
shut up and watch your country die.

Fuck off Himmler.

Watch and enjoy.

Don't worry, it's never going to happen.

I know, just annoys me that some cunt makes this shit up. We're definitely voting to stay in if there's a choice for the people.

How would Wales survive? What is their economy based on?

>Fuck off Merkel
FTFY. Himmler would despise the EU, not for the power it has, but because of what it has done to Germany.

EU handouts.
While Scotland uses British handouts.

sheep and tax evasion

Minor wounds, meanwhile the train crashes

To my it's an easy choice. If you stay in the EU you have to bail out Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese and other people of questionable genetics. If you leave, you get to take care of your own business, and don't have to bother with helping people you have nothing in common with to begin with.

There's no reason why we Northern Europeans should have to pay for Southerners and Gypsies. Let them take care of themselves, or die starving, I don't fucking care.

Plaid Cymru only consists of 20% of the welsh assembly. It doesn't appear that they have much in the way of support.

Not only that, didn't Wales as a whole vote to leave anyway?

Exactly, it just pisses me off the powerless cunt does anything for patriotic voter support.


>tried to leave
>you wouldn't let us
Might as well milk it

>tried to leave
We didn't want to leave.

>ww3 will be caused by the balkanizatiin of the uk

Yeah but I've spent a long time here, and I get the sense that a decent amount of "Welsh" people have gone full on N Irish circa 1970 and think that Wales should never become independent "because it's literally been over a thousand years"

IF Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland DID leave the UK and joined the EU, there would be no EU. So what is stopping some fucking Golbalist cunt getting England to join the EU.

Im ecstatic that we left, but the Left Wing are just fucking making me REEEEE in my head all the time now.

We all hate niggers, muslims etc but I fucking hate liberals more than anything.


I meant if the IRA, Scotland and Wales left the UK, there would be no more UK.

If I recall correctly 55% of us didn't want to leave.