>it's a CTU has a mole episode
It's a CTU has a mole episode
Other urls found in this thread:
>it's a Black Bauer episode
>it's a perimeter is breached episode
>it's a someone related to the president is acting irrationally episode
>it's a terrorists says activate it episode
>it's a the main threat is just a diversion from the real threat episode
>it's a we defeated the terrorists but we're only half a day in episode
>its a new boss lays the law down on Jack episode
>it's a Nobody believes Jack even six seasons and bunch of disarmed nukes and terrorist plots stopped later
>Only to regret a few hours later because Jack is always right
>and then they die an hour after that
>it's a seemingly random american family gets somehow involved with the terrorists episode
> it's a Jack not eat, sleep and shit during whole day and not losing his consciousness somehow episode
It's possible to go 24 hours without sleeping, you know.
>It's a "The informant we need just got shot/stabbed by his girlfriend/sex slave/sister despite there being CTU agents right there" episode
The best was this happened more then once, like after that time the informant got murdered by his sex slave they didn't think maybe it might happen again.
>Jack will never choke you out while softly whispering "don't fight it" in your ear
What's the point in living?
>it's a Jack goes rogue and asks Chloe to hack the CTU servers and no one believes him because the new CTU recruit who's actually a mole working for the terrorist boss has been erasing evidence and Jack shoots a suspect in the knee to find out where the bomb is because DAMMIT hes RUNNING OUT OF TIME but the terrorist boss was actually just a patsy used by the real mastermind and gets shot by a mysterious sniper who's probably just tony being a triple agent at exactly the 59th minute before Jack can interrogate him bip 59:58 bip 59:59 bip 00:00 episode
episodes don't last an entire hour, he has breaks to piss
>It's a Chloe acts like a petulant teenager when asked to do something that will contribute towards saving the lives of thousands of Americans episode
>it's a terrorists attack on the day after Jack ate too much Mexican food and has to deal with constant diarrhea and a hell of a hangover season arc
>it's a Kim gets kidnapped but doesn't get the shit raped out of her episode
>hottest bitch alive at the time
>makes a flick playing a pornstar
>doesn't get naked
still infuriates me to this day
It is one of the worst crimes in the history of the human race, user. I am totally serious.
>it's a CTU has a mole episode
>it's a White House has a mole episode
>it's a head of CTU steps down episode
>it's a Jack has gone rogue episode
>it's a Kim is in danger episode
>it's a suspect lives ten minutes from CTU episode
>it's a VP or Chief of Staff goes against the President episode
>it's a muslim terrorists were working for an American business man episode
>it's a who was really behind killing President Palmer episode
>It's a CTU agent just lost some family member and have shrug it off 'to get through the day' episode
>It's a Chloe pestering people who lost their families to terrorist attacks but they can't fire her bcs she's autistic and too indispensable for team so just have to deal with her shit episode
>tfw you will never slap Elisha because she can't give you a good bj because of her bunny teeth but then you can suck them teeth while she's fingering your butthole
its incredible how relentlessly storylines were rehashed each season, but somehow it always ended up being entertaining.
well... almost always.
>that one especially cringe episode where even more autismal Johnny Drama tries to persuade Kim to perform coital activities in a post-nuclear world
Was it only because of chief kief? I can't imagine Black Bauer carrying the show through the same formulaic bullshit
>It's a CTU agent sacrifices himself to save Jack
Damn, that's really sad...
That's the pleasure, the delicate equelibrium betwen rehash and new storylines
like seeing old good friends again
>wonder what the fuck is all this talk about Black Bauer
>google it up
>its a nigger, of course
god fucking dammit
>it's a Mandy gets me hard episode
still can't decide between her and Renee for top 24 qt
too bad mia kirshner aged like cum in the sun
>it's a Bauer needs to kill or injure one of the good guys because the terrorists demanded it and he needs to buy time
>it's a Kim gets stalked by a cougar episode
>it's an open up a socket episode
>it's a patch me through episode
>it's a put it on speakerphone episode
>it's a please hold for the President episode
>it's an open up a satellite link episode
>it's a hack into the subnet episode
>it's a presidential pardon episode
>it's an I want full immunity episode
>it's a you're gonna have to trust me episode
>it's a Jack has to let the baddies torture his qt ally because it will get him in with them
>its a chloe has to go in the server room but the mole is already in there hacking something episode
>it's a Damaged Chloe turned into Lisbeth Solander episode
literally used her gail the snail character
>it's a Chloe has to discombobulate the trunkline episode
Not gonna lie. I would totally hack into her subnet, if you catch my drift.
>it's a white Muslims episode
I would plug in her rerouter, if you know what I'm saying
>it's a Jack tortures an innocent guy for information and it turns out the guy is not that innocent
>it's a Snake Doctor gets killed episode
> It's a Jack never makes a bad decision or is faced to a moral dilemma but people act like this show is edgy episode
>it's a Doctor Bashir goes back in time and meets Jack episode
>it's a Jack fails to save Indian Jack episode
>it's a you watch 24 with your gf and sushis and you don't know she will dump you 1 year later for chad and your happy episode
Atleast you've been happy at some point of your life
What about you user?
>it's a Jack reveal his final form during a torture scene and scare his gf away
Well, you know. Kissles virgin et cetera
did kief bang her?
At least we have Jack, R-right?
fucking kino
Yeah, Jack killing dirty muslims give some sort of piece with my myself
Why do you think she's dead?
>it's a freckle tits episode
Ye he LOVES too much forehead
well kiefer's two ex wives are ugly as sin
he really dodged that third bullet too when julia roberts left him two days before the wedding too
>it's a main lead's alcoholism episode
What did he mean by that?
Is he trying to date balding women like him?
>It's a CTU Boss is distracted by family issues episode
>it's a CTU staff plots to take down the boss because he's either a mole or is emotionally drained from the stress
>It's a Tony tries to look threatening episode
>it's a Jack commences a perfectly executed sweeping and infiltration of a baddy-filled multi-story complex thanks to open sockets and real-time updates of sat imagery on his 90s flip phone
>It's a Jack goes rogue episode
>it's a Jack was right all along episode
>it was a people are surprised that Jack was under cover all along episode
>it's a Sherry Palmer is a bitch episode
>it's a Jack must get a key source of information back to CTU in time episode
>it's a key source of information is killed before Jack can get him back to CTU episode
What are you on about? Women commonly have bigger foreheads than pre-balding men.
>It's a make it seem like the shady-looking vaguely-ethnic CTU worker is a mole episode
>It's a shady-looking vaguely-ethnic CTU worker wasn't the mole after all episode
>It's a shady-looking vaguely-ethnic CTU worker gets killed by the real mole episode
>It's a hoping that the background CTU agent extras aren't killed but 9/10 times they are episode
>it's a That one well known B-list actor portrays a rather unfitting role
I always felt bad for those security guards who got killed when the mole has been exposed and tries to escape.
I also feel bad for the security guards that Jack has to beat up when everybody thinks he's gone rogue and has to escape custody
Finally get to post his
>It's a President Palmer see through his wife's bullshit and she gets BTFO episode
Not really no. Not with no-trans women.
More like not enough life in your wifedead baby
>But, at least he was cool and tall. I didn't have to take my shoes off to do scenes with him, which they made me do at 24.
>Just put the guy on an apple box or don't hire me next time. You know I'm 6 feet and he's 5ft 4ins."
>It's a "this room we said didn't have CCTV cameras and was an explicit plot point actually does now because we didn't know who we were gonna make the mole until now" episode
RIP Spicbro.
What are peoples' opinions on season 8?
I've been taking my time watching the series over the last couple of years with long breaks to avoid burning out, but now I'm considering continuing.
>It's a literal who scooby doo meme actor brings up insignificant horseshit from half a decade ago to cling onto some relevance episode
>It's a Kiefer Sutherland is surprisingly a manlet episode
Season 8 is a weak season but like most 24 seasons overall, the last third after they trim the fat and non-ctu intrigue it's tense as fuck and packed with action.
it's probably why LAD worked for the most part because there wasn't time for "boring new character has to drive their kid to daycare".
"Kiefer enjoyed working with Freddie and wishes him the best."
>real mole was the friendly CTU worker all along
I see. As long as it's not the worst season I think I'm fine with it.
laughing operators.jpg
First half is weak. Especially with all that Dana and Kevin shit. Second half is pretty good.
>it's a Jlaw was the big bad mole all along and nukes CTU series finale
You fuckin kidding me?
Season 8 has some of the most iconic scenes, and the GOAT last 3 episodes
Fuckin Renee is cute CUTE!
I literally said the last third was tense and action packed, how did my post come off as super negative just because I said the season was weak? I mean that Jimmy James bail bondsman/Starbuck stuff was grating until starbuck was revealed as the mole
So I see there's going to be some scenes there's no harm in fast forwarding over.