Britcucks have to wake up to this on breakfast tv

>britcucks have to wake up to this on breakfast tv

>implying I use a oioi it's the bobbies! license box

>implying I'm up before 5:00pm

>implying we only have 1 channel kek

>Implying anybody watches itv
>Implying piers isnt a legend

Legendary cunt is more like it, I'm glad Clarkson hooked him

Nobody watches Good Morning Britain, it's struggled with ratings since it launched

>tfw failed my last licence test

Give me some tips lads.

>implying I don't watch Sarah-Jane instead

Man there used to be some retarded morning show where I live. I'd wake up early just to laugh at their inane, almost absurd bullshit while I drank my tea, it was great. Can't remember what it was called, but these shows all have such derivative names anyways.

What is his demographic, exactly?

He's socially conservative, so most leftists hate him.
He's authoritarian, so most conservatives hate him.
He's an Arsenal fan, so decent human beings hate him.

Who on earth is watching him voluntarily?

Based Sarah, I like her.

They wake to their ugly crooked teeth every day and you think this guy is a problem?

>not listening to Classic FM in the mornings

He's Sup Forums's guy

wow, he looks like an english ted cruz

His demographic is being perpetually BTFO by Jeremy Clarkson.

nobody liked piers either in the states or britbongistan

everyone watches Breakfast not GMTV (or whatever they changed the name to this year)

>implying I don't wake up at 2pm every day and go straight on Sup Forums


he's not he was leftist, now he has changed his views to try to catch a new demographic

>watching any morning tv beyond the news
Absolutely degenerate

>paying for a TV licence
no thanks friendo

>implying I don't wake up every morning to VHS repeats of SMTV Live


>mfw German

we have to pay TAX for a propaganda channel. not an optional license fee, but an actual tax. glad so many people don't know this.

>He's an Arsenal fan, so decent human beings hate him.
>le arse xD

Yes. Good goy. Support Sperms, I mean Spurs... they support Israel. Your GREATEST ally. Good goy...

Better than supporting Arsenal, the favorite club of London Muslims. The Jews just rip you off, the Arsenal fans will stone you to death while screeching about net spend.

It's hard to believe there is an actual human behind posts like these

Back to your general, falseflaggers.

>Muslims are now worse than Jews

Sup Forums is fucking insane.

>net spend

I should get the archives up of Spurs fans, Liverpool fans and United fans doing just that over the last 5 years.

Mah nigga

They only have one channel...that can't be turned off?

You mean you don't have telescreens in your shitty third world country?

>Arsenal fans

Fella, don't talk about spend, talk about net spend. Talk about net spend.

I'll admit I'm not a very sociable person in the morning, but every time I was on my way to work and had to listen to that fucking ginger-haired twatcunt Evans honk that cunting horn of his, I wanted to go straight to the studio and shove it up his ass and turn him into a human accordion

Fuck off yank


Ive lived in britain all my life and i also prefer "ass" to "arse". Arse sounds like a dairy farmer is saying it, it sounrs terrible.

Also on a related note, I have similar opinions about the word 'willy' and 'wank', preferring instead 'dick' and 'jack off'.

I have gay sex sometimes, and guys calling my ass an arse or my dick a willy is an instant turnoff for me.

Face it, some americanisms are just bad.

The only Americanism I've ever agreed with is Lieutenant
I don't care what the origin is - if it doesn't have an f or a ph, it shouldn't be pronounced Leftenant

what about y'all that's a very useful contraction. English needs a second person plural.

The origin is French, thank L'Enfant

>Face it, some Americanisms are bad
Uhh, didn't you just defend them?

sorry, i meant to write "arent bad"

im tired

Sounds pretty gay m8