Give it time.
>ratings meaning anything in a post 2008 world
it's all made up who cares?
This is just to scare people into thinking that if you are not united with Europe you can't make it on your own as a nation.
Credit downgrades arent something you can fix over night, britbong.
The whole country will now pay more to manage its debt internationally. Expect other EU nations to hold this shit against you as you desperately try to negotiate for the deals you have already
You'll note that the UK hasn't done anything yet, and the ratings agencies and value of the pound are causing worry.
Doesn't this tell you something very fundamental, that such moves are not based on real issues or changes but just worry and speculation.
When that worry and speculation goes and we see the UK renegotiate trade deals not just with the EU but probably china and India and other places we'll see the value come back.
To shit your pants about it a few days after the referendum results is just silly, these things are in constantly fluctuation and will bounce back given time.
lmao fucking britpoors
>Credit downgrades arent something you can fix over night, britbong.
But it literally changed over night.
>Credit downgrades arent something you can fix over night, britbong
That's why he said "give it time"
He specifically said "fix", stupid.
Shit, I just lost a million bucks.
Oh wait, no I didn't....because I'm not some big financier and am in fact a regular joe.
Checkmate, globalists.
Love how Britain has been the most resilient in the markets, while the cucks facing economic disasters are laughing at Britain
Degrades rating based on feelings. God damn people in finance are like women. No wonder the economy tanks all the time.
Happened in 2013, its nothing.
>implying EU nations aren't collapsing due to one fucking person talking about leaving
Lol, Stronger IN the EU huh?
brits on suicide watch
>The guys who fucked us all in the ass in 2008, we're supposed to feel bad for now
So it's possible for it to be destroyed in one day but not fixed? Wouldn't the UK declaring the referendum invalid and ignoring the vote of the people (something that several MPs suggested) "fix" it over night? Wouldn't that be the case Mr economist?
>Government bond yields at record lows
>jews lower our credit rating
UK: yo guys can we talk about it?
EU: fuck off
Jesus Christ, maybe you should try reading up on what a credit rating actually is before you shitpost?
Britain isn't an EU nation. ;^)
>implying that means shit
Hell, the US lost their AAA. Doesn't mean a damn thing.
don't worry United Kaliphate; this is just the Germanic types being so butthurt that they can't help but act like scorned women on a nation-state scale
>oh you are out of the EU? fine, I'm throwing your things off of the second floor!
S&P was the only one that still had us listed as AAA.
S&P: Northern Rock PLC Outlook Revised To Stable; 'A/A-1' Ratings Affirmed
Issuer: Northern Rock PLC
Date: 10/21/2008 Rating A/A-1 Rating Action: Affirm
Outlook: Stable Outlook Action: Revise
S&P: Northern Rock PLC Outlook Revised To Stable; 'A/A-1' Ratings Affirmed
Gooooood! The longer they don't want to talk, the shittier the situation is going to be. Until it will be unbearable for the whole economy to wait.
Then UK will negociate ANYthing!
Is this the beginning of a British depression?
Yeah and the stock market made up of imaginary money also dropped.
Who gives a shit?
Your bank account is also imaginary, dipshit.
"Imaginary money"
Anglo version of Treaty of Versailles incoming.
i'm not a jew and i don't work in finance, i couldn't really care less
>jews strike back with made up rating
Rome wasn't built in a day, but it is arguable that it was destroyed in one
learn to read you fat fucking nigger, he said give it time
Most bad loans that crashed the economy had AAA rating
>Says the one with most debt in the world
who /junk/ rating here
>Eurocucks madposting this hard
kek,. You guys are platinum mad. Enjoy your refugees.
so who is going to be the PM after cameron leaves? you guys got a VP or something?
not that anyone fucking cares but Hillary killed some dude. anyways fuck you /pol.
You will care soon enough.
yea, it's all imaginary
wait.. do you goys keep your wealth in the form of imagination?
if you do, I would recommend turning them into real assets. If you live paycheck to paycheck, then
ha.. kidding, I know you live paycheck to paycheck. No room to talk
eat shit bulgaria , you won't leech off proper countries anymore
EU is done
So they're what now? AA+?
That's America's rating and they're doing all right.
So for all of Sup Forums's posturing about being so informed and repilled it has become apparent in the last few days that as a group you don't even have a cursory grasp of economics.
The conservatives will vote for their new leader, who will take charge until the next general election.
>credit agencies caught colliding with big bankers with obvious agenda during the last financial crash.
I'm very well read on the topic but I'm not a keyboard economist like you so you know, I'm not so smug, sorry about that. If you read the article from OP's pic, you'd see their credit rating was slashed due to a forecast of instability following the brexit. The main factor in the forecast was the referendum result. If the referendum result was deemed invalid, I can guarantee you the credit rating would be restored within a week. Then again, this is S&P the same agency that was sued by the US government for fraud and egregious conduct due to inflating ratings so it's not like they have a stellar record when it comes to being trustworthy.
We'll see. But the Brexit was a smart move for the future. Short term economic turbulence is a small price to pay for freedom from irreversible demographic changes. The EU is in the process of collapsing, with or without the UK. The Brexit, if it even happens, will save the UK a lot of trouble down the line. According to Pew research 49% of Europeans surveyed wanted out of the EU. It's only a matter of time.
>you don't even have a cursory grasp of economics.
Neither do economists you see on Sup Forums..
Wtf I hate sovereignty for nations now!
Get out of my face, you irrelevant meme.
i smirked
>credit ratings lowered after leaving the eu
The UK hasn't left, this is just from uncertainty.
We haven't left yet. That "credit rating" is just the news trying to scare us.
Jews* fuck.
And are you scared?
You can't let them sway you through economic terrorism.
If you make idiotic policy choices like suddenly backing out of the most important political alliance of the last 100 years, then it's likely you're going to start being an idiot in other ways
>repayments have not so far been affected
>credit rating downgraded anyway
the wrath of the jew
Wait, are you seriously considering making this fat fuck your PM?
>Not knowing how the world economy works
As far as leaving the EU goes, the only thing I'm worried about is no longer being able to buy these EU energy drinks that I love.
Nice trips btw.
Stay mad.
> can not even make an argument.
America is also considering voting for a fat blonde walking talking meme so why not?
>S&P threatens to downgrade US treasuries
>Obama justice department threatens to sue them for rating sub prime mortgage backed securities better than junk
>((mysteriously)) backtrack and claim the US is sound
wow so impartial, these IMF/World bank ultrajews definitely aren't manipulating the markets and goys
everyday i lose hope when i see just how powerful these people are, I live in some Orwellian nightmare world where pretty much everything a normal person hears about is lies or propaganda
we'll beat ourself until you die.
Well, the EU fucked every single country up tis much, no country can survive without EU-Money.
Every Country has DEBT they never can pay back.
Sold best State Property and Farmland....
S&P rated subprime mortgage loans triple A
who the fuck cares what they think
also how does britain leaving the EU in any way reduce the reliability of its debts
I don't know what you were trying to do, but apparently you didn't try hard enough.
>mfw brexit is a huge geo-political powerplay, and it's working
Well done, you played right into Putin's hand.
that is literally the only argument the leave side can come up with
Should i buy 10,000lb when its 0.90 to 1$?
>Hasn't actually left EU yet
>Credit ratings lowered
Jesus Christ they aren't even trying to hide it anymore. If this isn't evidence of the globalist conspiracy, I don't know what is.
UK won't actually do the deed for another two years so their credit rating taking a hit means it's obviously being artificially hammered by higher ups. Basically a punishment to the little guy for not falling in line and being a good goy.
The fact that the people do not immediately see through this farce is madness.
Being redpilled is painful. Get me off this ride.
thx for the Evangelion mene
>You'll note that the UK hasn't done anything yet
That is the point. You need to act quickly now otherwise the uncertainty will hit your economy harder than any fast and clean Brexit ever could.
gotta get dat cheap russian energy pham
What are you talking about? Do you guys knows how markets work, how uncertainty leads to panic? Not everything is a huge conspiracy. Get your heads checked, seriously.
Credit ratings are based on a lot more factors than just a market slump. They are supposed to be based on large data chunks over time in order to assess ones ability to pay their debts. The entire point of credit rating is to take time into account, and not rise/fall with every single little misstep.
Lowering rating over market data that is just three days in the making is extremely unusual and should be cause for great suspicion.
You know what? This is a good thing.
it is about time it is hammered home that we can't keep spending vast sums of money that we don't have and having a budget surplus for years and years while ignoring the ever growing national debt.
Maybe lefties will start to realise that austerity measures aren't just for the hell of it, and actually serve a purpose as reckless spending has consequences.
no offense (to me)
but.. the US isn't a good credit rating to follow
>Credit downgrades arent something you can fix over night, britbong.
Neither is fixing the EU, sacrifices have to be made.
I'm happy to be in the country that had the balls to do it.
We had the guts to do it.
>muh shekels
if money is all you care about, why not just convert to the kikes?
Poor whites are still whites, and arguably better for sustaining a white society.
Im happy too, hopefully a lot european countries will follow your lead. I have no hope for germany, but france could to it.
Without france as a main player, the rest of EU will collapse- make europe great again!
Nice flag Alexander
And now they're in the exact same place as the USA or France.
Going to AA+ is how the financial community punishes countries for doing something they don't like, regardless of whether it was actually voted for.
Russia is BB+ to BBB- at this point. China is AA-. Neither is going to crash and burn and this just gave the world markets an easy opportunity to squeeze a bit more money out of the UK.
Not that he was set to testify against Hillary, either. Fake and gay.
>Get into this union Cameron!
If people know someone is going to do something then people act accordingly. You are demented if you think people will act as if the UK isn't leave the EU until it actually leaves.
Knowing the UK is leaving means people will change what they are currently doing and change future plans as well.
you should not elect the guy who has already backtracked on /breh/xit
>right into putin's hands
if you think that having a separate military power for putin to deal with is "playing into his hands" then you might be a Finn