Waaaa why people wont play nice with my orange man.
Connor Ortiz
>>Says trump hired x >hires own son, ceo of breitbart, a christian scientists to run dept of education and a climate change denier to run dept of energy lmao what else if there to but laugh, boo or cry?
Isaiah Russell
And if it was about Hillary you'd be saying the same thing, right?
Leo Turner
Why are neckbeards so easily offended by jokes?
Henry Martinez
You're not obligated to watch it.
Brody Hughes
Are butthurt Trumplrinas really gonna make a thread every time some makes fun of their meme man and they get triggered?
It's gonna be a long 4-8 years if you alt right cucks don't learn to take a joke
Noah Nguyen
Complain about the entertainment industry being liberal, apparently.
Matthew Gray
Waa my orange man won but thats all I can pin his achievements on so I bring up Hillary all the time.
Adrian Phillips
t. cucks who've been TRUMPED.com
Charles Green
baaack to
Jack Johnson
Like thats an insult le epik Sup Forums man.
Levi Rivera
>"I like having this shit shovelled into my mouth every single day"
Angel Diaz
I voted for Trump but don't worship him nor do I get offended when someone makes a joke about him
Sup Forumsbeards flip their insulin every time though.
Noah Brown
If it's killing you, then stop watching it.
Joshua Rodriguez
i upboated your post
Luis Myers
>Reddit=alpha normies >Sup Forums=beta manchildren Yeah, I can see why you claim everyone who disagrees with you is from Reddit.
Eli Thompson
Well hes a coward and a narcissistic jackass so this is par for the course.
Plus getting fired would have been better than implementing sometime unconstitutional and bowing to Mango Mussolini.
Levi Hernandez
These limousine liberals like Colbert, Trevor Noah, Samantha Bee, Seth Myers, and John Oliver bitch bitch bitch that they have to talk about trump....when he makes their job so much easier and they all live in fucking manhattan.
Ethan Smith
>It's wrong to discriminate a person based on the color of their skin >Liberals insult a man based on the color of his skin
Awfully racist bro
Jace Sullivan
Have you seen Trevor Noah? He gave up on actual jokes long long ago. It's literally just "Trump sucks!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAAHH
Nathaniel Cooper
then why are you here you fag
Daniel Long
I don't give two squirts of piss.
Gavin Anderson
Its clearly not about offensive and just about getting tired of someone saying "I hate trump" over and over and over again on their silly tv show.
Jackson Edwards
Good point. I'm going to go back and then have sex with my girlfriend. Enjoy your hand! :^)
Jayden Reyes
you should, they give you good boy points and increase your karma
Cooper Gray
virgin detected
Henry Nelson
Trump is the best thing that ever happened to Trevor Noah, without him he has 0 material.
Isaac Walker
Detected yourself, huh? That must be awkward.
Landon Scott
Except orange isnt a real human color? I thought republicucks were supposed to be smart but they can't comprehend a simple joke.
Bentley Butler
I actually used to watch his show every week when it first started. And yeah, the Trump jokes were funny. But fucks sake, its beginning to feel forced. It's like every week its the same thing.
Aiden Collins
Good comedy and satire?
As opposed to "yes senpai Trump please keep shitting into my mouth"
Oliver Scott
I love when english comics bash America. It's the hackiest routine of all time
Justin Allen
Almost like he's the president and hell bent on doing stupid and news worthy things.
Weird right.
Joseph Johnson
the department of education and the EPA both need to be
the FUCK
William Howard
Yeah, that's pretty much the point of late night dude. People tune in to hear jokes about the news and it really doesn't vary much from day to day.
William Nguyen
>Good comedy and satire?
yes, i too, like being fed the same jokes everyday it's the pinnacle of comedy xd
Liam Lewis
Trevor Noah is shit. I would've settled for Colbert or Jason Jones to take over the Daily Show. Trevor is a "literally who?"
Benjamin Foster
Fuck off to your basement fag.
Nicholas Thompson
This is the accurate comparison
Joshua Murphy
>Trump does stupid things all the time
Hudson King
Better get use to it polfag. Trump is despised by large swaths of the country and it's only going to get worse from here.
Jayden Flores
Hey if the material comes from an endless supply why the fuck not.
And lets not pretend he's not creative and making the exact same jokes.
But yeah lay off my orange man baby please waaa!
Blake Torres
> they all live in fucking manhattan.
You want them to join you in your basement then?
Henry Sullivan
> makes thread to complain about libruls rooning entertainment
Xavier Morris
Like I wanna get back to watching his show, but the jokes are beginning to fall flat. Maybe he'll die down after a bit.
John Reyes
>And lets not pretend he's not creative and making the exact same jokes. but he is....
>But yeah lay off my orange man baby please waaa!
way to be racist fag. how tolerant of you
Lucas Perry
Elijah Martin
>and it's only going to get worse from here.
you mean you are just going to continue to cry like a bitch while Trump fucks you up to ass as you do NOTHING to stop him? lol.
just remember, we are only on week 2
Lincoln Lewis
Xavier Sanders
Liam Sanders
It doesn't matter. The show hasn't really been great. His monologue loses its charm when his band leader keeps chiming in. Also they need to cut his mic whenever Stephen makes a joke and his laugh ruins it.
Alexander Smith
>ne/nym/nis/nymself are real pronouns that must be respected >A dude with a mutilated cock is a real woman and must be respected >orange is not real skin color
Sebastian Jenkins
Colbert and the Daily Show made their careers doing this 8 years for Bush, why did you think this was going to be any different?
Sebastian Lee
That was quick
Carter Brown
Oh my god I want Stephen Colbert to take a huge stinky shit on my face while he complains about le Drumpf
Jason Baker
>the temporary travel ban is unconstitutional
Josiah Price
So why do you keep watching it? I don't like it either, so I don't watch it.
Easton Sanchez
>just remember, we are only on week 2
How does he do it?
Jose Brown
You can always change the channel.
Josiah James
/pol. It's necessary, the flower must shed its seed.
Dominic Davis
He can rip Trump all he wants, he's the President, but for you WHOLE show to be DEVOTED to one person is soooo boring. Tell a few jokes and move on to the next segment.
Dylan Thomas
your skills are wasted on Sup Forums brozo
Henry Smith
i fucked it up.!Q
Luis Carter
Their record ratings during the Bush Jr. years say otherwise.
Jonathan Martin
Daniel Martinez
Hi OP.
Xavier Lopez
Stephens show is fucking weird
Like the black guy he hired to lead the band/laugh seems legit retarded. Like mentally handicapped, and as far as I can tell nobody likes him. So it's like, whys he there? Who is he? What's he do? Just weird man.
He's the president and these decisions he's making are big news, what do you expect?
Ayden Reed
>Their record ratings during the Bush Jr. years say otherwise.
Uh, no. The Bush years was when late night talk shows began their major DECLINE in ratings.
And Jay Leno (who got the highest ratings of all) barely told Bush jokes. (He told a few, then moved on to other material). Whereas Letterman wore his politics on his sleeve and couldn't beat Jay on his best day. And Letterman was the best show, so go figure.
Zachary Perry
Only 2 weeks and he's already broke historic records. How doe she keep doing it?
Jose Bailey
Is everyone here drunk but me? Feels like it most of the time.
Andrew Hall
Not for the Colber Report. And all he ever talked about was Bush.
The Daily Show also reached their highest numbers and held them through the second term.
So go figure.
Kevin Green
Why do people act like this is something new? Late night talk shows have been making fun of presidents for decades. You're just too young to remember the nonstop Clinton is a pervert and W Bush is a retard jokes night after night.
Grayson Hill
It's actually 10, but you're right. It's such a small number who cares about the fact it's never before happened in history KEK BASED GOD EMPEROR TRUMP
Hopefully he'll fire even more of his staff tomorrow.
Carson Perry
Sup Forums
Caleb Jones
Jay only beat Dave in the ratings because Carson made The Tonight Show such an institution that it basically retained its entire viewer base for a good decade after he took over.
Camden Clark
It's almost like there was an 8 year hiatus between shows making fun of presidents
Logan Gomez
What the fuck do you expect? Trump is an easily targeted cartoon, and he's both recently elected and controversial.
It makes for tedious comedy, but stuff like this always gets exploited a great deal because it's easy and to a certain extent it's what people want to hear about. The cum-stained dress got a whole new life of wear from late night television, and GWB's adminstration was mined for comedy from start to finish. Even if he's going at it harder than previous shows, it's not hard to gather why he is or why it might stay that way.
James Cox
>Not for the Colber Report. And all he ever talked about was Bush.
That's a POLITICAL SHOW. Of course they're gonna talk about politics. I'm talking about his current LATE NIGHT Talk Show (as is this thread, dummy).
By your logic they can take Guy Fieri, make him the host of the Tonight Show, have him do constant cooking segments, and when people complain that it's that you would say "herr derr it worked on the Food Network"
Benjamin Jenkins
what did we learn about polls last time?
Benjamin Young
>his staff tho
Aiden Bailey
>Hopefully he'll fire even more of his staff tomorrow. You say this like his supporters don't want him firing tons of high placed government servants. You just don't get it, do you?
Levi Diaz
>Jay only beat Dave in the ratings because Carson made The Tonight Show such an institution that it basically retained its entire viewer base for a good decade after he took over.
No retard. Read the book "The Late Shift".
Letterman was KILLING Leno for the first 2 years. Then Jay found his groove (+ a lot of little things like him being more comfortable on a smaller sound stage/set, + Letterman being a controlling asshole and driving away his top producers).
Also, Letterman didn't make OJ jokes, but Leno did, and OJ was THE TOPIC of 1994-1995.
Parker Carter
All these College Cringe artists.
Eli Sanders
shame he went so political, he doesn't need to at all because he's talented
Adam Collins
the media doesnt like trump, most americans dont like trump
is it really a surprise that so many people make fun of him?
Nathan Richardson
trumptards are thin skinned, like their hero
Mason Perry
>trumptards are thin skinned, like their hero
The slightest jab at Obama and said comedian was hit with 500,000 "RACIST" tweets.
Ryan Reyes
Or more accurately the last President wasn't stupid and nor was he constantly making himself a fool for eight years straight.
Benjamin Hughes
Uh, you can make a joke about ANYONE and ANYTHING. NOBODY is perfect. Obama had a few gaffes and mistakes that would have made for good comedy fodder. Too bad we didn't get to hear any of it.
Eli Bailey
Keep in mind Bush came to office 16 years ago. He hasn't been in office for eight of that time. An entirely new generation of butthurt Alex P. Keatons has been born and raised during that time, and right wing talk show radio has been shitting on Obama for being a communist Muslim Kenyan version of the Manchurian Candidate ruining the country, despite all stats showing he largely fixing the mess that Bush jr. left him with.
Kayden Myers
I'm not reading that shit. I'm sticking to what I wrote and posting it every chance I get until everybody believes it.
Sebastian Campbell
Fair enough.
But at least look up the "Hugh Grant incident". Letterman was always beating Leno. Hugh Grant got caught trying to pick up a prostitute, and Leno just happened to have him booked as a guest a few days later. Since then Leno was #1. That one fucking guest turned the tide for him.
Landon Cruz
I'm sick of not getting cancer from my drinking water and being able to breathe. And I'm even more sick of schools having standards, you don't need high school when you can just work in a fact- whoops, nvm
Landon Morales
>Too bad we didn't get to hear any of it.
See, this is how selective memory works. People made plenty of fun of Obama, such as his healthcare.gov launch being a huge fuck up for example.
The difference between Barack and Donnie is that the former was eloquent, smart, likable, diplomatic, in other words, presidential, where as the latter is the complete opposite: he is an insecure, thin skinned jackass who seems to get his feelings hurt every other day and embarrasses the entire government with inane lies like obsessing over how many people came to his inauguration, and makes polarizing policies that are immediately proven ill-advised and poorly thought out, inviting plenty of scrutiny and ridicule from the people.
Brayden Kelly
>his healthcare.gov launch being a huge fuck up for example.
That's all you got? I watch a lot of TV and the jokes on Obama were few and far between. And they were always very fluffy, not really going after the man himself.
Blake Wilson
you sound upset
Colton Turner
>I watch a lot of TV and the jokes on Obama were few and far between
Because he gave comedians less material to work with where it was genuinely funny, so you saw it less frequently. He was kinda boring in a way, and kept making pauses when he talked, and while that was something people did use to make jokes about, it was just not as outrageous and funny or memorable as making fun of how dumb W. was. Trump on the other hand was already a walking joke before he got elected.