>what's in the headlines right now?
Black people.
>no. We tried Kevin Hart last year. What else?
Androgyny and transgendered people?
>Perfect. Put xir in every movie that comes out in 2017.
What's in the headlines right now?
Other urls found in this thread:
she is a dyke tho
Clearly doesn't have a dick, just a . Could have been attractive if she grew hair and never got tats(
Can't handle gender-neutrality?
>With regard to childhood gender nonconformity, Rose said she wanted to be a boy while growing up and that she was saving up money to physically transition from female to male. She said, "It was in my mind as something I wanted to do and then I just... didn't. I guess I grew out of it. I even used to sleep on my front because I didn't want to get boobs ever, which I think worked actually."] She stated that modelling led her to discover androgyny, and allowed her to model with different gender expressions. She recalled, "I remember being at a Yum Cha restaurant with my dad and the owner coming up and saying, 'Excuse me, we're trying to work out if you're a handsome boy or a beautiful girl.' It was a compliment and I was shocked, and when I thought about it I actually wanted to be a handsome boy".
Rose is genderfluid, saying, "I am very gender fluid and feel more like I wake up every day sort of gender neutral." This announcement came approximately a week after she released Break Free, in which she visually transforms from a very feminine woman to a heavily tattooed man. Rose stated, however, that she prefers to continue using feminine pronouns.While if she had to choose a sex, she commented that she would choose to be male, she does not feel like she should have been born with different body parts. Seeing the desire her transgender friends had for transitioning, she asked herself if her need to transition matched theirs, and concluded that she is satisfied being gender neutral. "I think at this stage I will stay a woman but ... who knows. I'm so comfortable right now I feel wonderful about it, but I also fluctuate a lot," she added.
i would to be her pusy slave
I know she's a dyke, but I guarantee I could pull her if we were in the same room.
I know you're shitposting but this has historical precedent FYI
She looks a lot better with long hair
quick post your penis length and wallet contents
Well, since there is a trend awakening these days to sell movies to new significant population cultures like China, Muslims, Indians;
the feminism shit is gonna have to go out the window soon, followed by all the LGBT shit.
Who cares
We make the third worlders love LGBT shit too
Penis is average 8" x 6"
I don't carry a wallet. Haven't used cash for years, everything paid with cards
Wish she'd die. Worst aussie export since bert newtons son.
Nope. If the lead singer from All American Rejects can't pick her up, you sure as fuck wouldn't,
I bet you can, have you gotten pickup training from r/theredpill and r/pickupartists? :)
Nothing androgynous about her, though.
What the fuck
How are you gonna make them?
The usual tactics?
>you have to accept it because of colonialism
Chinese, Indian, Muslim cultures respond: KEK
>you have to accept it because of your privilege
Chinese, Indian, Muslim cultures respond: KEK
>you have to accept it because of imperialism
Chinese, Indian, Muslim cultures respond: KEK
>you have to accept it because you are white
Chinese, Indian, Muslim cultures respond: WUT?
>you have to accept it because WW2
Chinese, Indian, Muslim cultures respond: KEK
This feminism and LGBT shit ain't even working on Slavs, and you want to make even browner people to accept this shit?
They won't accept it simply because they are not obligated anymore.
They are the perpetual victims and have a free card to not give a shit.
You gave them this victimhood card.
If you try to change their cultures to accept Western values, that's racism and cultural appropriation.
She can be your girl tumblr.
just laser it off, come on..
The routes you poor bastards take to persuade yourselves you're being victimized almost beggar belief.
is this actually used outside of tumblr?
By this failed TV hits host, yes.
Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.
We're far past three sir. This is a war on whites.
A tattoo is just another way of saying, "I am a shallow, vapid attention-whore" without actually having to say it.
If your tattoo serves as a "memory" of the deceased, you're only causing yourself anguish. Memories were meant to fade. The brain has evolved that way, for a reason.
If your tattoo expresses an opinion, then know that an opinion should only be expressed (a) from the mind (b) from the heart or (c) not at all.
Adding to that, people who have their body degraded with tattoos are far more willing to have their body degraded in other ways. After all, "I've come this far. Why not experiment a little-further?" Such people will turn to recreational drug use and, in the more extreme cases, steal from family, friends and strangers alike to feed their disgusting, utterly selfish habit.
Tattooed people are the scum of the fucking Earth.
t. friendless virgin
This post perplexes me.
The first thing that struck my mind was, "This person does not have a very good grasp of measurements."
For instance, if it was meant to be a joke, then you would assume the length would be a lot longer, to accommodate the absurd 6 inches of girth the poster claims hangs between his legs.
And if its not, 6" in width is fucking ludicrous.
Also, if all he has if plastic, and doesn't have a wallet whats he carrying it in, a purse? For a second I assummed I was dealing with a savvy, witty and urbane lesbian and this was some sort of inside humor used by modeling cliques or something, but eventually I came to my final conclusion.
This post is idiotic, and the person who made it is an imbecile.
Good god, what the hell?
Guy looks like he transitioned young then decided he wanted to transition back. Its too late son, you've got boobs now.
Maybe people get tattooed because they like how it looks?
slippery slope much?
I agree with the sentiment, keep the body pure, but get a life guy.
Lets be Real the only reason Genderfluid crap exists is because of one thing.
This started it all, Animalkin, Gender shit ect all from one god dam cartoon.
Prove me wrong, this cartoon literally covers every bullshit tumblr "gender"
>ywn fuck her straight
Yes, its definitely not a problem that predates mankind.
That was 2016 you moron.
2017 is about powerfull leading men of white skin and aryan ancetry.
Now that's /ourguy/
All women do.
Good fucking louck with that
China has always viewed itself as an empire, that's one of the main reasons they freak out so badly when western demons treat them like shit and got away with it, they when to their room to cry and smoke opium. Nevertheless they maintained the idea of being superior but in need of an upgrade, like Japan. See Empire of dust for understanding how smug chinks are. India is pretty much its own world and it has Bollywood already so they don't really need to deal with western bullshit.
Is that cancer?
When was this?
Chinks have the ultimate victim hard sonny.
Americans gave Unit 731 immunity despite millions of Chinks dying to their chemical and biological weapons in WW2, all because USA needed their research. Chinks remember this to this day and won't give it up.
That's all Chinks need to bring up to give a middle finger to any American "muh feminism/muh LGBTQPBBQ" shit.
Chinese fucking hate the contemporary western values.
They only have a liking for that old western ethics and high culture from a century and more back. That common decency shit.
But this "march on the streets wearing vagina suits and writing on bare tits" "progressive" shit of today? They laugh at it and call it an embarrassment.
she's a big guy
If she takes that mask off will she die?