ITT its 1776

HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS ACTUALLY LEFT THE CROWN?! you have ruined my future i hope you're all happy with what youve done. I wanted to remain, I cant believe all of you are this stupid. and all over FUCKING TEA!!

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Loyalists are merely lacking in Common Sense.

Fuck Leave. I moved to British North America and I'm staying here. I don't care if I freeze to death. At least I won't have to deal with a government of slave holding racists! #NotMyRevolution

But sir it's a piddling little tax that helps provide security to the network that brings us nice stuff for cheaps

> not reading common sense

Sorry lad, we suffered more by being in this Union then being out of it. Cheer up you old Quaker, things will be ok soon.

"Insurrection is the most sacred of rights and the most indispensable of duties" - Marquis de La Fayette

My wife's negro and I argued about tgis, and have come to the conclusion that remaining with the King is the best option. It's 1776, how can you believe we would survive the new world?

how can we ever recover?


Hey guys, please sign my petition to have a second revolutionary war.

By the grace of god

> yfw a forger has signed 33000 different signatures to that petition




The British Empire is one of the most powerful in the world, and the largest importer of our goods. You fucking separatist morons have cut us off from her and left us to the mercy of the likes of France and Spain. The colonies are done. How could we ever recover from this? You've relegated us to the dustbin of history. I hope you're happy.

> the mercy of the likes of France

This, my fellow gentlemen showcases how far Britain and her liars will go to spread this libel. The French have help us with her navy, how dare you curse her name like a common beggar?


>250,000 yank royalists actually did move to Canada

Enjoy a broken economy and global irrelevance, Americuck savage

Cotton prices are already down 12%. The lowest hey have been in 80 years.

If this continues I will have to liquidate a lot of my assets in slaves.

>There are people on this board not fur trapping out west in God's Country.
Enjoy your war over fucking tea you uppity secessioniggers.


How will they ever recover???

>serious reply here
You know if America never left us, the British empire would have probably still dominated the world. As America's potential was realised, London would have ceased to be the capital of the Empire, and the USA would have been the centre, let's say Washington the capital. Washington could have had royals, beautiful architecture etc, and the British empire would still be glorious and unchallenged today. No World Wars would have ever happened, and if any new ones did they would be shut down instantly with full force of America etc united behind the crown. The world would be so different, but it would be beautiful.

>Code Geass

> As America's potential was realised

Yeah, that sort of why the downfall of British and American relations began in the first place. Let me explain

Do you know why Americans love freedom, or how it became the longest running meme in all US history? It's because the British didn't give a fuck about it's small little slither of 13 colonies. They didn't even give a fuck about Americans in general, despite all their allegiance to the British crown. They considered Americans to be trash, to be uncultured and to be dirty, you can see this in the French Indian war where most American soldiers weren't even trained by British soldiers, British soldiers were extremely condescending to Americans and basically told any Americans under their command to go into bunkers and tidy them up (in which the Americans just decided to get drunk out of pure boredom). But there was one key plus in all this, the British didn't govern America as it did on it's homeland as well as it's other colonies. They essentially left Americans to a brutal continent to survive the best they could with little to no assistance. That's where the love of freedom came from, Americans thrived in it. When Britain actually realized what they had in their hands, they started imposing more acts and laws which really started to piss Americans off. Some of the laws weren't even necessarily bad, the tea act actually made tea cheaper. It's just that Americans didn't like the British telling them where they have to buy their tea and the level of government involved.

Tldr: If the British ignored America and just let it keep going the way that it did, America would have still been part of the British empire

They won't. Huzzah.

10/10 thread.

We dominate the world now user. Even our bitch-boi Putin admitted that the United States is the only super power left in the world. This is still with the Negro in Chief Obama trying to diminish our power in the world.

dont break character please, make your own thread for that, i will report you for treason to our sherrif, enjoy your whitch hunt

So you are saying it's America's fault you live in a leftist shithole now?

daily reminder that thomas paine lied to you all

You are in luck that I can not duel you, for I do not know your name

actually the revolution was a dick move. British only want extra taxes to help pay for a war the colonials started.

Look at this. Is this how you separatists present yourself to the world? Tarring and feathering people just for their political beliefs? It's fucking disgusting.

You're all violent, bigoted lunatics who are going to run these colonies into the ground. Kill yourselves.

Ayyyy. That's me in pic, good times.

fuck off britkike


not a brit, I just read history objectively. Washington murdered a french embassador, and started the french and indian war.

The UK had to send in a shit load of troops and resources to help them. British soldiers died protecting the colonies, and then americans turn around and start a war on them

We need to bring this shit back.

>lick lips
>I got something to say
>opens can of grape soda
>while we're here guys let's change something real quick, trust me it'll save people lots of hassle later
>let's just add some shit to the second amendment
>shut up I know what I'm doing Jefferson
>just add another sentence that says any attempt at infringement will be met with death by firing squad
>aight, franklin where'd you hide the hookers?

Tfw I'm still not a country

>he read common sense
*tips tricorn*

>Tldr: If the British ignored America and just let it keep going the way that it did, America would have still been part of the British empire

american education, everyone.
English people in the colonies demanded the same rights english people in england proper had.
As they left england they lost their representation. Westminster argued that colonies are virtually representated.
An Agreement couldnt be reached before republican secessionists took up arms