What is she looking up at?

What is she looking up at?


years of oppression and systemic racism

A brighter future.

that's some damn fine cinematography

her baby daddy

Eh, Megan's scenes always look really good but end up being boring with a ton of fake moaning. She also sounds fucking retarded in the voice over at the beginning.

a paycheck for 200 dollars.


Have to watch most of these films with the volume turned down. Girls should be quietly introspective while getting blacked, thinking about how their lives came to it.

This. She's so ridiculously hot but her scenes never fail to disappoint me, no matter what studio.


her master

this is literally every blacked scene
Its genuinely shitty porn with dicks so obviously pumped/fake that the guys can barely use them.
I would understand if the shitposters on this board used screenshots from those stupid incest videos where for some reason the brother is always black, but instead they use some of the blandest most unwatchable porn out there.

How did African Homosapeans get their penises to such large length? Do they eat many bananas and fruit?

>tfw she looks like my mom

Guess I wont be coming to Sup Forums since im doing no fap February, oh well...

Until recently Africans rarely wore clothes, women could see the dick and be more selective, so black men quickly evolved to be extremely well endowed.

a man made of fecal matter

the source of all her happiness and exctasy

The cinematography and makeup are good so it makes for better screenshots even if the scenes themselves ultimately suck.

I would unironically love it if Sup Forums became a cuck and interracial board


The penis needs to be at a near optimal temperature for procreation. this is why it shrinks and expands (not talking about getting a boner). Same with the balls. In hot weather you can afford to let it hang loose and allow the warm sun and cool breezes to do their thing. For more northern Humans having a more compact size closer to the body helped maintain the regulation.

Of course this is a moot point and over and over it has been proven that White people actually have the largest dicks. The BBD is just a meme. Same way people say Blacks are stronger than whites when in reality every single strongman competition is 99% white.


when you suck dick you are supposed to look him in the eyes, this is basic stuff OP