Did you know that France and Russia weren't important during WWI?
Did you know that France and Russia weren't important during WWI?
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Russia would make sense, considering the Eastern Front was more fluid and dynamic than the trench warfare of the West.
But American niggers were! Thanks swedes!
Not enough nigger regiments in Russian army.
And France will need it's dedicated white flag dlc first.
Did you know that Killery strikes again??
I know they are trying to appeal to American buyers, but they should've implemented French and Russians before they even thought about Americans.
>caring about EA's "dance around with a springfield" simulator
I'm not 12.
>Ottomans included
Sure ANZAC tech would be exactly the same as British but its like they do not care about historical accuracy at this point.
>World War 1
>black soldiers everywhere
>they were ACTUALLY trying to put in female soldiers, but received enough pushback to backtrack on that apparently (thanks to Feminism finally getting women included in the Draft, now they're feeling a bit more terrified that they'll have to die for the international jewish profits in WW3)
>using the wrong guns for WW1
pretty good completely fictitious Science Fiction game
but seriously where's the REAL world war 1 game where it's hundreds of thousands of young white european men dying in a stupid, pointless war fought because the corrupt governments said "WOOOOOOOW WE SPENT ALL THIS MONEY ON MILITARIZATION, SO LETS USE THESE ARMIES"
uhhh what about us? we basically won the fucking war. We were considered british back then or something? smdh
american propaganda changing history.
what else is new?
How the hell can they make a game that's set I'm France and not include the French?
Playing as the French would be a really nice change for once
I'm on my phone and am a lazy bastard. Can someone explain?
Yeah I guess you and straya were brits back then lol. Game devs are lazy anyhow
we would kick german's ass if not the judens
fucking jews
Small ree 2bh
Would even play as a cheeky Australian cut c-close enough
Who do you think helped liberate France the most from polls in 1945 and 2004
The game is set in 1918 I believe, so not having Russia is at least historically acceptable, they left the war in march but even before then the bolshevik government was not really an active participant.
>but seriously where's the REAL world war 1 game where it's hundreds of thousands of young white european men dying in a stupid, pointless war
>Be Austro-Hungarian soldier
>Have mentaly handicapped leaders
>Be sent to charge into mountains
>Die glad that you are more important than the French
>Be Ottoman Soldier
>Have completeley retarded leaders
>Get sent into Armenian mountains in Summer uniforms.
>Die of cold
>Still more important than the russians
this triggers the russkie
As long as Americans are in it that's all that matters really
Everyone else is nothing more than a bit player in the grand scheme of things
In 1945, 57% of French ranked USSR/Russia as the main contributor to allied victory. In 2004, 58% ranked the United States as the main contributor to allied victory. Cold War politics and pro-American/NATO propaganda has diminished the perceived contribution of the USSR to the war effort.
What do you expect from a bunch of fucking Swedes?
Dice is a swedish company. Once again europeans blaming the big bad america and cant accept any responsibility.
Oh shit I only just saw the year. Thought it was just the month and was really confused.
Yeah, fuck that. Cheers for the help!
>play as american but not russian
I think I remember one of the DICE employees saying that the French will get their own DLC
>no Fedorov Avtomat
>no Mosin-Nagant
>no 7.62x54mmR Maxims and Winchesters
>no M1895
inb4 DLC
>Swedish games
yeah a premium DLC. because it's EA and they want to milk all the cash they can from american parents.
Russians probably will too, it's just a stupid exclusion.
They have to cater to the american audience, and their american owners. They never did this stuff before nigger loving nation #1 bought them, as is the case with most media. Americans buy, cuck shit ensues.
>that picture
You know it's like that for everyone that isn't white damn near everytime.
I'm nerd raging.
What do you think about this statement Americans? Sweden is blaming you.
French are french
Wasn't there communities uprising in Russia?
>Modern gaming
BTW BF1 threads on Sup Forums are getting 404ed, wonder who's behind this?
>does not include Serbia
fuck you, battlefield.. i thought we started the whole thing by killing archduke Franz Ferdinand
So why don't they make their own games? We shouldn't have to cater to these inferior specimens.
Not so much "blaming" as stating facts. Anything americans buy and start running turns from what it was before them, to cuck/brown-people-only-shit.
I mean, hell, americans love niggers so much they elected one for president - TWICE!
Yes and their weaponry consisted of pitchforks and torches.
Even though your country did contribute to Germany not steam-rolling France by diluting their forces, a large portion of your army were not well-equipped or trained at the time.
>using the wrong guns for WW1
All the guns used existed but most were experimental or limited issue
Why would you want to play as a faction that surrenders almost immediately?
That game is 1000000x better than battlefield 4 with slightly changed maps and guns where you just run and gun. Trenches with objectives in the enemy trench wouldve been kinda cool
Underage detected. Every game has done France and Russia, almost none of them ever gave a fuck about the ottomans even though they were the biggest players in the start of WWI. Shit like OP are the reason video games are so samey and shit nowadays.
>MFW French army will be DLC.
>top kek
>every game has done France and Russia
go ahead... name a few.
i dont know what to do.
On one hand i can play something other than Day of Defeat:Source.
On the other hand no russians or french, and too many dindus.
Brothers in arms
Red Orchestra
Kill yourself
that's world war 2. not world war 1.
Just think, as the Italians, you can select either side, safe in the knowledge that you are not affecting the outcome.
In my history class we were taught WW1 started because Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated by a Bosnian
Sorry no one cares about your nation dude
>Red Orchestra
that's also world war 2. not world war 1.
you can't say that "every game has done France and Russia" because there's hardly any games that feature world war 1
very good! there's ONE game. unfortunately it doesn't feature Russia, so technically still incorrect.
Holy shit doesn't even know the difference between WW1 and WW2.
>getting this mad over a VIDEO GAME
We lost the most as % of population. Most healthy, young males died in that war. We would probably have a population over 20 million if not for the fucking wars
he was serbian
Sorry we were too busy winning both of them to make a distinction between the two. Faggot
Are Canadians, Australians or New Zealanders gonna be at least DLC? Us colonies did our part, damnit.
>puts 6 (SIX) fucking nations in MP
>faggot OP complains they didn't make it 8
>his country fights a single battle of significance
>his president that no one even liked comes in and claims full credit
>his president's poor handling of the peace negotiations lead directly into world war 2
>Austro Hungarian
>grown men playing video games
There's your problem.
>American education
"Gavrilo Princip was a Bosnian Serb who assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife, Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914. Princip and his accomplices were arrested and implicated several members of the Serbian military, leading Austria-Hungary to issue a démarche to Serbia known as the July Ultimatum. This was used as pretext for Austria-Hungary's invasion of Serbia, which then led to World War I. Princip was a Yugoslav nationalist associated with the movement Mlada Bosna (Young Bosnia) which predominantly consisted of Serbs, but also Bosniaks (aka Muslims) and Croats. During his trial he stated "I am a Yugoslav nationalist, aiming for the unification of all Yugoslavs, and I do not care what form of state, but it must be freed from Austria."
They couldve left out the roaches, traitors and niggers and added the french and russians instead.
da fuck is up with all deez a
white boi contrees doe? We all no dat da wore wuz mostly my anzeztrill nikkas reppin da afrikuh set bruh.
That was my point, my teacher literally glanced over it and said something like Bosnian guerilla, didn't even name him. Stressed that it was more about alliances than one guy getting killed
Video games are developed in white countries or in Asia. Not in Africa.
There is a difference between Serb and Serbian. Serb is ethnicity. Serbian is a person who is born and lives in Serbia.
>what are $40 DLCs?
>Oy Goyim you can't have fun, you must only work to pay for a whore and her son.
>ww2 starts and we clean up the mess europoors made
>britain loses empire status
>germany loses empire status
>lol france
>develop a nuke and use it
>usa is now #1
I want you to understand something. You do not represent the American soldiers that died in those wars. You should be fucking ashamed of yourself.
Really makes you think huh
DLC for the 2 major factions of the war. Wow.
>fighting in the First World War
At best a few volunteers went over.
>canada talking about how another country should be ashamed
so your teacher's shit job at teaching you history justifies that no one cares about the cause of one of the biggest wars that shaped the modern world?
sounds more like your teacher is a fucking retard and the american educational system has failed you.
he was more than just a serb, though. he was a serbian nationalist.
>the mess europoors made
you realize that Wilson was the one who presided over the creation of the mess, right? He went in with the intention of destroying the German Empire.
>WW1 topic
>People can't play as Russia
>They can't play as Stalin from 1917 to 1945 cucking the Krauts into oblivion
Feels bad man
I thought Germans were always diverse?
Whites may have lost a considerable share of the USA since the 70s, but blacks are still a tiny minority. They have not gained any ground.
>arrogant as fuck
>having no idea what the war was actually about
>spouting out empty threats even though he's get his ass beat if he was actually in any real conflict
i don't know what you're talking about. He seems to represent the american soldiers of wwi really well.
>its wilsons fault europe was controlled by (((hapsburgs))) for 1000 years and tangled itself in retarded defense treaties
>Did you know that France and ... weren't important during WWI?
Is France important now or something?
It's true through, Russia didn't do shit.
Not having France is dumb through.
So that somehow makes it less appropriate for a fast-paced FPS???
Just like WW2 the only reason the Germans lost was lack of manpower
in both instances if they had had double the soldiers they would not have lost
So not the nation that hosted the endless trench warfare (France) or the nation that got its shit pushed in by internal turmoil that would redefine the world for the next eighty years (Russia) but plenty of Americans who joined the war later on.
Seems like you could argue for cutting us the most or maybe just pasting French/Russian gear on some guys.
>"""redneck education""""
I understand now why 90% of the best students in USA are chinese
It would be so fun to play Serbia vs Austrougarska.
Imagine blasting this on speakers while you plow through enemies.