Who will be the new Emperor, pol ?

Who will be the new Emperor, pol ?

Lord Negrus of Mooria, Kang of the Sheeit, First of the Muhhdik Dynasty

idk what this is but add venetian republic ragusa etc

Bow down to your new Kaiser

[ring ring]

He was handsome back in the days




I like to think the faint red outline around the British Isles implies that they'll be raided.

2nd phase

you really want all that balkan?

I want the glorious roman empire back and no one will stop me, i want more

you never conquered the anglos get out out out

>not conquering everything

Emperors Matteo and Alexis

anglos were in germany during the roman empire, if you mean great britan romans didn't conquer Ireland and Scotland

>Matteo Renzie
>divide the empire between two emperors

As I said before, i want mooore

>wanting 2 emperors
Diocletian in me is mad

It should be me to be honest family.


You should include Istria, Dalmatia, coastal Montenegro and Albania as well.