Anakin, wait!
Palpatine is the Sith!
Anakin, wait!
no one will ever believe you
No shit Dooku. But I have yet to hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise.
Yes, but was he a good friend?
>I sense a plot to destroy the Jedi. The Dark Side of the Force surrounds the Chancellor.
>know that the chancellor is evil
>do nothing until anakin tells you he's evil
where the jedi literal fucking retards?
Nothing personnel, Count.
after episode 2, the way the jedi act as a brainless disposable army and get rekt by a bunch of droids , i would say yes.
Remember when Count Chocula told Obi Wan straight up in AotC that the republic was being run by a sith lord and everyone just dismissed it without a second thought even though the jedi themselves didn't trust the chancellor?
Mace Windus politics is why the Jedi fell.
That was point Luacs was making.
The jedi were so blinded by their ego - they could not belive that a sith lord had taken over right under their noses.
The comics version doesn't roll off the tongue as much.
What makes you think that he knew?
clone wars show
What reason would sheevy have for not telling him
The exact reason for this thread.
That would never happen
Dooku wouldn't call him Anakin, he'd call him Skywalker
Dooku didn't know palpatine was Sidious.
He did.
>good anakin, good. now chop off his head.
Been a while since I watched the movie. I thought that Palpatine was controlling the Republic through the senate meanwhile Darth Sidious was controlling the CIS via Darth Tyranus.
Dooku (Tyranus) actually believed in the ideals of the CIS and wouldn't have obeyed Sidious had he known he was actually palpatine.
I could be wrong but this is how I made sense of it.
I seem to remember it being left vague, although whenever dooku talked of the CSI he seemed passionate and truthful.
Him not being a part of the deception also makes sense with his OHSHIT moment when palpatine orders his death
As said in episode III novelisation only reason to not suspect chancelor for being sith is that he already rules republic.
He tried to tell Obi Wan about a Sith in the Senate.
It's a clusterfuck of plot and character motivations, but yes Dooku knew Palatine was Sidious.
Because he did. The entire capture of Palpatine was a ruse just to help lure Anakin to the dark side to help their cause. Dooku just wasn't aware that Palpatine was planning to replace him.
well sheev never told grievous he was a sith lord either
grievous thought sheev and darth sidious were different people
>Luke,did I ever tell you about a Sith that used a double-bladed lightsaber. It started attacking my master Qui-Gon on this very planet,that was when my master Qui gon was making his way back from winning your father in a pod race event.Qui gon took your father from your granny who he couldn't free unfortunately.When that Sith showed up,it furiously attacked Qui gon with extreme haste skill-fully somersaulting from a fast moving speeder bike,Qui gon managed to evade the Sith by force leaping on the starship entry bay I remember saying to my master "what was that thing" Qui gon only knew it was trained in the dark side. On the starship was your mother,father,myself and this little droid r2d2. Anyway luke,Once back on naboo that red stripey horned huminoid Sith thing showed up dropped it's black hooded cape and attacked both me and my master,we didn't ask any questions during the battle,like "why are you trying to kill us" we just had a proper Jedi Sith 2 v 1 in the depths of a naboo spaceport. after a good ten minutes of light sword duels the Sith warrior force threw me from a 90ft high walkway that had no safety barriers,Master Qui gon and the Sith were now 1v1,I didn't use my force run to catch up and got cut-off from the action,trapped behind this red plasma stuff that switched on and off like a timed laser door,standing, useless behind the door, I watched as Qui gon got stabbed with one side of the horned beings laser sword. Once the laser door thing opened I attacked the Sith and cut his sword in half,but the Sith got the better of me,and force threw me down what looked like a bottomless shaft,luckily I grabbed on to a small light fitting,the force grew strong,and I used Jedi arm leap pulling myself straight up into a front flip over the Sith force grabbing and activating Qui gons laser sword on my way over it's head,I landed smoothly then somehow managed to cut the Sith in half by taking advantage of the fact that it didn't know how to use the High Ground.
>we didn't ask any questions during the battle,like "why are you trying to kill us" we just had a proper Jedi Sith 2 v 1 in the depths of a naboo spaceport.
I sense a *BRAAAP* *plop* to destroy the Jedi
I thought not. It's not a story the Jedi would tell you. It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life... He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. It's ironic he could save others from death, but not himself.
chancellor palpatine is evil
Nice try, Count Doofus!
>it's a "Sup Forums doesn't understand Star Wars is fictional" episode
dooku was kinda generic