the shorts were sped up or chopped up.
It's a fucking mess. and sad to know 1000s of hours and 50+ people worked on this film. and the fucking editor doobie white fucking chopped it all up.
seriously gave me a fucking headache.
also. mia is fucking pregnant in the whole film so many shots she had to be slimmed down.
2 people died making this movie.
I unironically enjoy the second one more than any of the others
I don't want to waste money and time, what happens at the end of the new one?
Alice releases an anti virus to kill all the zombies, but she was tricked. It was a gay bomb all along and humanity ends in about 60 to 70 years.
gay bomb? that sounds like a movie I WOULD watch *wink wink*
Which one was the one that ends with Wesker in a bunker in Japan?
The horrible Las Vegas one?
you forget
>RE 6 there are eldery and children in the tower
>nah we cant save them, all warriors go to the hive..
I loved how they had no fucking idea what progeria does
And then how Wesker inexplicably goes straight from being a seemingly invulnerable monster to doing nothing and being unceremoniously killed by a door, somehow powerless to save himself.
thank fuck this garbage is over. Only decent flick is the first one.
He probably lost hos god powers in the D.C. battle we didn't get to see.
Don't forget the "last human settlements" that supposedly had 48 hours to live before being overrun by zombies or some shit.
and that by releasing the airborne anti-virus within the 48 hours, the settlements will somehow be saved.
but then Alice contradicts this with her ending speech by saying the airborne anti-virus takes time to reach all corners of the earth, which means the settlements could still be overrun by zombies.
the movie fucking retconned itself.
If you go into these movies for the story or expecting quality you're a moron. People only watch these because they are bad and the action is over the top.
Yeah I was really confused about that
Like they are going to be overrun in EXACTLY 48 hours? To the exact minute? And Umbrella knows this absolutely?
I liked too how the end shows her riding away being chased by the bird-things, which somehow haven't died instantly despite being RIGHT THERE
Say what you will about umbrella but they know how to make a fucking door
I recall the red queen saying she has ceased the attacks on human settlements at the end
THANK FUCK Paul "What Script?" Anderson and his whore are out the fucking door!!!FACT!!!
You mean that setup in resident evil six where it seemed that Wesker would team up with Leon, jill and mary sue in humanities last stand? That movie sounded way way cooler than what we got
>tfw we will never get a good RE movie
why hasnt anyone thought of a RE tv series though?
could just cover what happens in the mansion -> spread of outbreak through the mountains -> city -> escape from city
It was 48 hours till Umbrella carried out a genocide of the settlements. They may have had zombies following behind their tanks but needed to blow up the defenses to let the zombies through. The zombies weren't under Umbrella's derict control, just trying to eat the people in the tanks. It was stated in the movie that the airborne vaccine had to spread across the world. Though it looked like wind direction didn't look like it mattered.
Jill in REmake is literally perfect. I don't know how they will top Sienna from RE2 movie.
Did you like the animated ones?
i enjoyed degeneration
then again i might be biased because of based leon
havent seen the rest yet though
>> So I guess I didn't miss a movie. Why did they skip the D.C. battle? I really wanted to see it. It just starts out with the White House bombed out and abandoned. What happened?
They didnt have the budget to get the actor playing leon or jill and ada was busy with something else.
He couldnt get half the actors.
Also paul ran himself into a corner that he could not get away from.
>Dr Isaacs
>Bible faggot
>>If you go into these movies for the story or expecting quality you're a moron. People only watch these because they are bad and the action is over the top.
Fuck you. You are the kind of asshole that goes to see transformers then. You just described transformers.
Besides the action in this movie is shaky and quick cuts too much. So even if you go with the transformers mentality you still get fucked in the ass.
This movie is an insult to anyone that owns the other movies. This movie insults anyone that cared about this franchise
what..? 1 was definitely taking itself seriously.
I like to think that the 48 hour time and that only 4000 humans are left was just bullshit to get Alice to move fast. Because if not, that would make it a lot fucking worse.
>introduce ada wong and leon to the story
>end on a huge promising cliffhanger
jk fuck you
>implying each film isn't about a separate Alice clone with implanted memories, and some of the movies actually take place simultaneously
Really people all we wanted was this in kino version
damm that rebecca is p hot
implying this isn't pure form kino
>expecting continuity in movies solely designed to show off the director's hot wife
>you did a really good job
>this case was just too weird
>this case was
I remember really liking re1 and re2.
Then that las vegas desert movie came and i was like wtff. Then the 4th one with godmode Milla Clone army... Worst sharkjumping ever.
this acting is porno tier
Leon is the MC of both the ones so far, and will share the new one with Chris
undersea base with zombie army
The third film is a better Mad Max Fury Road than the actual MM:FR.
Alice > that shit tier empty canvas played by Theron
It was fucking perfect
That movie was unbelievably hilarious
I mean the fucking Russian zombies on motorcycles?
>>expecting continuity in movies solely designed to show off the director's hot wife
and her hot little daughter?
>Wesker is superhuman for literally all the movies, survives all sorts of crazy shit like nukes, airplane crashes etc.
>Final Chapter, he gets taken out by a door crushing his leg
dude IRONY lamo!
She can definitely act though.
Milla's daughter is cute desu
Pedophiles go away.
I fucking hate paul ws anderson what a faggot
I think the idea was supposed to be that Umbrella was using those tanks to lead zombie hordes to all the settlements to overrun them.
Best part was the vagina shot.
I didn't realize that was Mia's kid.
She was actually pretty decent in the movie, desu. Shame her first acting credit is gonna be this.
Why did capcom even allow these scripts?
Why did they allow such fantastical horseshit. These movies are almost horror fantasy now
I can imagine a 30 year old running up to her and yelling about continuity.
I hope she gets bullied at school
JUST A MOMENT! I've found something!
They give money...thats all
>RE:The final chapter
>ends with a sequel bait
top guys think they gonna continue that crap or try to do the RE7 in movie version?
i really hope they just stop making those crap movies but i know its not gonna happen
>red queen!
How many times did they take the same picture in different places?
Alot. Mila is very wierd in that respect. Most of her pics on twitter are like this.
She's a good mommy.
>Wesker didn't even yell "CHRIS" multiple times with varying inflections and tones throughout the films
Shit series
>keeping up with the plot
It's b-movies man, like noes or Friday the 13th, you don't take them that seriously!
They're good for what they are.
They're C-grade.
Predator is a great example of B-grade done right.
Who cares.
Its over. its done. And now we can get Anderson back on the path of the movie that most needs him.
Mortal Kombat
shit, I 'd like to see MK2
If he reboots and doesn't make a new timeline like the gay games then it'd be great.
Read it somewhere that Predator is a B-grade movie and seeing as it's not set in stone, who cares. My point being these movies are too terrible to be B-grade.
>Hollywood movie fights
'Let's hide everything that looks bad with cuts'
>Asian movie fights
'Let's try to show as much of the fighting as possible because they can actually fight
Fucking Jews
I honestly think they can make the reboot happen, but its only Shang and Lu who remember it and it creates this odd sorta bond between the 2. They still fight against each other, but their a lot more civil towards each other, which confuses the shit out of everyone.
So instead of the 'YOU CANT RUN FROM HE SHANG!" we're use to (as is everyone else in the rebooted universe) they get more of a prof X/mag relationship. The "We've been enemies so long that its almost tiring to go through the motions of fights we know are pointless. Lets just skip the dumb parts and save it for the big fight" moments. PLus key moments like the dinner scene in MKL2 are top tier shit in my mind.
Hell, they can even have it where those 2 survive the reboot, but they are like the flash when he does it, and theres 2 of them now. The old ones who sorta just sit back and watch it, trying to fix it so the world doesnt end (but also push it in their favor) but at the same time, try and make sure events that need to happen, do.
But they programmed her to kill everyone in the first place. It wasn't an accident she was trying to contain the outbreak.