i personally don't know any niggers
but i hate them anyways
share your personal bad encounters with blacks
help me hate them even moar
Theyre apes. Literally cannot control themselves.
Unaccomplished. Feel they are entitled to gibs because of their ancestors.
Whites weren't even the only ones to own slaves.
Blacks are stupid, and are overall physically unattractive. They're unreliable and indecent people, without even thinking of the impoverished gangster species.
Worst of all, they're used by the Jews as a method of destruction.
Oh, and did I mention... They're going to breed out our superior racial brotherhood.
>hear someone screaming while in the Parisian metro
>look everywhere, there might be some allahu akbaring around
>just a niggeress at the cellphone making sure everyone hears every details of her conversation
Every... fucking... day!
That post made me feel.
France y u blacked
; n ; once the carrier of superior genes now the cesspool of europe
>be me
>go to 75% nigger high school
>half the dudes are actually white
>90% of the girls are niggers
>have no love life because nigger chicks are mostly disgusting
>except this one that was tall, kinda light skinned, and had more of a european face despite being a negress
>the niggers whoop and hollar every day in the hallways
>constantly get in trouble
>hit on white female teachers
>two bomb threats while I was there, both times done by negresses
I'm very glad to have that part of my life behind me.
>White or Asian kid starts bothering someone
>Parents scold them and apologies
>Spic kid starts bothering someone
>Parents leave and forget he exists
>Black kid starts bothering someone (bothering here usually means screaming like an ape while destroying property)
Literally the reason I stopped working at a toy store.
If Hillary wins and states don't start seceding, we should just be nuked before we turn into a third world shithole.
Actually, i do have one story that you might like, polbro
>be me
>12th grade
>in english class
>literally 4 guys in entire class
>3 of those 4 are white
>16 negresses
>One day we're discussing social problems in America, because.. I dunno, it related to some faggot book we read I guess.
>One negress brings up the higher homicide rate among blacks
>room goes silent
>sassiest, top negress responds "das cuz we got broken families n shiieet. N' we poor n shiet!"
>I whisper just loud enough o hear "that explains a lot"
>Entire. Fucking. Class. Looks at me.
>"What you be sayin', user?" says the top negress
>beta mode activated
>"Nah, I think you said somethin'!"
>Negress gives me a deathstare
>class carries on
Did you know that in the 80's, one of the many Leftists selling points for getting more Blacks in our country was: we will look like the US!
God, the previous generation was so stupid.
>Parents leave and forget he exists
Replace that with
>Savagely beat him with a sandal in the middle of the store
And you've got my time at Publix nailed.
I miss the time when I would get excited just from mom buying me the popsicle I wanted.
Back then, I had not seen a single nigger IRL.
Black people aren't inherently evil, just need to be shown the way user.
in my line of work i meet lots of embassyfags,
lots of gooks (korean and japan are ok, i guess) shitskins (fucking subhumans but ther antisemitism can be amusing) and niggers (FUKING WORST, always complaining about something and always playing the race card)
>working near Ularu
>pretty much middle of Australia
>bare land everywhere
>installing new cables and towers so travellers can have some phone reception in case of emergency
>have government permission to work
>need aboriginal elder with us at all times in case we dig up bones and it automatically becomes a sacred site
>supervisor gets case of cold beer
>elder gets drunk
>bulldozers ripping up all kinds of bones and shit
>elder laughs cause he is so drunk
>dig up obvious skeleton
>elder says ah the cunt probably died way to long ago
>give us another case of beer and I'll forget this all happened
>dumb coon gave up everything for 2 cases of beer
>finished up the work and took off asap cause those people are genuinely disgusting
Got robbed at gun point while I was in 9 th grade .
>fuck black people
>tfw black and you'll be forever associated with pavement apes and parasites despite growing up in a rural area
Feels really bad, man.
>Be me
>Come from a mix family, Spic and white
>Go to Uni
>Stay in dorms
>Each to dorms share a bathroom
>My next door neighbors are a white boy, and a immigrant from Morocco
>My roommate is a nigger
>First night, sleepy af at 8pm, decide to sleep
>Nigger brings their friends over at 11 PM and start playing Madden, and smoking weed
>Next day
>He shaves
>Does not clean after himself, only the white guy helps me clean the restroom
>The Moor will pray with music very loud every morning
>Nigger will put music very high all the time
> Temporary Solution to everything, Put Mexican folk music very High, nigger and Moor would leave
>Permanent solution: leave dorms as soon as possible
It was a nightmare Sup Forums heck I hate Mexican music, but that was the only thing that would drive them out so I can focus on my studies/hentai watching.
Only bro tier guy was the white man
Pic sort of related,
Cover of the CD of one of the Bands I will put to drive the nigger out
I've seen a lot of chimpouts on the news, but in my personal experience I've only had to listen to a few of them complain about "systemic racism" and "history of slavery."
In major cities, I have observed several of them congregated in public parks or near churches, making a lot of noise and generally acting like apes. I've also seen solitary blacks (and whites, but mostly blacks) clearly drugged and wandering around on streets, but those are less common during the day.
Generally I try to ignore them, unless they live in the suburb.
That's fucked up. At least American blacks have been snowplowed for a few centuries to get some superior DNA in them.
If you'd have gone alpha you could literally have been torpedoing black pussy day and night. You fucked up.
Fucking Abos, they are literally subhumans, they yell "muh past" but forget about it once alcohol comes around. Just like Native Americans imho
Fucking Beta , since I was in HS ( United States) I was revealing my anti Spic power level.
Always brought up the numbers of how many spics are willing to go to college and actually change their lives, and bringing up how many can get degrees just for being Spic, but wont do it and instead relay on my tax dollars.
Many of the "minorities" are literally subhumans
>high school
>town was mostly white
>middle school district all white
>feed into same hs as ghetto areas
>meet nog face to face for first time
>he cuts me in the lunch line
>I tap him on the shoulder
>"E-excuse me" I stutter
>"Bix nood muhfuggin beep boop no muh watermelon nigguh don't touch meep mo-"
>I contemplate his argument for a minute
>I conclude that this is a friendly greeting in his culture
>I tap him on the shoulder again
>as he turns I feel a strange sensation on the left side of my jaw
>a shifting, and a popping
>the ape has struck me
>I stare at him for a moment as departs to assault the french fries
>"Muh dick" he grunts as he begins to stuff the hot fried potatoes in his pockets
>I pile my tray in silence, contemplating the crackling of my jaw and the indifference of the cafeteria ladies
>the cold rain sets my still creaking jib on fire when I try to sleep
>It still clicks when I chew my food
>I still slur my speech after a long day or a few drinks because it never properly realigned
>And all this, because I confused a nigger with a human being
I wish you many hugs from a qt blonde hair blue eyed girl.