>It says here, and I'm quoting, "I watch TV shows as a hobby".
>Would you like to explain that?
It says here, and I'm quoting, "I watch TV shows as a hobby"
Explain your hairline *drinks water to hide smile*
I... I have other hobbies I like music
>What does that have to do with anything?
>laughing intensely
Yes, Mr. Carlson, yes I would like to explain that. As a hobby, I enjoy watching television shows. One could possibly say, that I enjoy watching television shows, as a hobby of sorts.
This guy is awesome
what's wrong with his hairline?
tucker is my waifu
I'm a digital artist, so it's always nice to put some background thing while drawing, if I'm doing a simple stage like coloring then it's a perfect time to watch something I haven't watched before, if it's one that requires more attention I usually put on some film/show I've already watched, music or some youtube videos.
No one cares
yet you replied
Well first of all, we live in a bigoted nation, and B what you just said is completely false I have never , not once, watched TV in my entire life, and it's lying suspected white supremacists like you that peddle these racist lies all the time.
>Well, it's funny you say that because I have here a tweet of yours where you say.... *rummages around papers* ... here it is... And I quote "LMAO that episode of Game of Thrones was so fucking lit, women rule the world 100!"
T-Tucker! No Tucker! That isn't Television Tucker! That is - Tucker! That is a lie, game of thrones is kino, not televison - Tucker!
kys weeb
I like this new meme and I quote I like this new meme.
Post pussy cat pics.
>I'm sorry but we're out of time. You should probably keep track of what you write on social media though. Bye.
>Guest tries to respond but is muted
I also don't care, as I stopped reading your blog post when I got to digital """artist""". Yet here I am replying. This disproves your assertion that replying means caring. btfo by simple logic
>fading the sound down instead of cutting
You're a sexi..
Where's your bowtie, Tucker? How come you're not wearing your bowtie?
what did he mean by this?
w..well, you see, my tastes are patrician, you see I have good taste, like the romans had plebs and patricians and the plebs were like slaves or something, not that I approve of slavery, they weren't as low as slaves but lower than me, a patrician, and, well, you're a pleb, aren't you, you're a normy, you think women like ellen de generes can be funny and stuff, or you'd never admit it because it would make you unpopular, but I say things like this on Sup Forums where you can post anonymously so I can say things like that, all my friends are there, even though I don't know who any of them are I spent countless hours there during my unemployment learning about um.. cinematography and what is quality kino, kino? kino means cinema in some eastern european language it is a more sophsticated way of saying it, el sophisticado! ok sorry, didn't mean to make you cringe, uh.. anyway, well, I care about cinematography and filters and frame rates and aspect ratios, unlike most people, the plebs I mean, now I admit I have never made a film, I just critique movies I pirated and watched by myself, but you can do a lot just by doing that, a lot of clever hobby stuff, I mean if you were patrician like me you'd understand and see why it is a plus, but I guess you're not
Why is she so annoying to listen to? Why can't libtards talk like normal people?
Not studying history is a sign of a pleb.
I don't just watch them. I also talk about them with fat virgins, racists, and pedophiles on an internet forum. I guess you can say I know more than the average viewer.
This one is my favorite. He genuinely makes the professor look like a moron.
>He genuinely makes the professor look like a moron.
Well, because he is.
>I want to explain it Tucker, but you have to let me finish. Tucker. Tucker. Let me finish. I watch TV shows. I have friends in the CIA. I have a dossier labeled "Tucker Carlson: Hobbies". Tucker. Tucker, if you just let me...there is a wall, covered in stars...Tucker, stop cutting me off and I'll explain...Tu
I would like to see her in thigh high boots t b h
Release it, Martin.
>mfw watching this live and someone pointed out that the pages were all blank when he opened it
>he printed out the cover page, grabbed 100 blank pages and 3 hole punched them all, put them in the binder without even printing fake nonsense on them, got those colored tab things and stuck then throughout them to make it look like he did his research, and brought it on as a prop
>then after getting repeatedly BTFO he got triggered enough to open it and pretend to read from it, while flashing the camera his blank pages
So why doesn't he wear the bowtie anymore?
legitimately the best show on television right now
those debates are pure kino
>Is it true that you have stopped eating your shit?
Tucker, that's not a fair question, with your background you should know beter than to ask a loaded question like that-
>Have you stopped eating your own shot yes or no?
T-Tucker please, it's insulting to insinuate such-
>Yes or no?
Tucker, I have never *audio cuts out*
> Well there you have it. He has never stopped eating his own shit. Yuck! Let's head over to the twitter storm.
Based tuck
I only watch film
No one noticed him until he didn't.
that started out painful and ended in hilarious
Yesterday he was trying to shame a guy that ran a refugee charity for not asking all of his clients if they condone genital mutilation
seems reasonable to me
I only play videogames
So you make music?
>In 2005, about 56 percent of male newborns were circumcised in the US
huh anonymous
well it says here, and I quote "i'm a faggit"
It's not a charity when the charity gets most of the money from the government.