Be a liberal democrat

>be a liberal democrat
>be upper-middle-class and well-educated
>circulate memes like this (←)
>"Why do poor white people vote against their best interests?"

Other urls found in this thread:

>A friend uses a picture similar to this as an insult.
>Look them dead in the eyes as they are laughing.
So its funny that this person is so beat down by this country that he has no fucking teeth hardly in his head, yet he is the problem?

>He is just a stupid redneck, and he is white, he is the issue keeping people down.
He has no teeth in his fucking head, and he is the problem?

>Yes user, why cant you see that, they choose to live like that.
Just like how black people choose to sell crack and kill eachother hourly?

Yet its his fault that he is beat down by that same system?


Tap dance around this horse shit.

because not well educated shits are easily swayed by the media and become SJWs


Anyone poor is beat down by the system, blacks just have other shit coming at them too. Poor white rural folks who vote R every election straight down the line are fooled into voting for policies that hurt them financially because the person they're voting for supports policies that hurt other people socially.

It's sad, not funny or memeworthy.

didn't they say he was gay and they interviewed his boyfriend ?

>higher taxes and bloated social programs that only benefit Dem parasites help the working class

fuck off

The media has been trying to push the "self-hating gay" narrative to get away from the Snackbar narrative that plays into Trump's right wing. FBI has found no evidence that he was gay, just a bunch of hearsay that the media jumped on.

>A friend
Doesn't sound like much of one.

Democrats are openly devaluing low skilled labour in our country with no end in sight.

What the fuck are you talking about "best interests"? You think what poor people need is free shit and limitless migrants to come from the third world to steal their jobs at slave wages?

Get fucked retard

Well I'm with her

Can you tell me how the average white person is going to in any way benefit from a Hillary presidency?

nah nah, you can be "well educated" and still be an idiot. You should see some of the people I have to take classes with. Your point still stands.

there are a lot of uneducated minorities and niggers that vote domocrat.

Maybe all the shilling for minorities and hatred for whites by democrats is why they vote against them.

Maybe the open hatred and insults by leftists makes them wary of giving them power.

It seems no matter what, if you're white and poor, you might as well kill yourself.

Vote Republican
>Good work Goy! Give it another 20 years, that wealth with trickle down eventually, faggot.

Vote Democrate
>You are white! Give all of your money and your house to this poor refugee family from whogivesashitistan. That's not enough! On your knees you fuck!

I think this type of stuff is hilarious and infuriating. The utter lack of self-awareness on the part of the leftist that is. Like, do upper middle class liberals not realize that they are the bourgeois of the Marxist system they probably espouse?

Because this is 100% evidence of that. Liberals secretly hate the working class. And then claim to espouse socialism or other ideas nominally good for the poor to virtue signal.

playing pretend is for children faggot

spot fucking on

Liberals seem to think "oh, well free trade lowers the price of imports & consumed goods, so we should go for it. And so what if the working class gets hurt by offshoring, we'll just make more welfare programs for them."

First of all, let's be honest, larger welfare programs just aren't gonna happen, because so much of this country is propagandized into the "moocher" myth.
And second of all, working class people don't want welfare. They don't want dependency. They want jobs and purpose.

Fun fact: everyone can be retarded regardless of political ideology. Being from a class or going to places of learning (education???) do not diminish or negate the fact that you can be absolutely retarded.

Including you, OP. Unless you meant to stir some shit; I've seen a handful of armchair professionals and people who don't have comprehensive pictures of their specific bents, on top of people who do, in this thread alone. And they probably mean well. They probably have rationalizations as to why this or that is valid/sound (or both) and there is absolutely no other conclusion that can be made/absolutely no other series of factors that exist.

>all muh liberals
just like
>all my republicans

Hot damn, it's not remarkable by any means- it's banal. The generalizations are gross, the "autism" is at large, and slight most (if not all) of the valid points a number of anons are even throwing out. I would not trust anyone in this thread to get me a glass of water without fucking it up.

It's not going to change. Seize the day, and continue being a faggot. Most likely, no one will know, or try to stop you. You'll just find yourself in a room of equally-retarded faggots.

It's their own fault really that they don't vote for their own class interest and become reverse-identity voters. Poor who vote neoliberal are akin to white wiggers who devote their time to BLM

A lot of the time it's due to """""""""""cultural issues""""""" that they vote R because in 'murrica somehow fundie christians and neoliberals ended up in the same camp

least he's got ol' chomper