>Get 'em on board, Al Kaledin
Who is Al Kaledin?
>Get 'em on board, Al Kaledin
Who is Al Kaledin?
It's actually
>Get Tim on board, I'll call it in
The real question is who is Tim?
>Get 'em on board
I thought it was
>Get'em on board, I'll call Ittin
I assume Ittin works for The Agency
>The flight plan I just filed with the Agent C
Who is Agent C?
Agent Coulson. CIA was actually a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent
>A Latte Low-T for a hired gun
They serve latte on the plane?
>this is what one struggling with english hear
>Don't worry, no charge for them
Why was CIA paying Dr.Pavel in explosives for hostages?
We need to start a petition to cast Aidan as the new Doctor
>They work for the ursury, the rat sketta man
Is agent C the same person as ittin?
Where is Cee Ayeh from? Is that a Welsh name?
Cant wait for the Smee + Maimen buddy cop spinoff movie desu
>Nothing, AysaĆdn Theen!
Is that Bane's real name?
>The flight plan Aegis filed Thea Jensy lists Smee, Maimen, Dukt, Orpah, Veliere, Pudon, Lee, Juan, Avu! Furst, Hon, Tuthawk, Gehtstu, Sutei, Aughn, Mai, Eric Raffed!
I hope we get these characters explained in the sequel.
>Get Emmond Bord, I'll call Itin
Clearly you heard that wrong, user.
>he wasn't a lawn
was CIA expecting Pavel to be a lawn?
>Wu paid you grab Dr. Pavel
Wait who is Wu?
>you're a big Guy.
How did CIA know Bane's real name was Guy?
It's actually.
>You're a B. Guy.
B stands for Bane.