>d-don't worry
>once he starts on her, s-she will be finished
Lmao-ing at your life
D-don't worry
Speculation before the debates is retarded.
>still posting Hillary vs Trump only polls
Polls that include the independents are much more accurate.
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
pic related: trump fags on suicide watch
Learn your shitposting privileges you cuck. It's 5 points
That's the margin of error or close to it on most polls and we're a month before the DNC with an active FBI investigation underway against Hillary and months until november.
Everyone likes an underdog
So at best case, he's tied, worst case, he's down by 12 points? Lmao
No, since the 6 points is an average across a number of polls with varying margins of error. The NBC News/WSJ poll putting trump 1 percent behind has an MoE of 3.1, meaning he could be 2% ahead or 5% behind. The ABC News/Wapo with a difference of 10% has a margin of 4 points, but this had less than 900 voters nationwide, overrepresented democrats and independents relative to the general population, and underrepresented republicans (by admission of the data within the poll itself).
Polls at this point are notoriously unreliable, they are (for the most part) randomly robodialing registered voters (or likely voters) and seeing who not only picks up the phone (much less doesn't block the calls, which I do) but is willing to go through the time to answer a political call. That gets you a very dicey sample at best, especially when the sample size is very small (many of these polls are well under 1000 registered voters).
I'm not that worried at that point because most of the polls with wider margins show either a skew in the questions or a skew in the population included relative to registered voter populations in the US.
I think it's anybody's game and Trump could get into some controversy and hillary win just as much as Clinton could get blown out during debates and potentially under the mire of a scandal and Trump wins. Or it could be really close.
Shitposting aside, the numbers don't mean all that much at this point.
Who cares about the Polls before the conventions and before any debates?
That chart hasn't changed in 2 weeks. Either they aren't doing polls, literally nobody is changing their minds, or the forcing of the agenda has begun!
That's it, I'm a #ShilleryForReptillary
B-b-b-but Leicester city wasn't supposed to win so that means trump win
>the city of drumpf
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
have you learned nothing faggot
>Any year
at last I truly see. I'm #Guac4Jeb!
Is trump the next mondale? This shit is hilarious.
Remain is winning in the polls. You're right OP.
Leave wasn't down 16 fucking points
You mean Hillary will be the Democrat to lose in a landslide? I agree
Why does anyone care about the polls before the debates have started?
hmmm that graph seems to be cyclical around 44 % each. just a coincidence or do you think that is prob true numbers for both ?
lmao @ this kid who thinks the debates matter. the only thing that matters at this point is what the bernard sanders fan club will do and then ultimately which way the low information voter will be falling day of the election. Any debate watchers are already decided by now.
so when is the first debate?
Prima facie trash, dumbass. i would say the same thing if trump was way ahead. watch your whore get brutalized on stage and gaze upon your unmaking in the television event of the decade.