Brit/pol/-Britannia supreme Edition

>Tarek Fatah on Brexit (based af) (embed) (embed)

>Chris Bryant claims Jeremy Corbyn 'may have voted 'leave'

For anyone actually worried about a second referendum: (embed)
>Parliament may fight back against Brexit result

>EU Foreign Affairs Chief: Europe Needs an EU Army
>manchild breaks his TV, pissy over Brexit result

>Doom and Gloom is exaggerated:

Other urls found in this thread:

>Confirmed trade deals

Why three threads lads?

Can some user with photoshop skills get a world map going with countries that have said they want a trade-deal going?

Perhaps highlight such countries with a union jack flag?

Someone consolidate them into 1 more easily affordable thread.

Lads, we have a pressing issue on our hands that nobody seems to have brought attention to.

Free movement of posters.

This free movement of posters has lead to burgers and other europoors deluting our brit/pol/ threads.

I haven't seen any slagposting or county-reporting for hours.

How do we fix this pressing issue while maintaining the British standard of posting?

I wonder what will happen tomorrow

Hello Politically Incorrect

I'm a researcher for the Daily Mail.

We have been your forum "Politically Incorrect" for around 6 months and are preparing to do a 5 piece expose on its involvement in the Brexit campaign's online presence. We'd very much like to hear your side of the story.

In addition, any hackers involved with the Donald Trump presidential campaign in America are also encouraged to get in touch with us.

[email protected]

And put "Politically Incorrect" in the subject.

Thank you

Reminder to vote for Boris

get fucked cunt

My mistake this one was the one that Boring Centrist spammed against Does that make this one the one we shouldn't be posting in?

Include this post in your article

M8 he's been Mayor of London, he's probably held every opinion in the book

He even signed up for the Leave campaign and had changed his mind by the end of it kek

>We have been your forum "Politically Incorrect"
>We have been your forum

seems legit

> Researcher

You mean shit stirrer?

>tfw you thought he was just a meme joke

He's not...

fake and gay


Hello there Daily Mail man.

Post proof of your identity or you can fuck right off.


Internet Briton


>Daily Mail man having extra flags for int

Fuck Boris, his heart is power to Boris not a free and independent Britain. Give us Moggsy or our protests outside every other Tories house will make ''''''momentum's''''' save Jez campaign look like girl guides.

It must be


Just a thought-

All those idiots who whinge the feel more European than British...


Population of Iceland: 323,000
Net immigration to UK last year: 333,000

Hello Daily Mail, my name is m00t. I am the leader of this board.

We make memes, but reddit is the place to go for the best memes. Thanks in advance.

Someone do this pls, would be nice to see how things progress

>Boring Centrist

Hmmmmmm . .. I'm watching you.

Outdated picture friend ;)

>daily mail
>regional flags
Only fags will fall for this, just like they fell for my Judith memes that time

Britannia is thicc



not a fan of maps, I take it

>1 post by this ID
Hello Centrist :^)

That's depressing as fuck desu

>Actually independant

England needs a referendum on the iceland match

reminder that the trade deals are coming partly because of the assumption that it's going to be much cheaper to buy things from us with our newly-shitty currency.

user please, you won't fool anyone.

>lefty bitch on Facebook
>posts anti-brexit memes constantly
>quite fit so I have a cheeky tug over her photos while laughing because leave won

Was it a victory wank or should I be ashamed lads?

Honestly it's alright, if we lose we'll do a petition

Our political system is in turmoil and you have to bring this up.

Die in a fire.

Calm down m8

>BREAKING: Ratings agency Fitch downgrades Britain to 'AA' after Brexit vote.

What will the lefties say no lads?

victory, because to you she is literally just a body, she'd hate that

We only do it for lord kek.

Why not both

Welsh reaction to Leanne Wood wanting independence:

Top Kek

That they really care about the economy now despite being anti capitalist before.

I have transcended the memes and become banter itself.

If we get sent home early . . . .at least we save some money eh?

This. Banking will now suddenly be amazing for the economy

lefties != socialists


>Honestly it's alright, if we lose we'll do a petition


Can't wait for effigies of Harry Kane being hung from lamp posts around the country


Y'all got any non-cuck rule 34 of Britannia?

All of it seems to be representing her getting fucked by terrorists, David Cameron etc.

It really does say something about how far Blairites are from the original Old Labour base when you look at how they reacted to shit like this

>"Why is everyone so materialistic? Why is this country full of Thatcher lovers who can't understand there's more to life than money? Who put the bankers in charge? Farage was a stock market trader!!"

>The value of the pound drops $0.1


The banter is real

Why the fuck are you wanking to the physical representation of our nation?

Welshman here, will vote remain to leach off England, if we play our cards right we can get Scotlands share too if they leave.

That's not a bad thing.



This is a theme that's kind of confused me throughout.

The lefty young kids (and old), who have always been the first to slag off lying politicians, the bankers, greedy big business CEOs etc. - have spent the last 3 months asking everyone to listen to them, because they are the experts. What changed?


Deal with it.


>Boring Centrist

You are starting to give yourself away Mr Tripfag.

John McDonnell MP


10,000 people in Parliament Square with just 24 hours notice. @jeremycorbyn going nowhere. #KeepCorbyn

Holy fuck your lefties are really stupid.

Morrakiu bringin the heat

Send Mr Hitchens to do the interview pal

Someone in parliament today made the point that literally one labour MP voted against the referendum going through a couple of years ago, and thus should stop getting mad when people voted against what they wanted.

HoC banter is real.

Yeah, and it's great. They're killing the Labour party.

rip britain, gonna miss u
u just officially just sold ur own country

>TFW Brexit is finally splitting parties up into what they represent.

the Leave vote was literally rationalized as being about sticking it to corporations.


Yeah I have a friend on jewbook that used to go on about THE BANKERS, THE BONUSES meme all the fucking time and now he's post about how worried about the FTSE and Forex rates.

This guy did fucking Drama and Film Studies at university thinks he's now some the Wolf of Wallstreet.

Post a pic so I can get a tug too

They've been corrupted so far they can longer tell truth from fiction. I remember the whole "don't trust anyone over 30" meme that we had when we were growing up. Seems dead and gone now.

They may vote in Corbyn, if he wins we are fucked.

No, we saved our country. Enjoy being the South West of the United States of Europe, Euro-PEON.

We don't want independence. We voted leave, we love the English, we love Britain. One daft retard calling for independence does not represent the Welsh population. I really really truly hope they leave it at that because a few vocal politicians could make us all look like shit.

Remember we're with you England, and hate you only as much as we could on the Rugby pitch, or in injury time.

t. Welshman

The salt of the earth Welsh working class stood up and said "Fuck off"

>The rest of the article is about Max Clifford

she's going to be losing her looks over the next year or two, better to do it now if you ask me

>Give us Moggsy
moggsy is a fucking taig

Seriously, have we gone into some kind of alternate reality?

Brexit actually happened
Leicester won the league
Trump will be an actual presidential candidate
England are actually on the verge of getting knocked out of the Euros by fucking Iceland

Don't worry about us, pedro. Worry about your country being controlled by socialists.

>selling things for objectively less profit


Her worst days are behind her.

It's great, isn't it?

Meme magic is real

You're welcome to it loyal leachers.

Sold? More like bought it back.

What is he thinking Sup Forums?

They weren't buying it before hand.

>Implying Englel embarrassing us all isn't the expected result

kek same webm

Did anyone else eat there Brexits this morning?

You won't have a country lad, you'll just be sector C of the United Sectors of Europe.