>Trump is losing to someone under a FBI investigation
Trump is losing to someone under a FBI investigation
Other urls found in this thread:
shills out in full force today....
doesn't change the facts
Trump supporters being cucks as usual
>America's only realistic options are a corrupt bitch and a completely retard
Well she's also being backed by the system, so...
not really. The current polls that have stein and Johnson included no one with enough electoral votes. congress gets to pick P an VP at that point. If Trump doesnt tow party line the GOP reps could easily pick someone else.
>a completely retard
Stings...doesn't it?
Has Trump even started Campaigning yet?
Who the fuck cares about the general when it's still 4 months away?
Trump will win
Nope. Calling you out for being a loser.
Trump got 18,000,000 votes to Hillary's 8. She's absolutely pathetic, got fewer votes than she did last time.
>Huu huu huu the polls
Polls don't say shit. They overrep Democrats and none of those cucks are going to vote anyway. You're just setting yourself up for massive disappointment when we blow you the fuck out and seize the country.
I really do like watching Lefties scratch at the Earth for ways out of the pit they've dug for themselves, though. Laughable people, really.
>shilling for someone under an FBI investigation
The fact that Americans (?) vote for someone who literally murdered people, partially through her policy and likely with her own hands as well, and is pretty much a tried-and-true psychopath shows that you should be nuked the fuck off the map.
>everyone I don't like is a shill
I imagine being a Democrat would sting terribly, yes. You've basically nominated a Republican, and your progressive cuck candidate got BTFO by diversity.
Absolutely rekt. Humiliated. Crushed in the Senate, and soon to be crushed again in the Generals. Glorious.
Nope. Only when they repeat shill lines. OP is a shill tho.
>Only when they repeat shill lines.
>OP is a shill tho.
How do you know?
Please pick out the post you made in 2008 on the night before the election in that big Romney pic.
>a completely retard
Didn't vote for Romney. Who voted for Romney?
He's shilling. When you make a thread with no content or substance whose only purpose is to sabotage or promote a candidate, that is shilling. End of discussion.
Investigations over, lambchop,
>and they got nothing!
FBI even admitted it to Washington Post
Many such cases.
>a completely retard
>When you make a thread with no content or substance whose only purpose is to sabotage or promote a candidate,
So is every TRUMP GENERAL thread shilling?
>“Based on the information they have secured from their brothers and sisters in the law enforcement community, there is unanimity on the fact that charges are going to be recommended by the FBI,” he said.
>“It is impossible for them not to, under the circumstances,” he stressed.
>DiGenova acknowledged, however, that Lynch has the discretion to do nothing.
>But to the people in the FBI and intelligence community, he said, that would be “inconceivable.”
>“There is going to be a revolt of Watergate proportions if criminal charges do not go forward.”
Recommending it would be enough as it would be leaked throughout congress + the press and she'd look bad still.
>Thinks that Lord KEK will not save us.
Just leave.
>losing to the jews
Now that's certainly not a trend
How desperate can you be that you invented a pseudo-spiritual belief system based on incremental post numbers to try to deal with the anxiety of uncertainty in your life? These types of psychological phenomenon are well-studied, it's why you count stairs when you're stressed.
>unironically supporting a fucking pupped
I wonder how much before sHillary gets exposed and irreversibly BTFO.
Through her own words and actions she literally killed Qaddafi
>this puppet is supposed to win
how new do you have to be to not realize Sup Forums is all about the memes
>unironically supporting someone who needs to spends half a billion for shilling online
You are pathetic and brainwashed, go back to the cuckshed aka plebbit.
Watch this documentary to learn more about the US:
>a completely retard
>Being this aware.
Good job exposing yourself shill.
Go check for a deposit from the HRC fund.
>a completely retard
>Shillary would ever get indicted
For that matter, the Supreme Court just let the corruption charges on a Virginia governor go away. You'd literally have to get photos of her pegging small children with a strap-on to actually have someone charge her with anything.
shills out in full force today...
Hillary got 3 million more votes than Trump
>hillary is responsible for a mans death
>hillary lied about top secret emails
>she gave no fucks about benghazi
>she thinks the american people are stupid
and you will prove her right if you vote for her in 2016.
Vote for Trump
Jesus, just think of all the african villages that money could feed