>Your Rage You Lose
Let's get the newfags redpilled. YRYL thread
oh oh I got one too!
smells like it's made-up
Hey Moscow. See that little far right red pill?
See that far left blue pill?
Shove them both up your arse and hop off.
Don't mean to be a shill, but that article is fake and was debunked earlier. Don't share stuff unless you have source for it, don't make us look like idiots.
mb i will delete it
I love that this is the word they chose to describe Muslim attacks and crimes in Europe. They're basically describing them as 'pranks' as if they're harmless.
Thanks for the heads up, but it's reached a point where it barely matters. Native European kids getting bullied by Muslim kids is not surprising.
It's like finding a fake article about an ISIS beheading
Typical habs fan... FUCK THE HABS
Can't rage at this, this is landwhale's rant is hilarious.
Lies are apparently better than truth...
No problem bro, just a heads up. Watch out for them, they'll try to trick us into this more and more as time goes to discredit us
I agree, trust me I've seen and heard a lot of shit that happened around. But as I said, be careful and don't let them delegitimize and discredit us that easily. Watch out
>Bob peeked his head over, taken out by a sniper, worse ways to go though #SNIPER #RIPIP BOB #TRENCH FOOT
>Last look at the lads before we go over
>When you wake up to the mustard gas alarm
> that thing on the right
Goddamn it, if the faggots had literal hell-demons leading them, I'd join, too
hahahaha that's fucking ridiculous.
pic related always rustles my jimmies.
those feels man...
Where is the source? I don't doubt that it has happened, but that looks way to unlegit to send it forwards.
Maoist Rebel.
You sauce you lose. Or win, Or soemthing.
i´m gonna start working out and beat the fuck out of the first muslim i see in sweden next summer
That nose is glorious.
i feel
> Literally
Like, yeah, youknaw, literally uknow
> pic related always rustles my jimmies.
I have bad news for you, user, you might be racist and sexist after all
That's actually a pretty number of us that need to be stopped, though. I figure there has got to be a little overlap on that list, so well under 100.
its because the expression shes making is a primate signal for aggression hardcoded into your brain. it makes you see her as a violent threat
Th Muslims are not going to be thrilled with a lesbian bishop.
>I told my soldiers to charge the machineguns nests or face decimation, they did it the absolute madmen #Trenchfoot #NobleLyfe #ScrewUGuysImGoinHome
>when the war is finally over and you're just
>that moment when dat fat bitch nigga farts and your crew be like
It's almost as if Jews were being progromed out of existence and had to resort to extreme idologies
swedes just got what was comming to them if you ask me
>ITT: Things that never happened
lmao during 1918? Before Hitler's rise?
Its almost like the Jews tried to take over Germany, and the Germans reacted.
Lmao half of the shit in this thread is fake.
the politicians, kikes and libtards are responsible for each and every crime commited by the evil rapefugees
Even black they'd be fucking ugly. The only one who looks remotely normal (with black skin) is bottom left.
Maybe the cervical spine
>last look at the lads before we go over
Fucking hell mate that's too real
>pretended to rob me