European SUPERSTATE to be unveiled

The foreign ministers of France and Germany are due to reveal a blueprint to effectively do away with individual member states in what is being described as an “ultimatum”.

Under the radical proposals EU countries will lose the right to have their own army, criminal law, taxation system or central bank, with all those powers being transferred to Brussels.

Controversially member states would also lose what few controls they have left over their own borders, including the procedure for admitting and relocating refugees.

The plot has sparked fury and panic in Poland - a traditional ally of Britain in the fight against federalism - after being leaked to Polish news channel TVP Info.

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Phew, dodged a bullet there mates.

Do you have a better source? Express is utter rubbish

Seems the eu is cucking itself more and more every day, the day of the rope is soon user's. All the slime and niggerdom will dissapear into thin air when the true sons of europe wake up.

Mmm~ feels so good to be free.

It's not going to happen. Except for Belgium maybe, no other member state will back this. It is also known the EU thugs in Brussels desire a federation. I don't why people take so seriously.

Because they've been moving towards that goal for the last thirty years with the support of politicians across Europe.

Remember the EU Constitution that got turned into the Lisbon Treaty?

Wtf I love Britain now!

how to prevent this from happening and what if your country's currency is Euros?

Yeah, I'm sure that would go over well right now and totally won't lead to a chain reaction of countries telling them to go fuck themselves.

I hope these delusional morons actually try to push it.

>Remember the EU Constitution that got turned into the Lisbon Treaty?

I remember it very well, and I agree with you. I'm just saying that currently, thank god, the populations of the member states will not tolerate watching their nations being dissolved and turn into a federation.

> Europe and our voters do not want to give the Union over into the hands of technocrats.
>implying the morons sitting in Brussels are technocrats

Flanders wont support this.
Don't talk about shit you know nothing about.

This was the "conspiracy theory" plan all along:

Get out!

Is there anything they can do about it? It took the UK many years to get to the point of referendum; can countries like the Netherlands pull out in time?

The thing is, they've never been further away from that looking like a possible thing to do than now.

>Germoney starts WW3
>claims they want diversity and tolerance
>after the war diversity is treated like the holocaust
>Christianity and traditional values flourish

I can dream right?

Only because we left. They're in panic mode at the moment.

I'd say that even before you had your referendum it would have been hard to push that plan through.
They probably gambled on you voting Remains o they could run a media campaign and try to turn that into "EU Euphoria!" before they go through with it.

Only that the morons in their ivory tower have no idea how the people feel and misinterpreted the situation pretty brutally. They didn't even have emergency plans for the case that you leave because they thought it would never happen.

So in the end Brexit folks made the right choice. This idea will end in bloodshed.

Does it really matter what voters say? European matters involving the EU are littered with ignored votes. The EU wants their European genocide, and will ignore voters to get it.

Everything can be avoided if we just kill the jews.

To be fair, we (the UK) didn't really think it would happen either, and we're now realising that as a country we don't actually know what we want. Not to be part of the EU, sure, but what specifically do we negotiate?

>The public broadcaster reports that the bombshell proposal will be presented to a meeting of the Visegrad group of countries - made up of Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia - by German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier later today.
>later today

I call bullshit
All we can read about that mysterious proposal is a cheap Express article. We didn't hear anything similar anywhere else. There would have been more leaks.

So the hat trick dream is still alive?

3 - Nil in wars????

America's make sure you get Trump for them wings of liberty brand spanking new fighter jets.

We got the sea.

>Does it really matter what voters say?
Yes. Because contrary to their EU counterparts, the politicians of the individual countries still have to go through elections and have thus at least a tiny bit of accountability left.

And so far the EU is lacking its army to just overthrow European governments.
> Oh Captain, my Captain!

Well, we still have time. Brussels is slowly moving towards a federation, but if they go through with it, there will be civil uprisings. Maybe a Nexit is required. Economic Free Zones are great, but fuck a federation.

Start with Russia and China. You could actually negotiate way better deals with them outside of the EU (at least China) since you don't need protectionism. You have no real manufacturing industry, importing cheap shit from China thus doesn't hurt your own economy.

I was honestly surprised that someone actually thought there is any conspiracy involved. Conspiracies tend to involve secrecy, and you know, actually hiding your intentions.

Looks like we got out just in time. Notice how they kept this til after Brexit to not scare us

Yes! We Won! Now Send Them Back!


Nah, there's no way they are THIS stupid

I just thought about this some more. If Germany actually started shit, it would be almost a perfect WW2 rematch.

>Trump is elected and America builds up military force while becoming more isolationist
>Germany (EU) controls much of central Europe
>France surrenders again
>UK and Russia battle EU from multiple fronts
>Trump and Putin team up and America comes in at the last minute and kill steals

There is no hope left, get comfy and watch the world burn, veli.

Brussels need to burn, and quick.
Now that the Brits are out and having actual nuclear weapons, maybe they could do us a solid and accidentally nuke Berlin and Brussels. Just say a cup of tea spilled over the motherboard in some nuclear armed sub or something.

> Visegrad group of countries - made up of Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia - by German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier

I call bullshit too.

The ministers of all of those countries would be just as likely to beat Frank-Walter to death as they would be to just verbally object.

>Conspiracies tend to involve secrecy,
Yes, but the definition of a conspiracy isn't secrecy.

That's been the dream of a United Europe since after World War 1: To wipe away national identity and uniqueness, supposed causes of conflict. Or to establish control over the entire Continent without pesky things like Democracy.
It's pretty scary and I'm glad most Brits want out if it, but you better hold your politicians accountable and do it quickly before they try to renege or before the EU uses the time left to fuck you over more.

Yes but they seem to be pushing alsorts of things through now without giving a shit what people think.

Amen, brother.

The brexit vote won't change anything substantial. The UK is still getting its muslims.

its appeared in dailymail

There was a thread about this earlier on too. This news had been on a Polish pro-EU website

I have no doubt immigration will still happen, as it should to those qualified. But they won't have to deal with "open borders" in the EU where people can just go from Germany to wherever they want.
They can screen applicants and immigrants and pick who they want in their nation.

Fuck the Russians. India shoult be High up the list, South america is worth a look.

No, I'm saying immigration will not change at all.

Is there anything on wikileaks about it? I feel like someone would give it to them before the daily mail unless its just some MI6 or ex-stasi faggot with nothing to lose screwing around

it's not wikileaks worthy because it's been an open secret for ages.




>tfw threepeat

"only because we left
"good thing we got out"
"Haha get fucked eurofags"

You do realzie you're still in the EU, you massive bumbling britfags? You probably will be for at least two years, even. And there's no guaruntee you'll even get out even with a referendum. A referendum is just that, a referendum. Not a political decision backed by the government.

You just showed that Barely over half of the voters think they're better off without the EU.

Thank kek we are out. Looks like the EU is about to become one big country with the 'experts' in Brussels in charge of each nations army, economy and borders

>Britain opposes EUSSR
>EUSSR happens anyway, Britain stays as "trade partner"
>WW3 happens when EUSSR admits Ukraine and re-asserts claims on Crimea
>EUSSR gets nuked into oblivion
>Only states left worth talking about after dust settles are Britain and China
>Anglo-Sino alliance forms NWO
>ASA conquers the galaxy

>good thing we got out
ok dutchbro. You are right. Were not out yet but at least we've got a referendum result saying we want out (not that they wont ignore it). At least weve got some 'armour' though and it feels good.

You need to get yourself a NEXIT referendum quick bro

>tfw they speed up and make the superstate before the Uk leaves

As if they're just going to give up. Didn't you get the memo? Soros is - very upset - about the british exit. This will not stand, surely the goyim will not be allowed to act this way towards their masters.


If Britain and China are the only ones left, they'll just blanket your little island with nukes and take over the rest of the world.. you know that, right?

Go ahead, kill a billion Chinese. See if they care.

China has an export economy, they need consumers

We have a service economy, we need customers. China makes the shit, we handle the finances, everyone is happy except the radioactive Germans

>thinking millions of devout muslims will fight for the EU army
they would rather barricade their getto streets and kill each other

more like england and iceland will be the only survivors
>mfw England will still not be able to win eurocup

Why in the ever living fuck would the Chinese need help counting their own money?

The thing is the leavers are going to read this and go "I KNEW IT!!"

All media is jew lies until it tells you what you want to hear, right Sup Forums? You fuckers are so gullible.


>Under the radical proposals EU countries will lose the right to have their own army, criminal law, taxation system or central bank, with all those powers being transferred to Brussels.

any of you morons actually believe this?

why would they nuke us if there was no need?
let's be honest, if it weren't for Mao, China would never have faltered from being the most ubermensch civilization to ever exist and to have ever existed.
i'm okay being part of the servile whitey protectorate under our squinty eyed ching-chong massas.


I know but the result is better than nothing. There is so much salt coming from the media and people about the result it feels like a colour revolution might be brewing!
Wonder which colour Georgie will chose for us?

Why count your own money when you can have an entire island of accountants to do it for you?

i actually knew they wanted to unveil plans for a european army following the brexit vote.
and everyone knew their long term goal was to remove all agency from the national governments of their members states.
but i never anticipated they'd go this far with this one proposal.
i never realised that in wanting to create a european army, they wanted member states to disband their own national armies.

>implying I want out of the EU
I don't give a fuck about a few thousand niggers extra niggers. We're 50% niggers already. But I kind of like financial security and peace. I sincerely doubt we're going to have peace if all of us fuck off from the EU. Also my savings will be worth nothing.

civil war is coming...

...can you feel it?


It's knows. that example

Yeah, or some 10 fold of your own accountants who are more than willing, and already inside the loop.

Face it. The greatest empire to ever reach around the earth will soon have the importance of a Banana Republic on the world stage.


Yes. Ive felt it for quite a while. Fingers crossed i'm just paranoid!

it's not civil war while the member states are sovereign.
it's like a pre-civil war

>I don't care if I get raped, the cock's already half in

Bad shit is about to go down. Don't know if it will get to mass violence, but things are going to get very nasty.

Hope you all got /comfy/

Only thing that makes me lel is the Scottish bitching about the referendum.

We're laughing at Sturgeon too.

This is all about refugees.

If they can't make welfare conditions relatively equal across Europe they can't spread the invasion out thin enough. If they can't spread it out thin enough a couple of countries will collapse first, before the rest is sufficiently infested which will proceed to cleanse themselves.

They are getting desperate, the refugees are simply too vile to allow them to pile up in Germany and Sweden much longer. Even the most cucked nations of the union have their limits, they need to take the pressure or it will become a danger to white genocide.

the fire finally rises

fucking savage

Is it war time soon?

>tfw wanted race war got eu war

Would this have happened but for Brexit? Probably not. And we all know nobody will do anything about this. Why would we? We never have. It aint going to happen

>implying they can convince slavs to tolerate niggers on welfare getting free housing and more money than we could ever earn

We would kill them all

They're doing it in response to Brexit. They're afraid most of all of their European federal dreams falling to pieces, so they will force an ultimatum to tighten control and end any chances of more members leaving once and for all.

This is make or break time for European nation states. Like the British people, you will have the entire global establishment against you.

Therefore Brexit is a 5D zionist chess move. EU was kind of fine. Now look at the secessionism and economic crises. Besides. The right wing put the refugees here

>mfw /pol defeated illuminati for lulz.

Nonetheless even though he is Brexiter, Corbyn is best for pm though

>implying people get raped here
Unlike in Germany, if someone gets raped here they are public justice'd to death.
There have been 0 rapefugee related incidents in the Netherlands so far.

We'll see which laws start to pass. It doesn't take much to get military and law enforcement excited. Bobbies probably do need work, though.

Kamerad, wo liegt dein Problem?
Der europäische Kontinent unter deutscher Federführung liegt endlich in Reichweite, wie kann dies dein Blut nicht in Wallung bringen?
Oder bist du kein Volksgenosse?

Please, I'm not good at newspeak. What does this actually entail? Can some Sup Forumsiticians translate a few passages?

Source ?

I literally spent the last 6 months crying and whining and begging "the UK" to leave the EU. Like, I had no evidence and this wasn't about refugees, I was just feeling this irksome pain, and I was begging the whole country, in a way it could not hear me, to leave the EU.

>They leave the EU

>Three days alter, this

I'm so fucking happy they got out.

So good I have tea leaking out of every hole