Ben Affleck no longer directing Batman movie
i wont give clicks, screenshot the artcle, dumbass
>Evans laughing.jpg
lmao slow as fuck
look at this DOOOOOD[/spolier]
Seriously though, this has to be the final nail in the DC cinematic universe's coffin right?
Not clickin that shit either.
>Ben Affleck has decided to step down as director of “The Batman” and remain on as a producer and star of the project.
>Affleck is still on board to play the superhero, but sources close to the talent said Affleck and Warner Bros., after discussing how to best make the film possible, came to the decision together.
>“There are certain characters who hold a special place in the hearts of millions,” Affleck said in a statement. “Performing this role demands focus, passion and the very best performance I can give. It has become clear that I cannot do both jobs to the level they require. Together with the studio, I have decided to find a partner in a director who will collaborate with me on this massive film. I am still in this, and we are making it, but we are currently looking for a director. I remain extremely committed to this project, and look forward to bringing this to life for fans around the world.”
>Sources say this decision was solely made based on what’s best for the project and had nothing to do with the recent disappointment of Affleck’s recent directing job “Live by Night.”
>Affleck and Warner Bros. will now begin searching for a new director. Sources say there is a shortlist and that “War for the Planet of the Apes” helmer Matt Reeves is among those on the list.
>“Warner Bros. fully supports Ben Affleck’s decision and remains committed to working with him to bring a standalone Batman picture to life,” the studio said a statement.
>Affleck has completed work as the Caped Crusader in “Justice League,” which opens Nov. 17, and he was preparing to go into prep on the solo “Batman” movie this summer. Affleck co-wrote the script with Geoff Johns.
>There had been rumblings that Affleck was considering not directing the film during the past month, but in recent weeks sources say the multi-hyphenate came to the decision it was best to let the directing job go and focus on playing the part.
Nah, wait until Wonder Woman bombed at box office and JUSTice League rampaged by critics then DCEU is officially crashing with no survivor.
This genuily makes me sad. I really liked BvS and based Batfleck was the best part of it :(
Oh my god my day is sweetened by this.
I remember those comments after man of steel.
>b-b-but based Ben will show you how to make a movie, it is going to be the best capekino in history
He's still playing Batman, he's just not going to direct it. sounds like they want the director of the recent Apes movies and that's a solid choice in my book.
I guess it turned out his grandma was Martha so he wasn't able to do it anymore.
you know what will be even more hilarious? if these retards will give the direction to Snyder again
His schedule has to get overloaded at some point, JL looks to be draining the life out of him.
also what's that shit about there being a script, when did that happen?
>JL looks to be draining the life out of him.
He got better. Either way I reckon a Batman movie would be the easiest thing he could make at this point.
MoS and BvS were both kino, so what's the problem ?
Thanks DCshill
>actually referring to affleck as multi-hyphenate instead of lead actor-director
i don't even know this kek
they should've stuck to their tv empire, this is embarrasing and its contributing to capeshit fatigue. their movies are bad and they should stop before they crash the market
>Look it up
>It's real
I'm not really into capeshit much but I was really looking forward into this batkino
>Ben Affleck is good director
Who thought this was true?
another DC movie with a troubled development that will turn out shit
and still make 800m
>disappointment of Affleck’s recent directing job “Live by Night.”
I actually saw that movie. I thought it was well made, it just had a boring plot that didn't really feel like it went anywhere.
It's all good, based Snyder will take over and btfo all the haters
He's already made a Batman movie. It was called Man of Steel.
>MoS and BvS were both kino, so what's the problem ?
what paralel universe this happened?
Take this franchise out of its misery, it's just sad now.
You live in one, Jeb.
>Affleck is still on board to play the superhero, but sources close to the talent said Affleck and Warner Bros., after discussing how to best make the film possible, came to the decision together
lel ben affleck saw the script and decided to get out.
This is what happens when you get good directors to do capeshit, they should go the Marlel route and just hire people from Troma and Dan Harmon tv shows.
But there is no script from what everyone was saying for months now.
Something's not right.
Alright, I think this can't be blamed on WB.
Fanboys and media are to blame here, they have constantly been asking Ben about the Batman movie this past months. Even he mentioned it how everyone just keeps asking him about it. 3 years ago everyone hated him for taking up the role but now they have put so much expectations on him that Affleck clearly knows he might not deliver. Directing, producing and writing the movie is stressful enough, plus I think Live By Night was what made him snapped. Every little detail would've been scrutinized.
This past year he looked so tired.
>poll with 4000 votes on a comic book forum
lol you dcucks are desperate. I can't believe you saved this image.
Chill, mcupajeet. Kek with us, it's over for you.
This. Every clickbait in the world is now waiting for them to fail after Suicide Squad absolutely crushed Dr Strange in the box office despite them begging on their knees for it to flop. When Wonder Woman does decent and Justice League makes a billion, it's going to get worse.
The sad truth is that the internet media got outed as Disney shills pretty hard in 2016 and the numbers didn't help them, so they are out for blood. Ben won an Oscar not so long ago and now he knows those days are over, because the critics won't forgive him. He's still writting the script and starring the flick so it's mostly nothing
Why do liberals call BvS the Donald Trump of superhero movies? Do you think their deep bias against anything "hypermasculine" psyched Ben Affleck out?
>Why do liberals call BvS the Donald Trump of superhero movies?
because Trump is trending and it means more hits.
you didn't think they actually had a reasonable argument did you?
Because it succeed agaisnt a massive smear campaign
Simply amazing.
holy shit
That banner has Doctor Strange next to Suicide Squad. Why did you crop that Marvel flick out?
user, don't toy with my heart. I can only get so excited
S-shut up!
Holy shit Matt Reeves should direct Justice League, not another Batman film.
Yeah cult movies work like that
I like dc movies, but these images make me laugh so much
What is with people wanting DC to failed?
how many flops and fuck ups can DC take
>Fanboys and media are to blame here, they have constantly been asking Ben about the Batman movie this past months. Even he mentioned it how everyone just keeps asking him about it.
That right there was a red flag. It's a good thing Affleck's not directing anymore because he would've end up resenting the character.
is that what's happening or is it just trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls?
FFS all it takes is a one pic of Finn and Rey cosplayers to cause a 100+ post thread that isn't even about star wars but crime statistics.
I don't want DC to fail. I prefer DC to Marvel. It's just that Marvel is making movies I can watch and be excited about and the DCEU is garbage.
It hurts.
absolutely pathetic
>It hurts
Worst part is you'll get someone.
So let me get this straight, he still writing and starring it but wants someone else to direct it so he doesn't get killed of exhaustion?
Jesus you marlelcucks sure take what you can get
Disney shilling and I'm not even memeing
>mfw snyder gets to direct the batman
They should get Nolan to direct. I want to see how Ben Affleck copes with only being able to do a single take for every scene.
Affleck did not confirm he is still writing the movie. He only confirmed producing and starring in it.
picture shot this morning on affleck's driveway
I dont give a single fuck about this movie.Actually this is a good news because Affleck is a bad director,he just need to stay in his lane,act as Batman and thats it.We still getting Justice League by Zack Snyder and is going to be epic so everything is fine.
Affleck himself said he wouldn't direct it if the script he and Johns wrote turned out to be shit.
He's keeping his promise.
This is beyond desperate
Most it could make would be 9%.
>and it's going to be epic
Fucking WB shills
>He only confirmed producing and starring in it.
So making the movie basically
it's all over...
Snyder was born to make a Batman movie, he has that perfect 14 ears old mentality that is required to give a faggot in skintight suit violence and a "badass" attitude.
He got a producer credit so they could legally pay him more money to keep his mouth shut.
Lol dcucks on suicide watch
This was supposed to be their universes one saving grace. Not even happening now.
It's going to happen even if it kills Ben's career.
>Seriously though, this has to be the final nail in the DC cinematic universe's coffin right?
It is for me. I probably would've watched the Ben Affleck Batman movie, but if he isn't directing it then I have literally no reason to see it. Guaranteed trash.
>Sources say this decision was solely made based on what’s best for the project and had nothing to do with the recent disappointment of Affleck’s recent directing job “Live by Night.”
>Sources say this decision was solely made based on what’s best for the project and had nothing to do with the recent disappointment of Affleck’s recent directing job “Live by Night.”
it's marvelcucks. believe it or not grown men dedicate a good portion of their lives to defend the marvel flicks for free.
>superhero fad in full force
>bubble at max, garbage makes 500m if it's based on superheroes
>right before capeshit fatigue, still, committee driven garbage like civil war gets 1b+
>WB fails to establish a healthy franchise
how will DC ever recover?
thank fuck
>Snyder was born to make a Batman movie
If you're OK with this....
Step aside, Ben.
DCucks lost agains!
The supposed savior of the DCEU basically admitted that he is unable to fix Snyder's and Ayer's fuckups, and gave up.
Ben Affleck - Oscar winner, Golden Globe winner, BAFTA winner Ben Affleck can't fix the DCEU. If even he can't do it, there's literally no director on Earth who can.
By dominating in comics, videogames, merchandising and tv as they do now.
The movie franchise has done well so far but looks like shit right now, maybe they'll reboot it or end it after JL and the solo movies
What if the rapist looked like his dad for maximum pottery. Would a foam muscle suit of course.
If only he didn't hate capeshit.
>capeshit fatigue
Show me the peer-reviewed sociology paper that refers to this.
I wonder how many Oscar winner, Golden Globe winner or BAFTA winner want to be involved in the MCU at all.
Lots of good directors made bad films. What's your point?
Brie Larson is playing Carol Denvers.
eh, still better than BvS.
Could be worse
dunno, for some reason all the media keeps putting out clickbait shit about how they basically want DC to fail.
why marvel can still put out the same boring shit for the 15th time in a row and no one bats an eye.
This. This so fucking much. It must be suffering to be a DC fan nowadays. At this point its either delusion or still holding hope that Warner Bros turns things around.
DC Productions are always filled with Director problems, editing problems, time constrains and scheduling conflicts, rewrites and what not. But DC fans go anyways, then any disappointment they might have gets sidetracked by the inevitable "ultimate fix it later edition" and then they forget how shit the movie is.
Give it up Evans. You're helpless without the Koreans.
still we can all agree they are still leagues ahead of the generic liberal shit marvel puts out these days.
This guy has anxiety problems too, as soon as the MCU crashes he's likely to kill himself
well duh