jon snow is the king tho, why can't hoes pay attention to a simple plotline
Jon snow is the king tho, why can't hoes pay attention to a simple plotline
when you come to Los Angeles you can suck my cock
since when did the 'journalists' and media pundits become relevant to a show's story
I caught a glimpse of the show while waiting for Silicon Valley to air. They were saying Jon Snow was to be their king, no? They were shouting that king of the north shit I remember from like season 1. I don't watch it so maybe I'm wrong.
say it with me:
Jun Snu is still around.
And the lass pictured is batshit bonkers. (irl and fictional.)
Fuck you Hillary
I see threw your lies you fucking murderous bitch.
eat a dick, it's good for you, you fucking carpet munching dyke.
The North is one of a several kingdoms governed by a high king at King's Landing.
>I know this because I bough HBO for Silicon Valley so I might as well watch GoT as well
So is Jared a nazi or what?
There are retarded women who actually think the women in the show is good. Cersei obviously won't live for long. Her plots was always self destructive. Dany is carried by everyone around her and luck. Sansa is a big unlikable fuck up.
Didn't this shows finding get cut from Brexit? Who gives a fuck.
>So is Jared a nazi or what?
No, they're just playing it off as a joke. A lot of it from
Jon Snow is the beta cuck plant. He'll aid in the fight against the walkers and then hand the throne over to muh stonk womyn.
They do realize that Cersei gonna get her head chopped of right? She has no claim to the throne literally everyone except Lannisters is going to be against her. Maybe even Lannisters will want to get rid of her considering how much trouble she will bring.
Isn't this show getting shitcanned because of Brexit?
pol fags voting her now right ..?
The current ruler of the 7 kingdoms (which includes the north) is a woman, and a woman is also bringing a huge army to BTFO the other queen. They are basically all squabbling, bitching playing politics etc. trying to grab power like woman do. Meanwhile Jon Snow is defending the entire realm from white walkers in the north, a real leader based on their passion, love, respect and admiration (rather than money and tits)
Jaime is going to strangle her to death in S7.
>it was repeatedly hammered home that while men are important in this story, they are no longer as invaluable as we once thought they were.
Men are the most invaluable asset in GoT.
Only exception are the dragons.
Literally every person that DOES something is male.
The females only COMMAND MEN (THE ASSETS), because they were put into commanding positions by events.
I liked my trash entertainment better when the two jewfags in charge were not pandering to tumblards
would be great if that was the truth
Rome is better than this anyway
Cersei represents everything about why women are fucking retarded and self destructive.
>paying for HBO
>supporting John Oliver's paycheck
What the fuck are you thinking pol?
I want to see Jamie rek Cersei
Sansa got screwed out of power by that 10 year old potato girl and the fact that Cercei had to kill a shitton of people, including her son(indirectly), to usurp power isn't in any way a good thing and she will be dead within the first episodes of season 7.
Jezebel ran a similar article.
Muhhh women are the only powerful figures in GoT
I'm sure the majority of people pirate the show dude
How is everyone this brain dead.
Right when all the women get into power and start squabbling the White Walkers (Men) are going to swoop in and kill them all.
A shame there were only 2 seasons, would be cool if they did a spin-off show that was based in the era of Constantine the Great, Aurelian or maybe around and after Nero's death.
If the jew is high sparrow and Cersei is Hillary then who is Trump
SJWs are gonna be pretty mad when kelly c turns out to be the bad guy.
It's going to have a shitty snowglobe ending anyway. It was all in bran's mind.
fuck you put her head on Dany instead
Cersei is sexy as fuck
thread theme:
Jon Snow has a better claim to the throne than Danny or anyone else. Hes the trueborn son of Prince Raegar, the previous true heir to the throne.
White walkers did nothing wrong
This may be true and some feminazi propaganda bullshit.
However, I was absolutely FUCKING THRILLED when Cersei destroyed the fucking shit out of those fucking religious hypocritical morons. I was waiting for them to get fucking wrecked all season. As for the cuck little bitch weakling King, I was even more thrilled when he exited as well.
Glad this season redeemed itself! Death to religious fuckwits and weak ass cucks!
No one to support after Stannis died. Fuck it, #teamwhitewalker
He's still a bastard. Rhaegar was married to Elia Martell at the time, so not trueborn.
I hope so. Brexit just gets better and better.
Its implied in the novels they married in secret, and the Targaryens have a long history of multiple wives.
There have always been powerful women in human history
Uh...No? That's not what that showed at all.
First, Cersei got her own kid fucking killed. As of now she has NO future. The Lannister House is dead. The Baratheon House is dead. She fucked everything up and now her kingdom is doomed to civil war.
Second, Danimal is a fucking failure loser who is bringing over an army of Mongols to fight in what will soon be a frozen castle-filled nightmare country. She has zero chance at actually taking Westeros. She's also a psychopath who gained power through her pussy and chance--nothing else.
Third, Jon Snow is the only King left in the show who actually deserves his position. He's the King in the North because he saved the North. That man is the only legitimate ruler in the show.
>B-But muh Dorne
Dorne is no longer a country. It is unowned territory ruled by kinslaying bandits. Not one of those women hold legitimate authority in Dorne. All it would take is one distant Martell to walk in and declare himself King and he would be.
All this season showed is that women are really bad at planning and constantly undermine their own efforts, and can only get things at all when men help them.
Everyone underplaying CIA.
He's the reason this war even started. He gon finish it
The Sparrows were the only group in King's Landing with even a shred of integrity. Daily reminder that you have allowed your degenerate Marxist-instilled hatred of religion to cloud your judgement entirely.
Also, daily reminder that The High Sparrow won. House Lannister no longer exists. Cersei destroyed her entire family because he asked her to.
Bran the builder is trump.
He lived in the age of heroes, built the biggest wall to keep out the invading hordes. He also built places to stand the test of time, including winterfel for his own family. He was of the first men, a culture and race that still stands, even if it is under attack.
hmm i wonder why i was never interested in this abyssal piece of trash
>people watching this show after stannis was killed
the finale was fucking shit. All that build up and we get by far the worst deat scenes in the entire show. Fucking music was annoying as shit, fucking terrible episode
How mad will they be when Jon Snow becomes King?
Simply means that the Stark lineage is Trump-esque without any specific character being Trump.
Cersei is literally a Mad King 2.0, they literally showed it. Danny is okay as far as GoT rulers are concerned, but let me remind you that her consuls are male with a female translator who admits to being clueless about anything. Sansa stepped down for Jon, but the northerners didn't even need her to announce it for them to jump on it. Hell, a female lord was the first to hail him. The Dorne angle is fucked and they threw away their stability for revenge, needlessly I might add.
>women fighting each other, literally setting the world on fire and importing hordes of black people in to westeros
>man defending the world against illegal snowniggers coming to give every one skeletonaids.
This show is pretty redpilled and close to reality desu.
Sounds like Sweden lol
>implying CIA isn't going to win in the end
That said, I'm rooting for Night King
Lol Cersei routinely fucks things up royally for personal gain.
Sounds about right.
Isn't that why she's in power? He rekt her several (three?) times, that's how she got the throne. One of her 6-toed inbred babys?
This time he's gonna rek her with his sword, not his dick
John snow then? Everyone keeps saying he knows nothing, yet he's always right and he keeps winning when he should be losing. They even tried to kill him and that didn't work.
>inb4 many tears in ~365 days when Jamie bashes her head in with his mace hand
Winter is trumping
I am so excited for this, that was possibly the best part of the episode. Jaime is finally going to stop being a cuck
Prophecy says he'll choke her:
>the valonqar (little brother) shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you
Do you really think they'd remember this line of dialogue?
People still don't realize the throne is an irrelevant thing in the face of the apocalypse, and that everyone fighting for it during winter are selfish cunts murdering and raping innocent people over a chair.
who cares?
This same shit was on NPR when I was driving home. The improvement of how women are portrayed in Game of Thrones. It was all focused on Dany and they were circle-jerking about her for who knows why.
Guess what didn't get mentioned though.That nun from the sept getting badtouched by Zombie Clegane never got mentioned. Neither did Sansa now that she's taking a backseat to Jun Snu. That doesn't gel with the narrative they're pushing. And biggest of all, no mention of Cersei becoming the fucking Queen, because you know, who wants to bring up a vindictive bitch who more or less killed her son so she could take the throne. Women can't be evil, afterall.
Nope. it was all about the woman with the army of dickless men who obey her every command. SO FUCKING PROGRESSIVE.
He is going to have sex with his cousin Dani T and restore the order
Not only that but Jon Targeryan was named king over Sansa who has the actual claim.
Northerners would rather have a bastard than a woman lead them.
>Daenerys is attacking Kings' Landing
>Jamie is sent to discuss terms with Daenerys
>He meets Tyrion before the discussion
>Jamie goes back to Cersei with Daenerys' request
>Cersei demands to Jamie to bring her Tyrion's head
>She turns to Qyburn and says: "Burn them all"
>Jamie freezes, he knows what to do
>Jamie rushes to Qyburn and stabs him in the back
>Cersei tries to flee
>Crying, Jamie makes Cersei fall on the ground
>" I am so sorry!", he says as he chokes Cersei
>Seeing Cersei's lifeless body, he brings his sword to his chest and kills himself.
A fitting end, wouldn't it?
I haven't watched the show since season 3.
Has it gone to shit?
That's why these sexists northerners will be destroyed by the supreme lady.
All the female rulers in the show are awful rulers too. Dany was a shit ruler and she admitted it when she made Tyrion hand. He'll be the real power behind the throne if she wins. Cersei is a shit ruler and she is pretty much just queen of kings landing at this point. She couldn't do a goddamn thing without Gregor and Qyburn.
The Queen of Thorns and Sand Snakes are shit altogether they sat around bitching about hating the lannisterd and it took a man, Varys, to have the idea to bring their men to join Dany.
All heavy lifting in the wars to come will be done by men. Soldiers, commanders, sailors.
Sansa should have been the one named QUEENINDANORF but northerners knew they needed a warrior king. They didn't care he was a bastard. They didn't care about the line. They named jon king by acclamation.
The two best battle commanders left alive are Jamie Lannister and Randyl Tarly.
The women did no heavy lifting to get their positions they either had everything given to them, or they used men to get there.
>Propped up by Varys, Tyrion, Jorah, Daario & le magic dragon blood
>Has isolated herself from the rest of westeros and is going to be killed by embodiment of "toxic masculinity" Jaime
>Saved by the guy who sold her into rape and is now gonna lay back and let Jon & CIA carry the burden
Yara & Meera are the only good female characters.
If every female character in the show were to die then there would still be male warriors amd commanders to fight against the Nights King.
If every male wete to die the women would be absolutely screwed and just wait to get fucked by his long icy dick.
The whole reason women aren't in the line of succession is because they don't fight the wars, so why should they get a say in how the realm is ruled.
The main character is still Jon Targ. All the prophecy points towards him being the hero.
That and Jon actually fought in battles for the North. Sansa hasn't fought anyone. The only women who have actually fought people are Brienne and the Sand Sneks. All the other powerful women just give orders.
I miss Rome. It's a shame they made Octavian into such a little faggot. He was one of the greatest men to ever live, and he got treated like shit when it comes to characterization.
They made him go from a scared little bitch who didn't even want to fuck girls and was controlled by mommy to a psychopath
>most pirated show in the history of television
>Dany will land her navy in Dorne
>meets le silica reptiles
>they ally and make their way to King's Landing
>the Estrogenic War begins
>after a bunch of bullshit and people dying, BRAN COMES OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE AND MANIPULATES TIME
>The bumbling highly emotional unstable females of GoT are an inspiration
Wew lad.
Lets be real here. They aren't going to go through ALL that and still be like "oh jon is still a bastard. He's jon sand now"
Bull fucking shit. He's the rightful heir to the throne. There is a lot of foreshadowing in the books Rheagar and Lyanna ran away because they were in love, not because he kidnapped her and raped her
They got married at some point. Jon will uncover something that proves that. He can marry who he wants. He's the heir to the throne. Ellia martel was an arranged marriage. Multiple Targ kings and princes took multiple wives.
You don't have 20 years of buildup for him to still be a bastard.
He's the rightful king.
Can somebody explain to me, how can you even watch this? I hardly managed to watch the first episode to the end, it's so fucking boring. It's like Santa-Barbara in a medieval setting with too much irrelevant information that does nothing but distract you from the real life and politics. I really don't understand all the hype.
Dude Octavian was great I dont know what you are talking about. He wasn't a scared little bitch, he knew he would not be a great fighter but he was fine with torturing and killing when necessary as a kid. He then outsmarts everyone in Rome to the point of calling Mark Anthony a cuck and then murdering him and driving Cleopatra to suicide for absolute power.
>listening to NPR
kill yourself
>She has zero chance at actually taking Westeros
That's already foreshadowed in the house of the undying. She enters a destroyed throne room. The iron throne is covered in snow. She almost touches the throne but then gets distracted by her dragon
The implication is Dany will never touch the iron throne.
>fiction is reality
You sound like you have bad taste.
Hilary Clinton is going after the cuck vote:
Reddit tier faggots hate the sparrows and align with the cruel manipulative nobles because sparrows don't like gays.
There can be only one rightous outcome to this, and it is winter....
Reminder that these are the people cheering for this shit. Gonna be so god damn rewarding when they all start crying because their power fantasies are ruined.
We all know there can only be one ending: No one gets the Iron Throne. The wheel just keeps turning.
Right now Cersei is winning... Dany might win after her... or maybe Euron... or Jon... or Littlefinger...
... but nobody wins for long.
Holy shit, it's Pope Francis.
Bernie did not smited faggots though....