>Sup Forums will defend this
Sup Forums will defend this
Yes, Sup Forums does defend good movies. Your point?
Also, not an argument.
I-I posted the wrong picture
>Yes, Sup Forums does defend good movies
Average movies like falling down and plenty of even worse movies get defended here too.
>Average movies like falling down
Just because you don't get the movie and can't relate to it doesn't mean it's not a great film.
just cause you're autistic enough to relate to this movie doesn't mean it's not shit
it's not great but it's certainly not bad. It's a good movie, fun time, and very remembreble. Unironically makes you think. 7/10
If you can't relate to the main character you are the autistic one.
It's shit
>I'm the bad guy?
>It's shit
Why? The intro scene alone makes it not shit
anyone else think joel shumacher has an evil twin that breaks out occasionally and makes a terrible movie in his name? i mean for every dc cab, there's a falling down. did the same man who directed incredible shrinking woman and batman and robin direct lost boys?
poor acting poor direction poor script poor execution
only a teenage or manchild will relate to it.
>i'm the bad guy?
no you're the autistic guy
>he thinks robert duvall would've chose to star in a movie with a script that isn't good
The direction is by far the worst part of both Falling Down and The Lost Boys. Joel a shit. It blows my mind that he was once a sought after director.
yeah, halfway through my post i was looking at his substantial imdb page going jesus, he's only made like 3 watchable movies. still got a huge soft spot for falling down and lost boys though
>teenage or manchild
implying you're anything more
Such a strong moment.
>only a teenage or manchild will relate to it.
>>i'm the bad guy?
no you're the autistic guy
"Wahh I don't relate to the main character that means the movie bad!!"
I bet you hate taxi driver too pleb faggot
Why did he killed the Nazi guy?
shut the fuck up. taxi driver is good acting good script good execution good idea good plot. though the main guy is autistic here too
only current Sup Forumslacks i.e. reddit migrants like falling down
Just fuck off back to /s4s/ and stay there you underage meme loving faggot.
hold it... you're here the one who's the same age as reddit, that shows on that you hate this movie so much
get a better quality still if you want to use it as a reaction image