What does Sup Forums think of Tim Heidecker?
What does Sup Forums think of Tim Heidecker?
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four letter word
rhymes with buck
>lost their show
>no health care
>not funny
I think he's getting a divorce
i fear for his mental health
That's not very nice.
Holy cuck
Hes not that bad. At least he's not Brett Cuckman
I'm really curious to know how you got this.
Public records.
I assume
I'm sure they'll work it out in the end.
why do men even get married
>Reasons for divorce: Mr Heidecker respects women too much
enjoy paying alimony cuck
>back hurts
>gained a lot of weight
>daughter has a cold
>not walking on clouds everyday
>no health insurance
I think he's only as funny as his senior editor wants him to be. Anyone can hold a straight face while saying ridiculous shit, but it's the 90s video effects that fly around them that make Tim & Eric's shit funny.
I appreciate his online stuff more like On Cinema, but even the gags in that are like beating a dead horse lately.
>wife has no job
>doesn't need to get one now
>I think he's only as funny as his senior editor wants him to be.
I realize Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general is on a hate spree for Tim and I get that. But I don't think this applies to him at all. It is more true for Eric than it is him. Tim is an incredibly talented artist whether you like the guy or not, he is a great performer.
Hi Tim! So how's it going?
Tim is a master of the long con.
>I realize Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general is on a hate spree for Tim
it's our friends from r/the_donald with pepe twitter accounts
>everyone who isn't an sjw is from the donald
Why do leftists mean by this?
Why would he even say something like that to a paying fan? So he didn't like the show. OK. Fine, but insulting people who payed to see you is downright fucking pathetic.
Hope he loses it all.
3k alimony and no kids
Looks like we have a new queen of snark.
Could be worse honestly.
2 kids
thats not his is it?
Yes. That's him and his newborn protesting at LAX.
kid looks nothing like him
>his newborn
he wasnt kidding about being a cuck
alimony is kind of a funny concept
i think i'd rather kill myself than pay someone money for nothing
I'm gaaaaaaay and I voted for Obama
His editor, doug lussenhop, is talented af. He also edits the shows Portlandia and Eric andre show
>hee hee i'm not a cuck guise my divorce is not real, it's all an act, i'm super smart muh 100000000000 layes of reality
Watch that happen in about 6 hours when he wakes up. Watch his twitter.
I used to like him but then he started saying nasty things about daddy Trump and it made me feel sad :(
Yes, he's great. A wonderful, intelligent comedian and actor. Plus, he has a great voice. A true all round with a future so bright it could give you a suntan.
I still feel like Tim is conning everyone here, no one serious about all this makes a song like I am a cuck
I don't think so. I've been following their work for 13 years and I genuinely think that Tim has a mental disorder.
>Stabbed in the back by a nig nog
>Stabbed in the wallet by his wife
Probably takes after his dad
Fake and gay.
Who's the lucky father?
He's only good when he's behind the camera.
He only makes 144k/year in California hahahahahabababahahababanrjsjfjsksksbfjgjtkens
Anyone got the photo of Tim with his wife's son?
>in commiefornia
Sure maybe to a broke dumbfuck socialist
I guess they are going to be making a lot of content this year.
Production company is probably his primary source of income. He's in movies and TV shows, music videos etc. He made 800k on The Comedy.
Then it would be listed
He's broke and no one gives a shit about him anymore even his wife
Look like a bunch of hipster faggots.
wheres oswalts wife?
Tim, ?, ?, ?, Patton
What the fuck is that from?
I really like Tim. I think he's one of the most brilliant minds in comedy alive today. Every project he's attached to is usually quality.
I don't really care about the most recent political shit because it hasn't really entered his work yet beyond his On Cinema character being a conservative. But I think he's really going all out with this virtue signalling stuff because he knows he's fucked if they go after him. As funny as it was, Awesome Show pretty obviously exploited the mentally ill. I think he's under the impression that he's one thinkpiece away from somebody fucking up his career by pointing this out. So he's trying to get the blood off his hands. Honestly though he probably has nothing to worry about though since everybody in comedy was on Awesome Show and it'd also throw guys like Patton or Michael Ian Black under the bus by assosciation, even if that assosciation is minor. These types often eat their own, but unless he really provokes them he's safe.
Tim, Marilyn Gail Porayko, some comedian who I can't but a name to, Aimee Mann, Patton
Some blog/twitter/instagram thing. This is how they dress up to watch Downton Abbey
Hillary fundraiser.
Aimee man is like 60 years old. looks fine.
Poor man's Sam Hyde.
didn't he donate 50k$ to hillary's campaign. what did he mean by this?
I wonder if he picked up any chicks.
First tweet of the day and no mention yet.
Never really been a fan of Tim and Eric but Tim Heidecker seems like a pretty terrible person from what I can see.
>Promote Free-Speech
And you're PROUD of this?
>Literally parading around in public with signs asking women to assume all positions of power.
And then these faggot liberals get mad when they get called "cuck", as if it weren't a shockingly accurate term.
people kept saying it was with irony, but I knew it was a cry for help