Young pinheads.
Work hard. Be honest. Get off the net. Go outside. Travel as much as you can. Find what you’re good at and make money doing it.
Young pinheads.
Work hard. Be honest. Get off the net. Go outside. Travel as much as you can. Find what you’re good at and make money doing it.
thanks papi
True dat
So I was talking to a friend's little girl and she said she wanted to be President some day. Both of her parents, liberal Democrats, were standing there, so I asked her, "If you were President, what's the first thing you would do?"
She replied, "I'd give food and houses to all the homeless people!" Her parents beamed pride.
"Wow - what a worthy goal!" I told her, "Of course you don't have to wait until you're President to do that. Just come over to my house tomorrow. You can mow the lawn, pull weeds, and sweep my sidewalks and driveway, and then I'll pay you $50. Then I can take you over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out and you can give him the money to buy some food or a new house." The little girl thought for a moment, then looked me straight in the eye and asked, "Why doesn't the homeless guy just come over and do the work himself, then you can pay him the $50?"
I said, "Welcome to the Republican Party."
What did he mean by this?
I'll do 1, 2, and 6, but I have no interest in doing things those other things.
Capitalism is a crime against humanity.
fuck off pinko
Cringed at your thread.
Who would win in a fight
O'reilly or Olbermann?
How many women has O'Reilly raped?
all of them
>Implying your average homeless would be trusted with a job, let alone mentally capable
Pure capitalism is communist-tier hypothetical retardation.
lmao you wouldn't have a fancy pc and Sup Forums otherwise faggot
Obermann, O'Riley would just drink and then cry about how opressed he is, it's the default state of a filthy Irishman.
ah yes, the wagecuck pledge
Man I haven't seen this pasta in years
Kill yourself, commie scum.
The workers made the PC, not the bourgeoisie puppet masters
>O'Riley would just drink and then cry about how opressed he is
That's what Olbermann's doing now though
>my dad could beat up your dad!
>nuh uh!
Holy fuck what a faggot
>capitalism and communism are the only economic systems
Who you calling pinhead?
[Helicopter idling in the distance]
Why does everyone conveniently forget about BARTERING?
fuck mike rowe
This guy doesn't get it. The true spirit of capitalism is being a whiny fuckbag who only hauls ass to get paid.
1) Don't be grateful. Anything you owe is on the bill and the only reason you're paying is because they are giving something in return.
3) Jobs with the lowest opportunity cost are bad jobs.
4,7 ) Develop a passion for making money at the expense of other passions. Improve the quality of your work only to improve your reputation and get more customers, go above the call of duty to impress your boss so you can get a promotion or a bonus.
5) Debt is risky, but this has to be balanced against the risk of failing to beat the market average. Life is short. Do you want to live in a tent your entire life? Consider leveraging your investments.
8) You could try having a conversation and laying on some constructive criticism first. If they can't handle a simple civilized discussion, THEN you leave.
10) People are inclined to blame others, but what if logically and factually it is their fault? It is very difficult to start a successful business or beat the market average, you can't afford to be irrational.
11) So if some thugs loot your store you'd just go "life's unfair and I'm OK with that"
12) Technically not equal in ability.
>Be good at cutting mics
>Make money doing it
T. Oreilly